updated health tips and articles


Whole Body Gives Us the Whole Story

Aimee Kartzman

We Are Not Just A Pancreas, Nor A Liver Or Even A Spleen.

This revelatory experience came to me one day walking out of a doctor's office (concluding what seemed like dozens of serial visits with no real answers). At the time, my body was weakened, I was confused and most importantly, I was yearning for connection and for someone to truly tell me what was wrong with me. Tests were run, some items were picked out, and potential other doctors who specialize in these items were then referred. But, where was it all going, besides the drain out of my wallet?

I was tired of someone staring at my blood results or my liver enzyme count and then looking at me with a glazed over, indifferent stare. I couldn't afford one more of these visits (emotionally and financially!). I simply wanted some answers that made sense and for someone to see me, and not as an organ or a lab result.

At the time, what I didn't realize is that I was looking for a holistic approach to medicine. Holistic medicine can be utterly useful for 'patients' like me. This type of patient, who we can name Patient X are many. Patient X can be your mother, brother, friend or even you! Patient X is someone that from a 'clinical' standpoint in the medical industry does not show up with a 'diagnosis'. In addition, Patient X may be too young to simply chalk it up to general aging ailments. So, is it in Patient X's head then? In my case, was the fatigue, the shingles, the hearing loss, the irritable bowel all in my head? Patient X bops around from doctor to specialist to maybe even trying some medications that were prescribed but are still confused about what is going on with their bodies as none of it makes sense.

It still took a while after my own experience to learn that the liver, the spleen, the fatigue or my other symptoms were simply trying to talk to me. Pain is actually a wonderful messenger to let us know something in the body is off balance.

Many years later, I embraced the concept whole-heartedly and passionately that the body is not fixable by addressing one symptom to make it better, but like a sea-saw in the playground, it simply needs to find balance. More specifically, like the sea-saw, one side has no weight and can shoot up in the air and stay there indefinitely while the other side can drive madly into the dusty bed of the playground floor due to it's astounding massive weight. For those that have ridden the sea-saw know how it can be scary to be flung up so high or driven down so fast to the dirt bed. In fact, it may even injure one or both parties!

So in body terms, nutrients and lifestyle choices need to be added to fill in the deficiency and create more weight to the side of the sea-saw that is totally up in the air. In addition, certain lifestyle choices need to be adjusted or removed to relieve extra weight off the sea-saw. These may include changing to non-organic household cleaning products or reducing sugar or dairy products from the diet. When we find what needs to be added and what needs to be removed, our body, like the sea-saw can start coming into balance.

The exciting news is that it is not that complicated as it may seem. There are only a few big ticket items, i.e., 'weights' to bring down our sea-saws, which may include addressing the following:

1) Toxicity (environmental, lifestlyle and diet)
2) Hormone Imbalance
3) Fungus/Bacteria / Parasites
4) Viral Infections
5) Heavy Metals
6) Inflammation / Infections
7) Genetic predisposition

On the other side of the sea-saw, Patient X also needs to remove a few to help bring the body into full balance. These may include:

1) Lifestyle choices (alcohol and drug consumption, sleep, exercise)
2) Additional Nutrients or supplements
3) Change of diet
4) Stress modification techniques or emotional healing

Holistic healing has been around through the ages and there are many healing modalities that are used. If you or someone you know is a Patient X, start considering a whole body approach to healing and potentially even working with someone who sees you already whole and thus aids your healing from this capacity. Whole body healing requires full participation and buy-in as well as taking full responsibility.

That is not to say there is not a place for allopathic medicine. It is certainly part of the 'whole' and thus has it's place. Generally, there are very few quick magic pills to make it all go away. It may feel better, but is it healing? Empower yourself and find this out. To heal something requires embrace and understanding of it's mechanics.

When consciously choosing a whole body healing approach, you will begin embracing a wonderful journey of empowerment as well as learning depth-full lessons about yourself. It is quite exciting to begin a journey focused on the fine-tuning of your sea-saw and you will see that many gifts will flow from this shift in your life.

Go on...walk to the playground and visit your sea-saw, it may be calling your name.

Aimee Kartzman of BPro-Active is certified as an Iridologist, Master Herbalist, Nutrition Counselor, Holistic Wellness Coach, Yoga Teacher and Thai Massage Specialist. She creates long-term wellness plans that tailor to the body's constitution and life choices.

'Wellness can be fun and easy and it generally doesn't take long to put more of a pep in your step.'

For more information, visit http://www.BPro-Active.com.

Chiropractic Techniques Might Be Helpful to You

Nick Messe

Many people already seek the help of a chiropractor, but if you're not familiar with them, you might not know what techniques they use that can be helpful to you.

If you've not been to a chiropractic clinic lately, it's likely that you don't know how much a few visits can help you. In fact, many people don't have any idea what it is that chiropractors do, so they don't think that they should visit one. You might want to reconsider your decision to stay away and take a good look at some of the ways that you can begin to feel healthy and comfortable again.

Believe it or not, if you're body's not properly aligned or if the muscles in your back and neck are tense, you will begin to experience headaches. If the joints in your spine are not functioning properly, it's pretty likely that you suffer from pinched nerves and difficulty performing your every day tasks.

Most of these issues can be taken care of with a few different adjusting techniques and over time you'll begin feeling better than ever. With the Diversified technique for instance, your chiropractic will take the time to study your spine. They will watch the way you move, take X-rays and do a case history. Once they have identified which joints and bones are not moving properly, the chiropractor will then begin to readjust the spine, joint by joint to help you to start moving more freely.

Another commonly used technique is known as Cox Flexion-Distraction. This is a technique which requires no force, but a special table helps to relieve pressure on the back and spine and ease compression on the muscles and discs in the back. It is regarded as highly effective by the practitioners and is actually pleasant for most patients.

You should know that many chiropractors and massage therapists are focusing on gentle massage and realignment of the spine, muscles and body to help heal the body and give it the strength it needs to avoid injuries in the future. These are gentle, soothing techniques that many people report give them instant relief from pain and discomfort.

Many chiropractic clinics use lasers to help heat deep muscle tissue. This stimulates tissue growth and healing on a deeper level than your body could reach on its own. In addition, massage therapy and deep tissue massage can help to stimulate circulation and, much like a laser, can encourage healing and reduce pain. Over time, these techniques can actually help to loosen tight muscles and allow the body to become properly balanced.

When you're dealing with pain in your back, legs, neck or head, a visit to a good chiropractic clinic can not only help to relieve pain that you deal with daily, but can get you on the road to recovery. Continued therapy can help you to become stronger and more flexible, which can ease the pain you're currently feeling and help you to live a healthy, happy and pain free life.

When looking for quality Vancouver Washington Chiropractors, health-conscious families choose Summit Chiropractic & Massage. Our clinic has massage therapists and chiropractors that offer natural relief of chronic pain, headaches, disc disorders and personal injury cases.


Natural Killers

Bette Dowdell

I'm talking killers, and I'm talking about you.

You have natural killers in you.

And these natural killers are a good thing. A very good thing.

Which is why I'm going to talk about how to keep your natural killers in top shape, ready for action.

First, let's talk about the company your killers hang out with. Natural killer cells are part of the endocrine system-thyroid, adrenals, etc-a bunch of glands that pretty much determine how good we feel. And these guys are a tight group.

