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Growing Older But Not Feeling Older

By: Gen Wright

Would you like to remain strong and active as you get older... your mind as sharp as a tack...your body strong, lean and firm...hardly ever experiencing a sniffle much less a serious disease... with the ability and energy to travel, start a new career or enjoy exciting hobbies?

Or would you prefer to plan your schedule around doctor's appointments and tests and be stuck motionless in front of the television unable to fully participate in the things you love to do and the people you love to be with? Surely the answer is easy. We all want to keep as much of our health, vigor and youthfulness as long as we can, no matter what our age.

There is a very good chance you will live longer than your parents and grand parents. But what is the use of those extra years if there is no life in them? Your health span needs to match your life span and you have a very large amount of control over this.

To keep your mind and body in peak condition, birthday after birthday you need to be strong and you need to be fit. Now these things don't happen without you making them happen. They need to be worked at on a regular basis as with each advancing year it becomes progressively more important to include proper exercise in your life.

Yet the sad thing is the older people get the less likely they are to be physically active. It is a well known fact that being sedentary contributes to premature aging and increases the risk of chronic diseases like the 'big three' heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

One of our most important fitness goals as we get older should be to prevent the loss of muscle mass which is the prime substance for maintaining many important bodily functions. From blood sugar regulation to mood control, to keeping your immune system strong to disease-proof your body as well as keeping you strong, fit and independent.

Being stronger delays some of the aging processes that are accelerated with a sedentary lifestyle like muscle loss, bone loss, decreased metabolism (your body's engine) causing body fat levels to increase.

Adults who participate in proper strength training exercise have an easier time with their daily tasks and activities. They have more energy, are happier and calmer and experience fewer mental and physical diseases which have nothing to do with the process of aging. What has everything to do with it is simply the long term accumulation of living a no exercise lifestyle and poor dietary habits.

But you are lucky as you have access to new research that was not available to our parents and grandparent. You have the opportunity to lengthen not only the years in your life, but the quality of that life as well. When you experience the powerful benefits of proper exercise you will begin to realize that age has less to do with the number of candles on your birthday cake and more to do with how strong, fit and energetic you feel.

Strength training exercise is the most powerful age eraser that is available to us today and can improve the quality of your life at any age or with any health condition. There is a growing population of older people who are aging well and have taken it on themselves to stay active and healthy.

We see them on the tennis courts, travelling the world, in adult education classes, in the gym and sometimes still on the job working. Make it your goal to become one of them.

Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook "I've Found the Fountain of Youth- Let Me Show You Too!” here: http://www.over50looking30.com/ or come visit me at http://www.fitnessweightloss.com/

Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger.