updated health tips and articles


Slim Down With Tasty and Healthy Asian Recipes

Kristina Dizon

Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do, because of the simple fact that there are too much delicious foods around, it's impossible to avoid them. The proliferation of fast food restaurants all over the country made dieting more difficult, because most of the dishes served at the said restaurants are overflowing with fats and cholesterol - both do not only contribute to weight, but also may bring chronic diseases for people who consume too much of them.

If you are one of those people who are having struggles on shedding some pounds of or those who need to lose weight but doesn't want to starve while doing it (like with most diets), then the Asian diet might just be the one for you. Unlike other popular diets around, with the Asian diet, people will have access to a balanced and very healthful diet. Healthy Asian recipes are one of the reasons why most people living in the Asian region have lived long lives. The said diet has caught the attention of diet experts because chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and cancer, are not as widespread in Asia, like the way it is in the United States and other western nations.

The explanation why the talked about diet is healthy and great for the body is mainly because it's low in cholesterol. Below are some of the food groups that composed the Asian diet.

Grains - Grains are good sources of dietary fiber, they lower the risk of heart disease, as well as they help reduce cholesterol. They are consumed daily through the forms of rice, corn, bread, and noodles.

Vegetables - Vegetables are also eaten in huge quantities in the traditional Asian diet. Vegetables are rich with phytonutrients that serves as the body's protection from various diseases, especially cancer. Some of the vegetables that are usually included in the diet are dark leafy vegetables, cabbages, bean sprouts, carrots, and scallions.

Fruits - Most of the meals eaten by people living in the Asian region always include fruits. They serve as desserts after meals. Mangoes, papayas, bananas, and pineapples, are some of the fruits often consumed, which are sources of fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals. Fruits are also enjoyed in the form of juices and shakes that are very popular during hot seasons.

Tea - Just like fresh fruits, teas are also part of every meal in the Asian diet, particularly in the regions of Japan, Korea, and China. The fact that teas are good for the body is something that cannot be denied, since experts have confirmed that they contain high levels of antioxidants, namely flavonoids, catechins, and polyphenols. Antioxidants are the ones that fight against free radicals that bring harm to the body in the forms of diseases. Also, drinking tea everyday, particularly green tea, can facilitate weight loss.

With the daily consumption of healthy Asian recipes, combined with Asian Fitness and Exercise, you are sure to lose weight, and also get in good physical shape. The perfect diet has been designed through the form of Asian Diet, Nutrition and Fitness. If you want to learn more about them, and get ideas for Healthy Asian Recipes, just click here.


As Healthy As You Can Be: Three Easy Steps You Can Take Now

Deborah Kukal, PhD

Having a medical condition can make us feel powerless. Our body is not doing what it should, and it may be doing stuff it shouldn't. We get frustrated when no one can fix the problem. And underneath it all, it's scary.

We can't totally control our body, that's for sure. But more and more, research is discovering ways that we can have a strong and powerful impact-for better or for worse-on our own health. Even when we have very real diseases and disorders. A recent study of women with breast cancer found that those with lower levels of physical stress hormones had less pain, less fatigue and less depression.

Now you may say "But it would be stressful to have breast cancer!" And of course you'd be right. But all the women had the cancer...yet not all the women had the same levels of physical stress hormones. How we manage our stress can make a difference in the physical cascades of biochemicals washing through our bodies. And that can mean lower levels of negative stress effects like pain, depression and fatigue--even when we have real stress to deal with.

What can you do to wash away the negative stress biochemicals, keep them at a manageable level and prevent stress damage to the brain and body? Here are three easy steps that are shown over and over in research to have a positive, healing impact, reduce stress, decrease pain, improve mood, and just make life happier!

1. Join a group. Whether it's the church you love, the study group you have grown so close to, or the extended family you enjoy so often, the experience of belonging to a group is powerful. Individuals who belong to a group where they feel supported and accepted show positive physical effects, and the research shows positive impact even when we have other not-so-healthy habits!

2. Practice Meditation/Guided Imagery. The research is clear-whether you call it meditation, guided imagery or deep relaxation, it's good for your brain and your body! Don't know how? You can use guided imagery recordings to help relieve pain, and to support you in new, healthy habits. We added Alpha Harmonics to our recordings, to help you relax even more deeply and richly. Your body will have less negative impact from stress, and all the positive effects of reduced inflammation, reduced pain, and increased healing. And it's fun, too!