When one part of the endo system has a problem, the others rush to help. No matter what happens to them, they jump in-then they all end up in a ditch. Which is bad. When the endocrine glands ain't happy, ain't nothin' happy. It's like a bus hit you.

So listen up. Let's learn how to keep these guys happy.

First off, our thymus gland, part of the all-for-one/one-for-all endocrine system, is top dog in keeping our immunity in fighting shape.

And the thymus creates the natural killer cells, otherwise known as NKs. They patrol your body 24/7, hunting for viruses, bacteria, etc. NKs kill the bad guys before they can take us down.

But sometimes the enemy is armed to the teeth: Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides-on our food, in the water, in the air-pretty much everywhere-can beat the tar out of our killer cells. The NKs are out-manned and outgunned.

This opens the way for free radicals-unbalanced cells-to jump in. Then they go on a tear attacking healthy cells to get what they need to get balanced.

This leads to oxidative stress. Oxide is, basically, rust. As you might guess, rust slows things down.

And rust keeps our cells from getting enough oxygen. Cells can't live without oxygen. Without enough, cells get very sloooow. Without any, cells die. You are on the road to dread diseases. Which announces its presence with visible signs of aging..

Which is why we hear all the talk about antioxidants. Get enough of those babies, and the oxidative stress problem goes away. Well, perhaps not completely.

Our food supply-fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy-comes chock-a-block full of toxic gunk. And food is only part of this mess. There's no way we can get enough antioxidants to win this war. We must get rid of some bad guys.

What can we do?

To fortify our killer cells, we absolutely, positively need antioxidants, starting with a full agenda of vitamin and mineral supplements. Our bodies insist on balance, so rather than random, hit-or-miss nutrition, give them everything they need to fight the good fight. It's a team effort, not a Lone Ranger kind of thing.

And we need exercise. Not the 'no pain, no gain' variety. Not even aerobic exercise. Weights, resistance training, walking and the like, done to tolerance. You don't do your body any favors by taxing your strength, so start where you are and get better.

Then, to level the playing field, we need to limit toxins as much as possible. In terms of food, go organic if you can-grass-fed beef, free-range chicken and eggs, organic produce. Let supermarket managers know you want organic. Shop at farmers' markets. Go on-line for grass-fed beef. In other words, make new shopping habits.

If you can't get organic produce, start washing and peeling. And don't eat anything that grows underground like carrots, onions and potatoes. They get drowned with toxic chemicals like you wouldn't believe, and no amount of washing cleans them up. They're an organic must.

The word's getting out, and people are voting for better food with their dollars. In the meantime, it's going to take effort to protect your natural killers, your immune system, your health and your youthful appearance.

You're worth it.

Confused about what vitamins and minerals you need? Not certain about what to look for in nutritional supplements? Bette Dowdell dug herself out of a really deep health ditch, and she wants to use her 30+ years of study to help you do the same. Don't go dragging through life when you don't have to. Bette's e-book Pep for the Pooped: Vitamins and Minerals Your Body Is Starving For helps you build a solid health foundation-and takes you directly to the right brand, the best type, at the lowest price. Save time and money-plus get the knowledge you're on the right track. Get a free, sample chapter of this eye-opening e-book at http://PepForThePooped.com


Key Food Items That Contribute to Food Poisoning

By Johnny David Lee

If there is such a thing as food poisoning incidence, there sure is a poisoning contributor.

Think of people who are nauseated and vomiting, having painful abdominal cramps, passing watery stools every 15 minutes, accompanied by headache, muscle and joint pains. When we encounter somebody that is exhibiting these symptoms, we immediately think of food poisoning. The first question we will ask the patient is what food did he ate.

The first food poisoning contributor is of course the food. Is the food destroyed or did you use a rancid butter on it? Maybe one of the ingredients is contaminated with microorganisms such as salmonella bacteria. Sometimes, due to hunger, people eat or drink something that smells and tastes "different". Sometimes also, the food that you ate was half-done. The inside part of the meat hasn't been touched with the heat of the boiling water. That means, microorganisms are still safe living there as the boiling temperature was not able to penetrate their habitat. With this in mind, it becomes clear that it is dangerous to eat raw food.

The next question is to ask a patient is where did he get the food? We want to know because we want to ask if there are other people who are suffering the same symptoms just because they ate the same food. The where question is also important so that healthy and safety certificates of the establishments should be checked. Maybe the kitchen or the factory they are preparing the goods they are selling has not been inspected and approved for operation yet. Also, maybe the workers in that establishment are carriers of some diseases that can be passed on to the food they are preparing if they practice poor hygiene. How the food was prepared is a food poisoning contributor.

The next food poisoning contributor is the manner the food was stored such in the case of a leftover. Most microorganisms love room temperature so they can thrive and reproduce. That is the reason it is still safer to keep leftovers in the refrigerator and then preheating it before serving it again on the table.

The final and the most important food poisoning contributor is the person who ate the food (the sufferer). It could be that he has poor hygienic practice. That means he does not practice hand washing before eating or he ignored the fact that the food tasted or smelled funny or that it was not properly covered.

On the other hand, in the defense of the sufferer, some microorganisms like the salmonella does not change the taste and smell of the food (unless it was destroyed). It is there alive and populating silently that you think their habitat is actually yummy and safe to eat.

There are many food poisoning contributors. The key here to entirely avoid incidents is to make sure that the links from the preparation of the food up to the time it was consumed should be hygienic and safely done. A break in this link predisposes the consumer to experience the nasty signs and symptoms of food poisoning.

About the Author :

Johnny has experience in health and personal care product.

His website contains many worthy information about Food poisoning signs


How Your Face Reveals Your Health

Kum Martin

A face is not all about beauty. It also is a mirror into your health. The way your face looks and appears, you can tell a lot about your health. Different parts of the face will give you information on the health of different organs of your body. Of course, do not start self-medication if your face reveals that there is something wrong. Make sure you visit your doctor to get a confirmed diagnosis and leave it to your doctor to treat the problem.

Some of the ways that your face can reveal the status of your health are as follows:

Your nose gives an indication about your lungs. If you have thin and long nostrils, then your lungs are weak. People with this type of nostrils need to do a lot of deep breathing exercises and physical activities to develop the power of their lungs. On the other hand, if you have a red and bulbous nose, it maybe an indication of heart disease, liver disease or elevated blood pressure.

People who have sunken and hollow cheeks have weak lungs and digestive tract. It can also be an indication of malnutrition or physical exhaustion.

If you are suffering from pimples, it means that you are consuming too many sugar laden foods like candies and pastries. Also, cut down on your consumption of eggs, meat, fat and fish.

If your facial skin has a orange or yellow tinge to it, it could indicate a problem with liver, pancreas, gallbladder or spleen. If you face has bluish, white or red spots, it means that you maybe suffering from cardiovascular disease, overproduction of bile, fever or inflammation. White patches on the skin are indication of liver problem or kidney problems.

A double chin means that you have too much cholesterol and fat deposits in your body.

Having pale or red lips could be an indication of stomach or intestinal disorders, constipation, indigestion or compacted colon. Having wrinkles above the upper lips indicates hormonal problem. If you have cracks at the corner of your mouth, you are suffering from a deficiency of Vitamin B12.

About Author:
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in healthcare. He also offers top quality articles like:
Anorexia and Dieting
Social Anxiety Disorder


Suffering From Low Energy? You Could Be Suffering From Adrenal Fatigue!

