updated health tips and articles


We Can Look and Feel Better

By: Ronald Godlewski

Most of us have the strong desire to look and feel better. Looking and feeling great is something that many people believe is a luxury that they cannot afford or enjoy. This simply isn't true. Looking and feeling better does not happen by chance. Those people who do look and feel great are that way because they have taken some positive action. What many of us don't know is that the positive actions of looking and feeling better are both easy and simple.

If you really want to look and feel great, stop and take inventory of your current situation – after all you don't know which direction to head if you don't know from where you are starting. Unhealthy habits, including smoking or excessive drinking of alcohol, should be stopped. You already knew that one! But did you also note your personal stress level? What about the amount of rest you get each night? While everyone's situation is unique to them, many of us share some common themes – unhealthy habits, high levels of stress, and not enough rest to rejuvenate the body.

The night shift is a killer! Studies have shown that people who work at night, and sleep during the day don't live as long as people who work during the day and sleep at night. One possible reason is that Night Owls get even less deep rejuvenating sleep than those who try to sleep at night and work during the day. You may have also heard of depression occurring during the long winter months when daylight hours are at their lowest levels. While sunlight can be harmful, we all need some sunshine in our lives. Sunshine causes the brain to produce serotonin, and serotonin has a positive impact on our moods and energy levels.

After taking inventory and eliminating the unhealthy habits it is time to detoxify your body. You detoxify your body to remove all of the harmful and dangerous toxins that you have built up over your lifetime. There are a number of products, such as those offered by Life Force International, that are designed to cleanse the colon and detoxify the body that you should strongly consider. By detoxifying your body, you will begin to lay the foundation for looking and feeling great for the long term.

Next, examine what you put into your body. You may find the need to make some lifestyle changes. Drink more water, and try to drink less or better yet, eliminate sodas (carbonated beverages) and caffeinated beverages. Our bodies are made up of more than 70% water. Your body needs clear water, no teas, to cleanse and purify itself. Make sure you are drinking eight to ten glasses of water daily. Avoid fried foods and all types of junk food. Eating baked, broiled, or steamed meats and vegetables, as well as fruits, nuts, and grains will build on the foundation you started by detoxifying.

To continue your journey of looking and feeling better, make sure that you aren't allowing your body to go into starvation mode during the day. You should be eating six smaller meals each day instead of the customary three large meals. Or for some of us, eating the one really large meal when we get home from a stressful day at work and stand in front of the refrigerator gorging on whatever is easiest to grab! Studies have shown eating smaller meals throughout the day – meal snacking – leads to a 25% increase in energy and ability to concentrate. Remember that your body already goes into starvation mode each night, since you are literally fasting for twelve to thirteen hours or more between your evening meal and breakfast the following morning. This is one of the primary reasons why breakfast is one of the most important meals. Taking a nutritional supplement first thing in the morning, such as the liquid nutritional supplement called Body Balance from Life Force International, is a great way to ensure your body gets what it needs quickly.

Start an exercise regimen. This doesn't mean that you have to become a body builder, run a triathlon, or swim the English Channel each day. A brisk twenty to thirty minute walk each evening will suffice. As long as you are getting at least thirty minutes of continuous movement each and every day, you will be building on the foundation started by detoxifying your body and eating right. For even better benefits to your personal well being, do not count the time spent at work, on your feet, as movement. While it may count in terms of keeping your body in shape, a thirty minute exercise period each day is healthy for the body and the mind – it relieves stress and releases endorphins that make you feel happy and well.

Finally, you should take a good nutritional supplement, as well as a multi vitamin each day. Life Force Internationals' Body Balance is a great nutritional supplement that is highly recommended. Body Balance is a liquid supplement which means a high absorption rate by your body.

When you make these easy and really simple changes, it won't be long before you start seeing and feeling great results. Not only will you look better and feel great, but you will find that you sleep better, and that you also have a more positive outlook on life.

Ronald Godlewski has successfully founded and run several businesses and is currently working with Life Force International. For more information on Liquid Nutritional Supplements and to receive a FREE Quart of Body Balance visit http://www.pillfreesupplements.com/


Feel Stressed Out? Try A Spa Visit

By: Gary Toh

If you are like most people, you are probably stressed out now. Be it work, family, money, parenting or relationships, stress is becoming a big part of our daily lives. No wonder more and more people (especially women) are interesting in getting away and unwinding in a relaxing spa. If you have not tried it before, it may be time to think about it now.

Why go to a spa? Because it is a good way to unwind and relax and get rid of stress. If you don't have a proper way to unwind that stress within you, the negative results could be serious. A spa is one way of relaxing but of course it is not the only way. It just happens to be a good way that you might want to consider.

