Helen Hecker
If you're suffering from a variety of health problems or need to lose weight or both and are thinking about changing your diet you likely have made the right decision. Changing your diet to a nutritious healthy diet of raw foods (living foods) - foods that are alive - will pay off for you in optimum health. Most people today are eating the standard American diet, a predominately cooked diet with little nutritive value and are not aware how that diet is actually causing many of their ailments and diseases. Many people start a living food diet when they find out all the health benefits and realize that it may heal or cure them too.
I cured myself of breast cancer more than ten years ago and turned down all conventional treatments. In the process of changing to a raw food diet I also cured myself of many other ailments including fibromyalgia, acid reflux, chronic sinusitis, allergies and many others. My immune system hadn't been functioning properly. I even had problems trying to cure gum infections, cancer sores and simple infections and had many auto immune diseases and ailments.
As soon as I started eating my new diet I could feel the difference. Boundless energy, sleeping a lot less (five hours a night), little ailments started disappearing and then the big ones just gone. It was hard to believe that a diet could do this but still today I'm in excellent health all due to my raw food diet.
A living food diet is easy to start implementing and you don't have to make the switch all at once unless you want to. But you just start out eating more fruits and veggies and greens along with raw nuts. You can eat seeds like sunflower seeds by making a few raw recipes for pates, etc. if you like. There are hundreds or literally thousands of raw recipes that you can make. But you can eat simply also. You never feel hungry or gain weight if you eat a lot and eating a lot is the key.
Losing weight is easy on a living food diet. Pounds just drop off and you're eating healthy too and doing the best for your body!
Most people don't realize how much they need to eat of fruit or veggies a day and what kind of greens and how much. Just give foods that are alive a try. It won't cost you anything but the food you buy and by shopping around you can buy fruits, veggies, greens and raw nuts at good prices. Try to get organic or buy from local farms as much as possible but at least by adding raw foods to your current diet your body will thank you every day and know that you're helping it in every way possible. I think about everything that goes into my mouth and how it will affect my body. Will it help or heal me are two good questions to ask before you eat anything. Just get started on a raw food diet today. You'll be happy you did like I am.
Next for my raw food diet cure and secrets - how I used it to help cure my breast cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, acid reflux, digestive & sleep issues, headaches, pain, weight loss, etc. see a nurse/raw food expert's http://www.RawFoodDietCure.com and my easy raw food recipes http://www.RecipesRaw.com |
It won't truly have success, I consider this way.
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