By Jimmy Jamm

Millions of people suffer from what is known as adrenal fatigue. This is a condition where the individual feels listless and devoid of the strength needed to perform mundane everyday tasks such as getting out of bed, go up and down a flight of stairs or taking a shower. Those that suffer from adrenal fatigue report a lack of general energy and chronic inability to perform simple tasks. The condition emanates from the failure of the adrenal glands, which sit right next to the kidneys, to produce two critical chemical hormones, testosterone and cortisol. This causes a chronic decrease in the body's energy levels.

Adrenal glands and hormones

A lot of research has been conducted on this condition and also its relationship to other similar conditions such as the chronic fatigue syndrome. The body's failure to produce critical hormones from the adrenal glands has been the sole reason that people experience a loss of energy. The condition has been compounded by the fact that symptoms are hard to diagnose, simply because they resemble many other conditions.

Symptoms and characteristics

Adrenal fatigue afflicts quite a number of people. As we mentioned, its symptoms resemble those of many other conditions. One of the characteristics of fatigue is that the person has difficulty performing even the most mundane of tasks. They report that the energy and the drive just isn't there. That is why there is a thin line between chronic fatigue syndrome and adrenal fatigue. Researchers are finding that the key to adrenal fatigue lies in the production of adrenaline and cortisol which are key to handling of stress. Because of modern stressful living, adrenaline and cortisol are produced almost constantly and depending on the degree of stress, the adrenal glands can shut down "in protest". The causes the body to suffer from chronic fatigue.

Treating adrenal fatigue

Adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue syndrome is a deceptive condition. It's deceptiveness comes from the fact that suffers do not look sick and can indeed pass off as perfectly normal. Even worse, the basic symptoms can resemble those of any other common sickness and sometimes can even masquerade as a normal tiredness. But this condition can lower one's ability to enjoy a high quality of life.

Chronic fatigue can be treated with medication. In many cases, the doctors recommend a remedy for stress-free living which can be more outdoor events and a reduction in anxiety.

About the Author :

Critical Chronic Fatigue Treatment


What the Hell is a Health Coach? 10 Ways One Can Help You

Suncear Scretchen

Ever since I started classes at Institute of Integrative Nutrition, I've been getting that question a lot. I don't mind people asking because it gives me an opportunity to explain but I do wish it were a more prevalent profession. More health coaches would mean more people living happier lives, less prescription drugs and hospital bills which means less tax dollars spent on healthcare.

Since graduating last week as a Certified Health Coach, now seems like the perfect time to include an entry on what I do. Health coaching is simply helping people lead healthier lifestyles. And there are many ways that signing up for my program can help you. Let us count the ways.

1) Managing stress: Sometimes what's going on in your life affects how you eat. We tend to reach for food and alcohol as a way to avoid dealing with unhappy situations. Through my program, you will be able to identify areas in your life that trigger those responses.

2) Lose weight: Not only do HCs help keep you on track nutritionally but physically as well. Exercise is a very important part of the program as it increases energy, moods and metabolism.

3) Improve Personal Relationships: When you feel good physically, you feel good emotionally and mentally. And when you feel good emotionally and mentally, you will become more positive, light-hearted and less irritable.

4) Gain more energy: Adding certain foods and eliminating others will increase your energy.

5) Help with specific medical issues: If you suffer from health issues such as diabetes, digestive disorders or thyroid conditions (my specialty), an HC can recommend a nutritional program that helps alleviate symptoms and may even reverse the condition- naturally.

6) Navigate through the myriad of nutritional advice such as the benefits in choosing organic, knowing the difference between cage-free vs free range poultry, vegan vs vegetarian, etc.

7) Deciding what diet is best for you: How you ate as a child, your blood type, your dohsa (Ayurveda) all can play a part in deciding what diet is most effective for you. You may benefit from eating meat or a Mediterranean meal plan could be your best bet. We will figure that out.

8) Curb cravings: sugar, salt, coffee - all of these items are okay in moderation but when we are craving them, it could mean that there is something nutritionally missing and your body is communication that. We will discover how to identify and eliminate cravings.

9) Integrating healthier foods into your diet: I will help you discover some new foods and show you ways to prepare them. You never know what you may end up enjoying!

10) Having a personal advocate for your health: I'm not bashing the healthcare system but sometimes it can feel like you are barely being heard. Taking control of your health and practicing preventive healthcare is really each individual's responsibility and it helps to have someone who is there for 50 minute one on one sessions twice a month. I keep you on track with the program and lead you to the road of having a happier healthier life.


Tips on Stroke Prevention

By Julie Armstrong

Many people each day all around the world suffer from strokes. It can be fatal and even if it's not, the aftermath is very difficult to deal with and can severely alter lives. This is why stroke prevention is very important because every person should want to lessen their risk of having it happen to them.

Before getting into stroke prevention, let us examine what a stroke is. When blood flow to the brain becomes blocked, a stroke occurs. This happens when the blood clots or bleeding of the brain occurs, or blood vessels begin to narrow. When a stroke occurs, the brain becomes deprived of nutrients and nerve cells start to die. Many times, the resulting conditions cannot be undone. Some conditions that can occur as a result of a stroke are vision and other sensory loss, walking problems, talking problems, and the inability to think clearly.

There are two main types of strokes. One is ischemic. These are caused by the blood clots and blockages. The other is hemorrhagic. This one is more common and happens when blood vessels rupture. There is also thrombotic and embolic. Thrombotic happens when the arteries become filled with plaque and embolic occurs when blood clots that formed in other parts of the body break loose into the bloodstream.

Having high blood pressure greatly increases the chance of suffering from a stroke. Blood pressure should be monitored frequently to make sure it is at a safe and healthy level. There are things you can do to lower it. If you overweight, lose that extra weight. Do it the healthy way by making a life-long choice of eating healthy (a low fat diet with plentiful vegetables and fruits) and exercising regularly. Avoid smoking, the use of tobacco products, drinking alcohol, consuming caffeine, and consuming too much sodium.

Consuming vitamin E and fish oil is recommended to prevent strokes. Foods that contain vitamin E include avocado, milk, asparagus, eggs, nuts, spinach, seeds, vegetable oils, wholegrain, and wheat. Fish oil can be taken through ingesting supplements.

Also, if you have diabetes, you must do whatever necessary to keep it in check. Besides taking insulin, simply living a healthier lifestyle is very helpful. And of course, you will want to limit your sugar intake as much as possible.

Also, schedule a visit with your physician to have your circulation in your body checked. Poor circulation in parts of the body can increase your risk of stroke, which is why it is a smart choice to have an examination done.

Those were a few way in preventing strokes. They are not hard to do, so try them and stay healthy.

About the Author :

Julie has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now.

In addition to writing health related articles, she also publishes reviews of various consumer products.

Come visit her latest website that discusses energy efficient space heater, DeLonghi space heater and other types of portable heaters.


Sick of Health

Steve D Russell

Forgive the pun, but I'm sick of watching and listening to the ideological bigotry being used by both sides in the current debate over healthcare reform. Even the fallacy that the debate could possibly be encapsulated by "two sides" makes me angry. The very idea that being able to shout louder than someone else or that a few words written on a placard contributes anything to a debate on such an important issue is asinine in the extreme. Such behavior, including mindless chanting of simplistic slogans, effectively halts all objective discussion and obscures the real issues.