3. Get some hugs. Our bodies need to be touched-our skin is hungry for touch. Touch comforts, releases well-being biochemicals and can even help us live longer. Touch reduces stress biochemicals, with all the negative physical effects they bring. And hugs can comfort our caregivers as much as they comfort us!

So take the power and control that's available to you. You can help your body be as healthy as you can be now. And you will feel happier, stronger, and more in control. It's how you're made!

Discover new ways to transform your brain, renew your spirit and delight your mind and body. Dr. Kukal's guided imagery for health will support your healthy habits, nourish your healing and enhance your life.

Try a free guided imagery at http://www.thehomeinyourheart.com/id88.html

Deborah Kukal, PhD, ABPP is a licensed health psychologist who has been using guided imagery in a hospital setting for more than 15 years. She has engaged patients from virtually every walk of life in the successful and rewarding practice of health focused meditation.


The Life Span Today

Warren Haynie

The CDC or Center for Disease Control in U.S. has revealed a new report about the total life span of a man. According to the department, it is estimated that around 1.5 years has been added in the life of today's baby than that of 10 years ago.

According to the new report delivered by this department is that an average woman has a longer life expectancy than a man which is now tremendously getting reduced. 2002 status shows that this gap is of 5.4 years which was 7.8 years in 1979.

The main top causes of death are now cured with the latest inventions in the field of medicine due to which the death rate decreased causing the life span of man to increase.

The report states that the death rates are constantly decreasing because of the fewer deaths in the recent years. The death rate is falling for the last continuous eight years and it is almost half the rate which was 60 years before.

The diseases causing deaths like cancer has been reduced to 2 percent in 2007 while heart diseases dropped by 5 percent. These two were the major death causing diseases in U.S. however there is a tremendous decrease in HIV deaths which in almost 10 years have reduced to 10 percent.

The CDC report is surely promising for the coming years to come but this report is compared with the other countries of the world, it would be surprising to find out that U.S. is far lagging behind that 30 countries.

World Health Organization in 2007 has given the report of the country securing the first position in the life expectancy is Japan with an average of 83 years of a new born baby.

Having a healthy good life is a must for all. Since America is a top most country which spends numerous money on health and still they don't even land in top 20's. What they need to focus is to make good eating habits with a quality diet to improve the life span of U.S. people.

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Increasing the Red Blood Cells in the Body

Robert Shorn

The iron supplements are for increasing the red blood cells in the body. They are not really for very healthy people but generally used for restoration when a person is in poor health or is undergoing a serious medical condition. In which case the body may require the red blood cells to be increased very fast, so iron rich diet is recommended but one can also take iron supplements.

You need to see a medical practitioner to prescribe the right dosage for the iron supplements that will not cause more issues to your body.

Again one is encouraged to have a good exercise routine that will help you to improve your health. It really pays off to let your body be accustomed to regular exercises.

The body will try to resist at first but it will eventually adjust to the routine as the human body is made to conform to the new ways you subject it to. It will also be able to compensate wherever there it is experiencing any shortage. So within a very short time you will find that your breathing is quite normal.

Going to higher altitudes might mean that less oxygen is in the air, but the body will still be able to manufacture a lot more red blood cells since the body needs more of them up there. Then when you notice some tiredness, it only means that your body is trying to cope with the scanty air up on the mountain.

If you think your body needs more red blood cells, what you can do initially is to take the natural diet that is rich in iron. Then you could see a doctor to prescribe the iron supplements if the doctor thinks you need them. Iron rich foods are things like fish, other foods and beverages too. Remember fish is also a good diet for the human brain.

Your plate should always have a variety of foods, demonstrated by the different colors in the plate. It means eating only one or two types of food constantly will lead to problems for the body as they will eventually affect the correct flow of blood. These in turn will contribute to the electrical charges or PH balance in the body. This state of affairs can be corrected when you see the doctor to prescribe something to take care of the acidity in the body. Most doctors today are aware of the wonder natural drink called the wheatgrass juice.

It is the richest chlorophyll and alkalinity remedy which the body needs to increase the production of red blood cells. It also acts as a body cleanser because it removes toxic impurities. It is the latest wonder in the world of science.

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