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Swine Flu and the Pandemic Alert

Every year there is research into the flu, focusing on finding the strain that will be the most likely to reek havoc in our population. A vaccine is developed for the strain that appears to be the biggest threat. This years winner is not the swine flu, but this strain of flu is certainly in the news.
This flu is of the type A/H1N1, which is the type that is spread via coughing or sneezing, spreading airborne droplets of liquid. Is it contagious? Yes, most definitely, as is any other strain of influenza.
Does the swine flu mean that we should avoid eating pork? No, that is not the case. There is no concerns about using pork products in your diet, other than the reminder to cook your pork products properly and thoroughly.
There are many recommendations related to protecting ourselves from this flu. The most common is to wash your hands often, toss your tissues in the trash, and avoid close contact with those who have symptoms. But, since the swine flu and most other flus are airborne there is not much we can do to prevent contact.
You might want to contact your doctor if you have these symptoms: unusual fatigue, headache, a runny nose, aching body, coughing, and a high fever. Treatment is the same as for any other flu outbreak.
If you are thinking that the flu shot you received will protect you, well sorry you are out of luck. The vaccine is for a specific strain of influenza. It will take at least six months for a vaccine to be developed for this strain.
Are we looking at a pandemic with this new strain of the H1N1 virus known as the swine flu? The number of cases has grown, and with our travels the infestation is quickly spreading across multiple states in the U.S.
There are measures we can take in our daily lives to create a cleaner healthier environment, thereby reducing the risk of contracting any flu virus. Eating a healthy diet helps promote a stronger immune system. Anti-oxidants also support and promote better health. Using natural anti-bacterial and anti-viral supplements, both in your environment and in your personal health and hygiene, can wipe out a virus or flu before it takes hold.
Water purification drops have been used for decades to treat water supplies and reduce mold and mildew, such as the cleanup after hurricane Katrina. Learn more about the effectiveness of chlorine dioxide in its many applications in our home and our health. Swine flu is a virus, and we can fight back with a powerful anti-virus water treatment program.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lydia_Peru