So, stop mouthing off, stop quoting extreme anecdotal examples and stop using prefabricated, emotive labels designed to perpetuate already polarized thinking.

This maybe a revolutionary idea, but why don't we start looking at factual evidence backed up by legitimate research. Yes I know this a new concept, but just bear with me for a while, you never know, we might then draw some reasoned and sensible conclusions.

Here is an initial, outrageous idea to open up your thinking:

Starting in 2011, schooling for our children will no longer be funded or provided by either state or federal government. All parents and children will be expected to pay in full for their academic education which will be provided by private institutions. Emergency treatment for difficult math problems and long words will be available at certain schools but waiting times might be quite long.

This policy will be introduced on the overall premise that nobody ever died as a direct result of not being educated. However, people do die as a direct result of health issues. In view of this, all funding currently provided by every level of government to education will be reallocated to healthcare. Silly idea because that's not the way we do things - and imagine the increased incidence of illiteracy...Oh, wait a second...

Now that you are smiling broadly and are instantly ready take on new and radical ideas, here are some facts:
• The United States of America does not have the best health system in the world
• The United States of America does not have the worst health system in the world
• The United States of America has some of most advanced healthcare expertise in the world
• The United States of America's delivery of overall healthcare and its health outcomes do not compare well to most other industrialized countries
• The United States of America has the capability to offer expert treatment to patients of all ages
• The United States of America has an illogically high incidence of infant mortality, short longevity and avoidable death rates

Okay, that smile has lessened somewhat, so here are some factual statements and observations:

• I don't know which country does have the best health system in the world - but neither does anyone else reading this
• The United States of America spends more (per capita) on administering the bureaucracy of its healthcare than any other country in the world. Sometimes by a factor of three or four over countries with effective universal systems.
• There is no particular reason why employers should continue to be responsible for providing healthcare. It is an invidious practice that can be extremely detrimental to both employee and employer interests. The practice has its origins in the pay freezes of World War II, yet now seems entrenched in the American working life. Why should your employer decide what health cover you get? Your family physician doesn't tell you where you should work!
• There is no reason why a national, universal health plan should increase individual or government healthcare costs. Individual tax costs will increase but, if a scheme is implemented effectively, there will be no health insurance premiums to pay. Employers should no longer have to pay their portion to the insurers and there should be no co-pay. In case you missed that - NO CO-PAY! Your employer may even pass his or her savings on to you as a wage increase.
• Effective preventative healthcare makes an enormous contribution to the quality of life and the longevity of that life. In the current situation prevailing in the United States of America, there is little incentive for health insurers to finance preventative care. The premise is that, as people change jobs and healthcare insurers, the financial benefits of preventative medicine might be enjoyed by organizations other than those that originally funded it.
• Viewed from afar, the citizens of the United States of America are hypochondriacs obsessed by illness. This hypochondria is fueled by a constant barrage of television commercials for prescription drugs containing information that should only really be evaluated by competent medical professionals. Trendy acronyms only exacerbate the obsession - why not become obsessed by health and wellness instead?
• Market forces and human nature are generally inappropriate in healthcare. Physicians are encouraged to treat where treatment is perhaps unnecessary. Pharmaceutical companies need a steady stream of new illnesses, gullible or mercenary physicians and new drugs to keep them in business. Health insurers need to be able to promise nurturing care from cradle to grave and yet be able to deny treatment on all possible occasions.

Now that the smile has been replace by a scowl and you're thinking about shouting or painting a placard, here are some comparisons that will restore your faith in man's inhumanity to man.

• Universal schemes can only provide the greatest good for the greatest number and will spend any and all amounts of money provided
• Private schemes will drop you if it looks as though you might get a long-term illness
• Universal schemes will always treat acute cases first and will generally do these well. less urgent cases may well wait some time for treatment
• Private schemes will treat your acute or less urgent conditions entirely in respect of financial considerations, but will have you back in your car about the same time the anesthesia wears off, often causing you to come back again (with another co-pay) in a couple of days
• Universal schemes often provide unintentional long-term accommodation for the homeless
• Private schemes always use the latest and most expensive treatments irrespective of whether they are superior to proven treatments.
• Universal schemes are often unwilling to adopt new procedures until cost and/or patient benefits have been established

Here is a dirty word:


Actually it's two words, but you get the drift. Most universal or national health schemes operate this policy. Supporters of the status quo in United States health policies consider it blasphemy. It is a prime example of the emotive labeling so apparent in current healthcare discussions.

Single-payer simply means that payment for medicines and treatment comes from a single source. That single source is the organization that operates the health service - almost invariably the government. Pharmaceutical companies and medical practitioners abhor this policy because they are unable to play numerous payers (with differing priorities) off against each other. Instead they have to deal with a single body that has the single objective of balancing cost and patient benefit - more simply known as value for money. The VA health system bureaucracy "sorta-kinda" operates in a similar way to single-payer.
This does mean that many medical practitioners will get less for the work that they do. Pharmaceutical companies will undoubtedly claim that they will be unable to research new treatments. Personally, I can live with this because the physicians that earn substantially less will only be those who have been financially focused in their practices. Pharmaceutical companies will continue to research and develop because that is what they have to do to exist. Maybe these new pressures will force them to be more focused on effective remedies? Am I the only person who wonders whether drug companies develop new products and then look for an illness to treat with it? The objective of a healthcare system is to look after the receivers of that healthcare - not to make a few professionals obscenely wealthy.

The bottom line is that the current healthcare systems (in terms of delivery and outcomes) in the United States of America are ineffectual and probably irreparable in their current form. Federal and state politicians are scared to death of the pharmaceutical lobby and failure to be re-elected (but then I repeat myself). The AMA represents the interests solely of the medical profession and has stood four-square in the way of any proposed initiatives that benefit patients at the expense of their members. I don't think insurance companies care one way or the other because they think they will still get a large slice of the cake whatever happens. When it dawns on them that single-payer may become a reality, they will get the rest of the politicians that the pharmaceutical companies missed.

It should not (and cannot) be beyond the wit of the US Government to take the time to investigate the healthcare schemes that are the most successfully operated in other industrialized countries. Surely, somewhere in this nation, we have officials with the ability to judge and evaluate the best of those and surely we have the expertise to implement such a scheme here.

According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEDC), in 2003/2004, per capita health expenditure in the United States of America was $6,120 (15.3% of GDP), life expectancy was 77.5 years and infant deaths, per thousand, were 6.9. During the same period in Japan, per capita health expenditure was $2,249 (8% of GDP), life expectancy was 81.8 years and infant deaths, per thousand, were 2.8.

Here are some final kickers. How can the country that considers itself the most advanced economy in the world, allow its citizens to be denied preventative healthcare because of corporate avarice? How can it allow around 700,000 families each year to bankrupt themselves seeking healthcare? How can it let people die for lack of healthcare?

For those that say government cannot afford universal healthcare, consider this: in 2003 (according to the World Health Organization) the United States government spent more, per capita, on healthcare than each of the governments of the United Kingdom and Sweden. Two countries that each have universal healthcare, the citizens of these countries did not have co-pays and both countries achieve generally better health results than the United States of America can boast.

Personal net expenditure on healthcare would drop significantly under a properly implemented universal scheme and a single payer scheme would have the potential to cut billions of wasted dollars out of administrative costs.

