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Deodorant Chemicals - What You Need to Know

Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp

In today's modern society, we are expected to use a wide range of body and skin care products to enhance the way we look - and to keep things like body odour to a minimum. However, many of these products contain harmful chemicals that can wreak havoc with allergies and create illness where there was none.

Here are the most common chemicals used in deodorants that you should avoid buying. Aluminum, parabens, propylene glycol, and fragrance.

Aluminum - One main concern with deodorants is related to their high levels of aluminum salts. Aluminum chloride, aluminum carbohydrate and aluminum zirconium chlorhydrate glycine complexes can make up 25 percent of the weight of the deodorant/antiperspirant, which is not healthy - especially in Western cultures where most women shave their underarms, resulting in more skin absorption of the harmful substances. Aluminum has also been linked to Alzheimer's disease.

Parabens - These are another concern related to deodorants. Parabens may be listed on labels as: methyl parabens, ethyl parabens, propyl parabens, butyl parabens, isobutyl parabens or E216. These parabens have shown particularly troubling links to cancer, present and intact in breast tumours. Studies have also shown that parabens affect the body much like estrogens do - diminishing muscle mass, allowing for extra storage of fat and prompting male gynecomastia (breast growth).

Propylene Glycol - found in thousands of cosmetic products - to help moisturize. It is also an ingredient used in anti-freeze and brake fluid, so it's no surprise that it could cause liver abnormalities and kidney damage.

Fragrance - found in many deodorants. While it may seem harmless, it should be avoided as it can cause allergies and lung problems. Unfortunately, the priority of most companies that sell beauty products is their financial bottom line, not your long-term health. Ultimately, we can't ignore the fact that all the chemicals we use on our body may increase our risk of developing cancer. Knowledge is power, but you have to act on that knowledge.

Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp, B.Sc., D.C. is co-author of the book Wellness On The Go: Take the plunge - it's Your Life! and the founder of http://www.roadmaptowellness.com an on-line wellness education program. Dr. Beauchamp is a chiropractor, a certified personal fitness trainer, a professional natural bodybuilder, a TV personality, a corporate wellness consultant and an inspirational speaker.

As the co-author of the book Wellness On The Go, I would like to invite you to claim instant access to 3 chapters of my book by visiting http://www.wellnessonthegofreechapters.com