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Hazardous Chemicals In Household Products

We may have heard or read at a glance about the health and environmental campaign group who claimed that some products of our homes contain hazardous or toxic chemicals. But what is it toxic? Toxic substances are substances that contain chemicals that when inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed by the skin we will disrupt and damage our body's performance. There are two types of toxic substances, which are found in nature and man-made.
 - In nature there are living organisms that contain toxins, such as fungi, certain plants (tuba), poisonous animals (snakes, scorpions) and so on. However, in our daily life we ​​can avoid all that and we did not meet directly at our house.
 - Man-made toxic substances. That this would sometimes be close to us, is all around us. For example: paint the walls with mercury, floor cleaner, laundry detergent, insect repellent. Indeed, the packaging stated that all the products are used for something useful. But still keep in mind the substance ammonia, silica flour, caustic soda, triclosan, and others. All that is unnatural ingredients that pose a risk to health. We can not ignore that there is not always labeled 'corrosive', 'irritant', or 'toxic' in our everyday products.
 When the household cleaning products that use them evaporate or scattered into the air, attached to clothing, walls and into our bodies. Driveway toxins contained in it is respiratory system and skin. Do not forget, our skin is porous or perforated. Laundry bleach, bathroom cleaner, artificial fragrances and ammonia contained in other products slowly get into our bodies. In the short term it may not be too big an effect, but if it lasts a long time, we are really facing a big risk, as identified by the researchers, such as cancer.
 Therefore, it is recommended that we have the product awareness. Use of toxic products strictly in accordance with the rules of use. Especially for the kids, be careful, it is recommended not to use or play with. Children and babies are more vulnerable to toxic and hazardous chemicals (hazardous chemicals). Best practice is that we do not use it at all. The trick? Find alternatives or other options that may be available. As an alternative cleaners, use vinegar. For fragrances and perfumes, avoid perfume (fragrance) made chemically, using seed oils or essential oils. Use coconut oil (virgin coconut oil) for sunscreen, and choose natural skin care products. When shopping, look for products labeled green, or made from plants (plant-based). From shampoo to air freshener, choose a safe.
 There are so many ways to live healthier. Diligently tracing the sources of the internet to obtain a healthier product alternatives and naturally, we also become more understanding of ourselves, what we are like body and soul. By using non-toxic products that we can look beautiful naturally, avoid premature aging, having brighter and healthier skin inner and outer course.


Red Meat Causes Atherosclerosis and Heart Failure

     You certainly know red meat, which is meat which is red when raw and when cooked does not change color to white. Some people may already know or heard information that is still controversial that red meat apparently contains a potential health risk. Considered red meat can contribute to clogged arteries, or what is referred to as atherosclerosis and heart failure. If compared, the arteries or veins is similar to the pipes are flexible with a slippery surface. When the walls of the blood pipes dirt clung to the inner surface becomes rough, become hardened and clogged or narrowed, this is called atherosclerosis. The blockage has been suspected to be caused by a particularly fat or cholesterol.
    However, recent findings of experts in Nature Medicine found that substances in red meat are the principal cause atherosclerosis or heart failure not only cholesterol but is carnitine. The latest findings from Cleveland Clinic suggests how carnitine developed as chemical reactions of bacteria in the intestines (gut bacteria) to follow the diet of people who eat meat. This means that the consumption of meat produces carnitine development that will impact on the formation of arterial blockages.
  Many people are not aware that they suffer from atherosclerosis or heart failure symptoms until the illness when it occurs in their bodies. Blockage of the arteries can lead to heart failure, stroke, or even death. Although there are many reasons for the occurrence of clogged arteries, red meat suspected to be the most essential factor. If this time is estimated that the main factor that is cholesterol blockage, recently found that an important effect also is carnitine. Carnitine alone there are fish, chicken, and other dairy products, but the greatest source of carnitine is there on the red meat. The findings also found side by researchers is the fact that energy drinks are also sometimes contain carnitine, which in turn is expected to lead to the risk of heart failure.
 For the most effective way to prevent atherosclerosis is by eating a healthy diet. People who often eat red meat will have a higher risk of developing atherosclerosis than people who eat a reasonable or even not at all. Dietary pattern effect on the size of carnitine for the arterial blockage. Long-term research shows that the more vulnerable omnivor and carnivore, while the vegan and herbivor more resistant to blockage symptoms of atherosclerosis and heart failure when exposed to red meat consumption.
    Indeed, there is still controversy surrounding the findings about the benefits or disadvantages of red meat on health, the majority of researchers agreed this result. However so, this does not mean that you should stop eating red meat altogether. Sirloin steak may be very tempting to eat you, but moderation be the most important factor here. Meat consumption is seen by some researchers as necessary to meet the nutritional needs or human nutrition, as long as it balanced. The bottom line, L-carnitine is not good for health, whether it is in health drinks or in the red meat, it is better to avoid.
   That should be considered as a whole is in terms of the pattern of our lives than the consumption of foods and beverages that may be the real factors that cause disease. It could be genetic factors such as parents' health history, high blood pressure, lack of exercise habits, and smoking, and stress. The researchers also acknowledge that in order to explore how closely the link between red meat consumption and atherosclerosis and heart failure are still required further research more carefully.


Environmental Pollution and Cancer Cases

 Environmental pollution (water and air) have a direct impact on the increase of cancer cases in China, according to a survey conducted by the Chinese government a few years ago. There, a lot of factories and industrial buildings located on the edge of the river, so that they easily throw their waste into the river. As a result, predictably river water becomes heavily polluted groundwater and contaminate the source of drinking a lot of people, explained the Ministry of Health. In addition, the news-source Xinhua reported how the widespread use of pesticides and chemicals in agriculture is also directly contaminate food and beverage intake of the population. Development of concern is that the increasing cases of cancer not only in urban, but also penetrated the villages.
Meanwhile, in the United States also increased nearly similar. Some time ago a number of researchers have found a sad fact that many pregnant women are exposed to polluted air are more likely to give birth to babies who are not healthy and in some cases even babies who develop cancer. Scientists at the American Association of Cancer Research proves close links between pollution highway with symptoms of acute leukemia and eye tumors in children born to mothers exposed to pollution. The researchers observed how traffic conditions are filled with car exhaust fumes hazardous to human health that inhabit the houses nearby. The study shows how exposure to the polluted highway impact on the health of a lower level than what happens to those who live far away or rarely access the highway. The study among other measures the volume of traffic and exhaust emissions levels are there on the streets.
All of this is a serious warning, what a dirty environmental pollution is really dangerous for us, especially the children. During this study researcer examines more cases of cancer in adults. Findings on cancer-related pollution on children's somehow sad. Some time ago you might have heard about the results of a study that concluded that exposure to pollutants actually have an impact on children's obesity and behavioral problems. It's sad to know how the baby is still in the womb is already affected by a polluted environment, even before they were born.
The environment in which we live should be a haven for small children and the baby mother, not a hell. The mother in particular, and we all generally, should re-think that approach should thus polluting the environment. So, if possible, it would be healthier if we lived in the village, or at least we should avoid pollutants that are near us, limit contact with cancer-triggering factors sort of cleansing chemical, unhealthy foods, and smoke-filled highway .