Finally, President Obama's scheme will not work because it does not address the fundamental underlying problems. The supporters of the status quo will gladly watch the percentage of GDP spent on healthcare rise to 20% in the unreasoned belief that the marketplace will deliver effective healthcare and that we already have (of course) the best healthcare in the world. Basically we're screwed!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_D_Russell


Alternative Health Aids For Mental and Physically Crippling Disabilities and Their Associated Pain

By John Null

Are you tired of spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year on prescriptions? For those of who have medical disorders or conditions that require medications, dealing with the stress of; how much it's going to cost? What can my budget afford? Which pharmacy will take my insurance? Fighting with insurance companies over what's covered and what isn't? Does the cheaper generic brand work as well? These are all questions we ask each time you need medication. If you don't have health insurance that provides for medication or have a good prescription plan, the cost of medication is astounding. Sometimes you pay $80.00 or more for just a two week supply and this is for only one prescription. Multiply this by 2, 3 or more and you can see this cost go right out of your budget. Costs like these prevent many folks from even going to the doctor unless it's a medical necessity. As we get older, our financial situation usually becomes a fixed value. The chances of getting out and obtaining supplemental income to help defer some medication costs are unlikely, since you are normally ill to begin with. With the ever increasing cost of medication, many will find this necessary in order to cover their medical expenses. This ultimately defeats the concept of retirement or the purpose of even a dual income to get ahead. The chance of getting work at an older age is less likely therefore leaving many elderly at a disadvantage. Equal to the elderly are the middle class Americans, how many of them have a health insurance policy that will provide carte blanche prescription services? For the young, they must start thinking for the future now. For the old, start looking for alternative methods of treatment for the most common illnesses and even the most serious as well. The term, "Preventative Maintenance" (PM) is the key. It's the same line of thinking used for equipment, your car, lawn mower, house furnace, etc. and it can be just as easily used for the human body. Taking products that help keep our body healthy, eating healthy and exercises are all keys to PM. When the body becomes fatigued, ill or it sustains an injury, the brain does one thing, it sends messages to the bodies chemicals to seek out the damage area and repair it. Broken bones receive more calcium; bruises get new blood, etc. Basically what the body is doing is rejuvenating itself. There's are health products out there that does just that, they rejuvenate the cells of the body and restores them to good health. New products coming in from Asia and Mexico where they are seeing positive results. At this time, the FDA hasn't given some of these products their stamp of approval. Some may say it's a questionable product then, my opinion is that the FDA does not always have everyone's health as its first priority. If FDA does approve a product (which it will likely do but only if it can control which suppliers will sell the product), you can almost take it to the bank the cost will only go up. If it does go down, it will more than likely be due to a generic form of the product being sold and thereby sacrificing the most effective ingredients or processes used to develop the health aid effectiveness that is being revealed through countless cases now. Some health supplements are a powerful blend of polysaccharide peptides derived from a select mixture of rice grains harvested in the Siam Valley of Thailand and Alfa Spirulina from the Pacific Ocean, they combines over 50 antioxidants, second-generation amino acids and potent alpha glycans to target premature aging and build lasting mental and physical energy, vitality and health. Manufacturers use state-of-the-art nanotechnology to bond polysaccharide peptides through hydrolysis, forming concentrated, naturally hydrolyzed alpha glycans. Advanced nanotechnology is the only way to extract these particles and preserve them in powder form. Alpha glycans are tiny nutrients that are easily absorbed by your cells that recognize them as biological super-fuel - nutrients you just can't get in a modern diet. This super-fuel is pumped directly into cellular mitochondria - the power plants of your cells - for a natural energy boost that lasts all day and promotes restful sleep each night. They can also double as a potent antioxidant. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals - dangerous particles that rip through your cells and cellular DNA, causing cell damage, mutation and death. It is this damage that is linked to metabolic disorders like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, stroke, diabetes and all degenerative disease. It feed's your cells at the molecular level, at the same time it protects them from damage, means this amazing functional food supports your body's ability to: • Fight the effects of Syndrome X

• Boost your immune system to fight illness and disease

• Get energy, vitality, mental clarity and focus

• Enhance circulation and brain function

• Target hormonal imbalances and poor sleep

• Fight depression, memory loss and dementia

• Decrease high blood pressure, elevated LDL and triglycerides

• Balance blood sugar levels and improve digestion

• Enhance libido and sexual performance

• Boost metabolic function and increase weight loss

• Fight disease and aging the natural, healthy way What you call aging is really cellular damage, disease or death. Aging, simply put, is the net result of the trillions of cells in your body failing to run at peak efficiency like they did when you were younger. Wrinkles, fatigue, loss of muscle tone, mood swings, weight gain achiness and the afternoon blahs are all signs of pre-mature aging. Lack of focus, elevated blood pressure and cholesterol, hormonal imbalances and poor memory are not normal signs of aging, they are your body telling you it needs nourishment at the cellular level. The symptoms above don't just signal cellular slowdown, they are actually warning signs of impending metabolic disorders. For all but a few, poor cellular function leads to disease. The state of your health is a direct reflection of the health of your Cells, and their ability to produce essential energy to build health and fight disease. What causes cellular aging? Malnourished cells - cells that aren't getting the nutrition they need to fight two things - time and toxins. With time, a nutrient-depleted modern diet, lack of exercise and ever-increasing stress take their toll on cellular health. And when you add exposure to toxins in the air, water and food you consume combined with free radical damage, you have cells that are just barely able to perform vital functions. Certain health products can assist in reducing premature aging and metabolic disorders. They can deliver nano-sized micro-nutrients deliver potent glycol-nutrients, second-generation amino acids and antioxidants at the molecular level - directly to the mitochondria, the power plants of your cells that fuel cellular function, repair and restoration. Are you at risk for premature aging from: Stress - Poor Diet - Frequent illnesses - Lack of exercise - Fatigue, poor memory, mood swings Struggling with metabolic disorders like: ADD/ADHD - Alzheimer's - Arthritis - Autism Cancer - Cardiovascular Disease Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Depression - Diabetes Digestive disorders - Down's Syndrome - Fatigue Fibromyalgia - High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol - Impotence - Kidney Disorders Lupus - Memory Loss/Dementia - Mood Disorders Multiple Sclerosis - Nerve Damage - Neuropathy Obesity - Parkinson's - Rheumatoid Arthritis Rosacea - Stroke Are you ready to change your old routine and reach out for something new?

About the Author :



5 Reasons You Should Get Into Health and Fitness

Shawn Derrick

Ever day-dream about how exactly you might get into health and fitness? That identical thought has occurred to a lot of us.Lots of individuals have had the exact same idea Some have even taken action to help make that happen. Most just think it over for a while, then dismiss the thought. It is sometimes because they don't know the place to start. In other cases it's because there are many unknowns. Still other times it's as they do not know the various requirements.

Hmm. Are they really legitimate reasons? Was the positive side included? Was that balanced? Did we consider the "pro" side or just the "con" side? Before we let the negatives rule, the positives deserve a reasonable hearing. Let's consider 5 reasons for you to get into health and fitness, just to decide if any of them fit here.

First, You will have a lot more energy. Sure, I realize your objection that getting into health and fitness. Yes, that's a valid observation, but look at it this way, the more energy you have the more time you will have to do the things that are important to you. And moreover, you will need to consider that if we are healthy and fit, we will live long and vibrant lives.

Second, you do not have to nap all the time. The chief reason for that is that you are just not getting the right nutrients in your body.. Plus not getting enough exercise.

Third, You will have less fat on the body.. As well as You will gain more muscle mass!

Fourth, People will look at you in envy!

And Fifth, You will feel good about every aspect of life in general

Once you've had an opportunity to go over the reasons, and think about them, you'll see that a pretty good case can be made in favor of getting into health and fitness.

Think about it. Maybe you really should get into health and fitness.

After you look at all of the reasons and evaluate them, you'll have to admit that a very compelling case can be made for beginning to consider how to get into health and fitness.

Just consider it. Maybe, just maybe, you truly, in all seriousness, should really get into health and fitness.

Shawn has been writing articles for nearly 3 years. Come visit his latest website over at www.belkinsurgeprotectorhq.com which helps people find the best belkin surge protector to protect their home and their electronic equipment.


Oral Sex Increases Head and Neck Cancer Risk

Oral Sex Increases Head and Neck Cancer Risk

By Aryanto L Efrayim

Head and neck cancer may not be as popular as other types of cancers. But the number of cancer patients is increased associated with virus spread through oral sex.

The doctors recommend for young men and women to make the protection of the neck and head cancer through vaccination.

This Immunization is trying to protect people from viruses that are transmitted through sexual activity before they became sexually active.

Although overall head and neck cancer experienced a slight decrease in recent years, but for certain cases such as oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) are increases sharply, especially in some developed countries.

In the British Medical Journal report, the scientists revealed that this increase seems to be linked to cancer caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).

Head and neck cancer is a cancer of the sixth most common in men and women, up to now approximately 640,000 new cases occur each year worldwide.

Sexual transmission of HPV, mainly through orogenital sexual intercourse (oral sex) might be the reason for the increased incidence of oropharyngeal carcinoma associated with HPV.

In a recent study in the United States has obtained that cancer cases associated with HPV was reported to increase about 60-80 percent, whereas a few decades ago was found only about 40 percent.

The head and neck cancer patient associated with HPV are experienced among young age and among workers.

Head and neck cancer are less deadly than other cancers associated with smoking or drinking alcohol. So there is a possibility the patient may live longer with the support of physical and psychological treatment.

Two vaccines currently made now are Cervarix by GlaxoSmithKline, and Gardasil made by Merck & Co., is claimed to prevent HPV that also the cause of almost all cervical cancer cases.

We should see more evidence exists to evaluate the effectiveness of this vaccine for men, because the cases are increasing.

About the Author :

How can a man get a woman hot and wanting you? How can you get her so worked into a frenzy that she will be begging you to do wild and crazy things to her all night long?

==› http://SexLastLonger.Blogspot.Com


Doctors Are Not There to Keep Us Healthy - They Are There to Treat Our Sickness

Carolyn Hansen

During the recent era of health/wellness/sickness care one point has emerged clearly and that point is that each of us will have to chart our own course to ensure our good health. We, not doctors and the medical system should be in the driver's seat, which means we need to reclaim and practice a level of self-responsibility toward our own health, wellness and longevity.

Over the past 50-60 years responsibility for our health/sickness was solely the domain of doctors and the medical establishment. Those days are coming to an end as this is not the best way to enhance our drive to stay healthy and well. It has enforced a vulnerability, helplessness and lack of accountability that has done more harm than good for our overall well-being.

In our modern world rife with inactivity and low quality processed foods that foster sickness and poor health there has never been so much indisputable scientific proof to support and back what we humans has always known to be true. That proper exercise and good nutrition are vital components of a well, active, strong, vibrant healthy life.

If our lifestyle habits include proper exercise and as few processed 'dead' foods as possible our wellness 'bank account' has a good balance. This gives us a good reserve when we get a cold or flu or especially if we are faced with a more serious health issue. But if you lead a no exercise lifestyle, eat a lot of processed foods and believe that your health is out of your control then you have some work to do.

This new form of preventative medicine strives to keep healthy people well and works at controlling or reversing health problems that are already present before they become more serious. The prescription for this goal is not in any drug or medical procedure and no doctor can give it to you.

It comes with accepting and understanding that good health is not just an accident. It is not something you say when you get to mid-life "So far so good" with fingers crossed. Good health requires your active participation and ongoing input in two main areas.

These areas are number one - a proper exercise program that contains mostly strength training exercise. This directly works the muscular system so that 'growth and repair' hormones are stimulated right down at cellular level sweeping away old worn out cells and tissues and replacing them with new younger healthier and stronger ones.

Only strength training exercise can do this so keep your low intensity repetitive endurance activities for your leisure time. Your proper exercise program needs to be done first and foremost otherwise you will not get the health benefits that will really make a difference.

Number two is to get rid of as much processed food from your diet as possible. Replace it with natural whole unprocessed foods cooked from scratch. Anything without a food label is good as it has not been mucked around with by man.

Those are the two main areas we all have easy access to and can implement to avoid becoming another statistic of the killer diseases that are epidemic in our modern sedentary world. But it certainly does not have to be this way - we each have the power to protect ourselves and our families and the responsibility for this lies at our door.

Discover how to create a leaner, firmer, younger looking body when you speed up your metabolism in 30 days or less. Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner whose goal is to show you how to burn fat - without starving yourself. By combining strength training exercise with the right foods that will increase your metabolic rate, decrease food cravings and get and keep you trim. Visit http://HotMetabolism.com

Carolyn has just released her latest healthy eating system designed to assist people with achieving their fat loss goals and restoring true health one meal at a time. This program will make you feel a million bucks so, come visit http://21DaysToHealthyEating.com to find out how it is done.


More Exercise--More Weight Loss

- By: Rick Carpenter

Description :

How do you find the right weight loss program? Fad diets might work short term, but long term, they might do more harm than good. Healthy weight loss comes by eating the right foods, and adding the right exercise program to help burn off calories.

There are too many foods that taste good, but cause weight gain. Have you ever noticed that the more you eat certain foods, the more you want them. Losing weight would be easy if the was an easy way of breaking the cycle. Once you start eating the right foods, your body will start craving them. For example, eating sugar causes your body to crave sugar. To drink pop, your body will crave pop.

Once you begin eating good foods, your body will not want to be without them. The same is true for exercise. You do not want to be a fanatic for exercise like some people, but once you get started with some type of exercise program, your body will miss it, when you do not do it.

That is why you want to start exercising every day, even if it is just some stretching exercises, or a short walk. Your body will feel better once you start an exercise program. You will feel better, your mind will be clearer, you will have more energy, and you will start losing weight.

As long as you have a goal and keep yourself motivated, you can do almost anything. Your body will respond to your attitude. If you have positive thoughts towards losing weight and being healthier, then you will win the battle. If you have a defeatist attitude, then you will probably give up when things get too tough.

Making the right changes in your life should be easy, if you are serious about being healthier. If you want to feel good then change your mental attitude.

There was a time when it was normal for children to spend part of their day outside playing. But now with so many mothers working, and the fear of children being outside alone, along with TV and computer games, a lot of children never leave the house.

Our children are growing up without being very physical fit. With that type of upbringing, it might be difficult changing your attitudes toward healthy weight loss programs. If you have never really exercised, then you have never known the exhilarating feeling you get from exercise.

Your whole life can be changed by finding an exercise program that you like. If you have not been exercising, then you should start slowly. Try to do something every day, and slowly increase what you do. Experiment with different exercises, so you can find the ones that fit you. You may have heard 'no pain, no gain' but in order to keep your exercise program going without quitting, you need to find one that you enjoy.

Walking is one form of exercise that you should always do. Exercise can be hard, but you can choose to enjoy it, and no matter what you do, remember to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. This should be a total lifestyle change to give you a new healthy life.

Author Resource : Rick Carpenter---Exercising For Healthy Weight Loss


Mr Miyagi - Pat Morita Told Us All "Don't Forget to Breathe

Robert Britt

If you watch a little kid try to pick up something heavy usually you will see them holding their breath and scrunching their whole face up. It's a serious business and they are communicating through their actions. Usually they will also take a peek to see who is watching them, and this doesn't really change too much when you go to the gym and watch the adults lifting. I'm often amazed by the people who neglect the advice of the karate master, Mr. Miyagi.

You know Mr. Miyagi, actor Pat Morita (sorry Jackie Chan, but Pat will always be the "real" Mr. Miyagi to most of us.) He was the guy who said to Daniel-San, "Don't forget to breath. Is very important." And this really is a life lesson. Without breathing life would be very short, and withot proper breathing during workouts and cardio, you could very well hurt yourself. Holding your breath during the concentric portion of your lift puts a great deal of stress on your body.

People have been known to get dizzy, have nosebleeds, and in extreme cases brain aneurisms have listed this stressing of the body as a possible cause. So what should you be doing? Anytime you are doing the concentric part of the lift you should be exhaling. The concentric part, for those who may be confused or just want clarification, is when you are tightening muscles. This is when you are pushing up on a bench press or a shoulder press, or pulling on a back exercise. It is also when you are pushing on a leg press or in the 'standing' part of a squat.

The opposite portion of the lift is called the eccentric portion and at that point you should be inhaling. To clarify again, this is when the weight is approaching your body on a bench or shoulder press, or when the weights are moving away from you on a back exercise. This is also the portion when your fanny is heading for the ground on a squat.

Another way to look at this is that you are exhaling when you working and inhale on the release portion. Hopefully this makes it crystal clear.

Don't take your breathing for granted and think about this whenever you are lifting. I will write more on breathing for running and cardio for a future article. As always any question you have, I would be happy to address in future articles as well. Stay healthy and stay happy!

The right food choices will make a huge impact on your quest for better health. My Ideal Diet

For more health and fitness info: All Health Network


Walking For Exercise - What Could Be Better?

- By: Hamish Hayward

Description :

Many people shy away from exercise as they imagine that it will be too taxing for them. It's as if they think that they need to already be fit before they can get in shape. It's hardly surprising that many of us tend to associate getting in shape with high energy fitness routines and getting hot, sweaty and out of breath.

Using similar logic, many people find it hard to imagine that a low intensity, low impact, low injury risk workout could deliver very significant health benefits, help you to lose weight and get in much better shape. However, that's precisely what walking - an activity which requires no special equipment, training or expertise, and one which we all do on a daily basis - can do for you if you do it on a regular basis.

When you look at the health benefits that walking can deliver, your feelings of disbelief are only likely to increase. Walking on a regular basis can help to improve the operating efficiency of the lungs and also lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. It can help to lower your blood pressure. It can help to fight depression, boost your energy levels and help you to sleep better at night. It can help to reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer. Recent studies in the UK even seem to suggest that it may be effective in fighting Alzheimer's disease. It will certainly help you to lose weight and get in shape.

Looking at that list you would be forgiven for thinking that it was an advert for some expensive new dietary supplement or even the latest miracle drug. It's hardly surprising that it can be difficult to credit. It's also worth mentioning that - apart from a comfy pair of shoes - you can start your walking exercise program without any specialized equipment. Neither will it cost you any money - there are no expensive gym membership fees to pay each month. You also have the convenience of being able to fit it into your day whenever it suits you best.

Health professionals seem to agree that we should be targeting 10,000 steps a day on a regular basis in order to get the health benefits previously discussed. That equivalent to just under five miles for most people, although it depends upon your stride length somewhat. It sounds like a fair old distance - but it's easier to achieve than you think. Walk to work and leave the car at home. Take the stairs instead of the lift. Get off the bus a stop before your destination and walk the last leg of your journey. These are just a few examples of ways to increase your daily step count - there are plenty more, and they all add up.

If you are over forty years old, if you have any medical conditions, or if you just haven't exercised for some time, then it would be wise to seek your doctor's advice and opinion before you launch any new fitness regime. However, as long as you start off slowly and build up over time, walking will improve your health and fitness levels. More importantly, you will both look and feel much better.

Author Resource : Discover how you can maximise the efficiency of your walking exercise routine using Fit flops exercise footwear


The Secret to Perfect Health

Jon Staiger

I am so happy and grateful now that I have discovered the secret to perfect health.

What is the secret?

It's all about your state of mind.

I remember being in high school.

I was a 3 sport athlete.

Between football, hockey, and baseball I managed to injure just about every area of my body pretty seriously over the course of my career.

Do you know that even after your body heals, injuries can stay with you emotionally?

What I mean by that is you pull a muscle and your body will heal all by itself.

That's what it is designed to do.

However, if you hang on to that injury emotionally, it will never heal to perfection.

It will stay with you for the rest of your life.

Well when I discovered the power of the human mind and our ability to focus our thoughts on anything we desire to achieve a specific result, I started to heal my body to perfection.

The results I have achieved are an absolute miracle!

Anybody can do it.

All you have to do is recognize that you are holding onto destructive patterns of emotional thought that are limiting your body's natural ability to heal.

Then shift your awareness to focus on health.

Believe that your body will heal to perfection and it will.

It's really that simple.

Our beliefs create our experience in life.

If you believe that you are getting old and your body is deteriorating, it will.

If you believe that you are getting younger, and your body is progressively becoming stronger, healthier, and more fully functioning to perfection, then this will be your experience.

I absolutely promise you that this is the case.

I have experienced this in my own life and wish to share this wonderful news with the entire world!

My name is Jon Staiger and I aspire to help people create the life of their dreams.

You can learn more here: http://howtogetrichandliveacharmedlife.com/


Weight and Fitness

By : Adrian Theophilus

How to loose stubborn belly fat, get flat sexy six pack abs the right way!

Mike Geary the author of the Truth About Six Pack Abs is no.1 ranked Abdominals eBook in the world, with over 276,000 readers in 163 countries to date.

The author of the eBook Truth About Six Pack Abs has also published an online fitness newsletter, Lean Body Fitness Secrets, that is enjoyed by over 710,000 subscribers in 170 countries.

The Truth About belly fat:

Lets be honest with our selves are you not tired of doing crunches and sit-ups with little to no results. Taking so called "Fat Burner" pills that are just scams or even time consuming cardio workouts with all the aches and pains but still the belly fat.

Well this is your answer to all those time wasters, this is the real truth about six pack abs and how to get it. The truth of how to loose your belly fat and keep it of forever.

The eBook program can be applied to either fat loss or muscle building, whatever your desire is. However the information in this eBook is to deal with the main problems that 99% of people are facing. This problem is loosing the stomach fat that is covering up your Abs.

The Truth About this product is that it has been developed with beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of progressions. Increasing your Metabolism and Stimulating The Fat-Burning Hormones are the best exercises regardless of gender.

Get on your way to a healthier, better tomorrow. Your best workout yet.

About the Author :

For more information and a video presentation about this product go to or just click on the link http://www.mrmarketr.net/fatloss.php


Would You Believe That Milk Actually Helps You To Burn Fat? Dig These Amazing Facts

Emma J Frost

When you were kids, you were told to drink milk for staying fit and strong. But who ever heard of this one? Drinking milk gets you thinner! A recent research revealed that drinking up cow's milk following weight lifting sessions will help burn fat. It was a university study actually and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. It identified that milk is one of the perfect post-workout drinks or muscle juices.

Following a hard workout session, just 2 cups of pure low-fat cow's milk staves off your pesky pounds within a minimal period of 3 months. This can also contribute in building your muscle mass, while promoting excellent muscle growth. This study also revealed great results for other drinks like soy drinks or high-carb drinks (such as sports drinks). But it concluded that these are no match for the fat burning results that cow's milk offers.


Scientists found that these are the best substitutes to cow's milk:

Almond milk
Comes with calcium - an essential element for bone-building. This milk is great for putting in the sweet touch into protein shakes. There are 2 grams of protein in every 8 oz. of almond mild.

Soy milk
Offers you high protein properties. Your muscles will need grave repairs and proper rest following a workout. Most protein-rich drinks or foods help you get there. Prepare your shake using such power-packed alternative. You could also drink straight, though.

Oat milk
Comes with high amount of fiber. Some studies showed that diets that have high fiber keeps us regular and at the same time helps us metabolize foods much faster. This adds much more energy as well.

Goat's milk
Brings heaps of whey. And that's the main ingredient in protein! This tonic thus helps you repair or restore your muscles. A superb post-workout snack it is! This milk comes with salty flavor, which could be an excellent surprise within cheeses. Most of all, this milk contains the "good fats," like cow's milk, which are essential for maintaining the balance of the body's nutrition.

Rice milk
Pretty low in terms of protein properties. Still, it's an excellent source of healthy carbs and adds a superb "boost" to the pre-workout shake (prior to your tackling a cardio session).

Emma loves to write. She's been writing articles online for nearly 3 years. Check out the devilbiss air compressor web site which reviews and lists the best devilbiss air compressor.


Fitness Bikes; They are Not Only Clothing Racks

- By: Lance Phillips

Description : In the field of home fitness equipment, few pieces of equipment provide you with the perfectly rounded workout a fitness bike can. Also good cardio exercise and aerobic exercises fitness bikes offer, you can find not as much stress in your knees; that's terrific news for somebody with knee problems who might have been having hassle finding an cardio workout that didn't over-stress their knees. Persons with lower back struggles will find that fitness bikes will strengthen the muscles required to boost back support - the leg and thigh muscles are improved together with the hamstrings.

The Difference Among Stationary And Moving Fitness Bikes

To illuminate the topic of this informative article, the fitness bikes being described are stationary bikes, often known as exercise bikes. A search for fitness bikes will present itself a perplexing mixture of fitness bikes described as much like racing or road bikes, and stationary bikes. To become clear, this short article is about the stationary kind you might see in a fitness center.

Upright and Recumbent Fitness Bikes

The trendy fitness bike is not an identical type you might have seen within your aunts basement with her pantyhose draped over it. Todays fitness cycles is often upright or recumbent. Upright is the sort nearly everybody consider when they contemplate of a stationary bike. Bike processed along with the seat, pedals, and one wheel on the front. Pretty simple. Along with the recumbent bike, you are seated with your legs out in front rather than below your body. The idea following this arrangement is that it is more comfortable, yet still gives a great exercise. Exercise bikes are available with screens that simulate an authentic bike competition to boost your exercise. In case you don't want to spring for goodies like that, it is easy to always put in front of your TV, or blast your favorite music. Anything that motivates you and continues you going.

Boost Workout As You Develop Stronger

To improve the usefulness of the workout, it's always necessary to enhance the weight to your pedaling. This is executed in various methods. The old fashion (but not at all out-of-date) technique is just to press a roller against the tire. To improve weight you push the roller tighter touching the tire. Newer fitness magnetic bikes utilize magnetism so as to add digital (but very true feeling) opposition. Anyway accomplishes a similar effect, you ought to pedal harder, ever-increasing the advantage of the exercise.

The Nurture And Feeding Of Your Fitness Bike

What ever method of exercise bike you select, whether an upright fitness bike or a recumbent fitness bike, to be sure it supplies you with years of trouble free exercises, wipe it all over behind an outstanding exercise. Guard it turning along with good quality value bike lube, and keep damp clothing off of it!

Author Resource : Fitness bikes are a great way to stay in shape!


Stress Relaxation Techniques - Bring About Change Through Mind Body Relaxation!

By: Paul Summers

Description :

Countless millions of people in our busy world today suffer from stress, depression or anxiety related illnesses. Although awareness of these problems is better now than it has been, it can still be difficult for someone suffering to make their family, friends or colleagues truly understand what they are going through. For example, a broken leg is easily visible - a broken mind is not so easy for outsiders to perceive. And while painkillers are often necessary to deal with physical health problems, it makes sense to consider natural stress relaxation techniques as an alternative to medication for mental health issues.

Mind body relaxation is such a technique that can effectively lower the levels of stress, depression, pain and anger you feel. Many people that have applied these techniques have been able to fore go costly medications, pain relievers, and expensive long-term therapy.

There will be some effort required to see results, and you must want to learn how to treat the root cause of your problems, not merely the symptoms. However, as stress relaxation techniques go, mind body relaxation is easy once you know how to apply it properly.

It works by using imagery psychology. Basically, you listen to a soundtrack split into two parts. The first being an imagery narration, the second part the soundtrack, which incorporates musical and audio elements to enhance your mind's ability to rapidly enter a deep state of relaxation. Once in this state, the narration creates an exponentially more powerful positive effect.

Stress and depression causes your focus to become too narrow, making it impossible for you to have the necessary resources to control your temper, and lower your stress levels. When you have a great deal of stress, making the right choices becomes very difficult, since you are more prone to snap decisions than at any other time.

When you simply use medication to treat stress, you are overlooking the real reasons behind your problems in the first place. This means that your pain, stress, and depression are still there, and when the medicine wears off, your problems remain. The mind body relaxation method enables you to treat the reasons behind the problems you face, allowing you to learn how to avoid them in the future.

Mind body relaxation can also benefit your physical, not just mental, health by:-

1. Lowering the risk of major illness, since stress has been linked to cancer, diabetes, and heart disease

2. Lowering the impact of everyday illnesses, like colds and flu, as stress leaves you vulnerable to these

3. Giving you a better mood, leading to increased confidence and a greater sense of security in all aspects of your life

4. Improving relationships with others, since you will be able to adjust better, feel better, and feel generally happier

5. Giving you the ability to achieve more in a shorter amount of time, leading to improved productivity.

Stress relaxation techniques will provide the tools to effectively deal with depression, stress, and anxiety. Mind body relaxation is an option worth serious consideration in order to give you back your life, as an alternative to medications, and their potential side effects.

source: stress relaxation techniques