But there are certain things you need to know about spas before you go to one. For example, spas come in different formats :

1. specialized spas that are focused on beauty, like the ones that offer hair care services, nails, and tanning.

2. full service spas that not only offer nail care and hair care, but also body massages, body wraps, acupuncture, and many other services available for you to choose from. A full service spa is a better option and highly recommended.

Next thing you need to know is about making an appointment with your spa. You can make your appointment alone or with a group of friends if you want to. Going with a group of friends can be a fun and exciting, yet relaxing adventure. But if you would like to go alone, this is not bad idea too. Some women like to be alone so that they can literally forget all about their daily stress. If you are one of them, then going it alone may be a better idea.

Besides helping you unwind from stress, a spa visit may also help improve your appearance too. Many women go to spas to get their hair or their nails done at the same time. This all-in-one service may also include plastic surgery but you must be aware of the risks here since some of these practitioners are not licensed to perform such surgeries.

Another factor to consider is the cost of a spa visit. There are some spas where you can to pay for each service that you would like use. There are also others who will allow you to simply buy a day pass. You may also want to research each local spa that you have access to online. Make sure that you look at pictures because you want to visit a spa that has a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.

To recap, a spa visit is a great stress reliever. It may not necessarily solve your problems but it can be a life saver because stress is a big killer. Diseases associated with stress are getting more and more serious these days. Once you are more relaxed, you become more calm and your thinking will get clearer too. That's how you can think of solutions to solve all your problems too.

Gary T is the owner of http://www.blogbelle.com/, a site dedicated to cosmetic and restorative plastic surgery. Visit this beauty blog for tips and guide on how to look good again.


Staying Healthy In An Unhealthy World

By: Adrian Adams

For the sake of yourself and everyone you love, it is a good idea to stay healthy. You can avoid financial debt caused by medical problems. You can avoid dying at an unnecessarily early age. Best of all, you can generally feel more energetic and mentally alert. But, it is often a great challenge to stay healthy. We live in a world that makes it easy to be unhealthy. There are certain habits that you should attempt to break. It may go against all popular notions, but you will be a better person if you are able to break these habits.

There are two parts of healthiness: physical activity, and diet. First, you should adjust your physical activity. In many countries, especially the USA, it is standard for people to drive everywhere they go. It is unfortunate that the modern lifestyle evolved in this way, because there are certainly better alternatives. When you spend half an hour driving somewhere, you do untold damages to not only your own health, but also the health of the environment. For under $1000, you can get an extremely nice bike with all of the supplies you need to make repairs for the next several years. After that, you're set. No gas, no insurance. Biking gets you where you're going fast, and gives you a nice workout.

Once you've added some physical activity to your day to day life, you need to adjust your diet to fit this activity. You should cut back on things like soda and fast food. Instead of having it every day, just have a little bit every weekend. Or, quit entirely. Add healthy things to your diet. You should always eat plenty of fruit, as it contains sugars, vitamins, minerals, and various other components that will give you health and energy. Make sure you eat plenty of complex carbohydrates, included in whole grain and oats. There is no such thing as a perfect diet, as it will be different with every single person, depending on their body and their exercise habits. But instead of settling for convenience, test your body to see exactly what you need to be healthy.

It can be a challenge to make lifestyle changes like these. It will take a lot of willpower. However, as long as you keep your ultimate goal in mind, you should be able to persevere. Just remember that your life is at stake.

For more good health info, visit http://www.healthtimes2.com/


Surviving Tragedy

By: Dr. Randy Wysong

The loss of loved ones is inevitable. The tragedy is not so much for the one who has passed as it is for those who remain and suffer guilt, regrets and loneliness.

There is no adequate way to prepare for and no way to escape tragedy other than to die before anyone close to you does or be a recluse and not permit close relationships. However, close, loving relationships are a wonderful part of life. Perhaps the pain we feel from the loss of a loved one is to teach us the very meaning of life, love, and to treat it well when we have it.

But everything should be in measure. To throw oneself totally into another person and lose self and independence is a formula for disaster. When the loved one is gone, meaning can be lost which in turn can jeopardize health and life. Love well, but always keep a part of yourself that can survive in the absence of the loved one.

Rejection by someone you love can bring almost the identical pain and suffering as losing someone to death. It can be even worse since the lost person’s presence continues as a constant reminder. The wound is irritated, scraped, reopened again and again.

The best way to survive tragedy is to plan for it. For one thing, if you are self-developing, as this book is encouraging you to do, you will have an independent life that you can fall back on. But also know beforehand that there will be no quick or easy healing. Pain and sorrow are part of the healing process. Do not assume life is ending or that the acute pain will remain forever.

Think of a tragic loss like receiving a deep knife wound to the brain. First there is the sharp and excruciating pain (for this metaphor forget that brain tissue has no pain receptors). Then there will be less, but more chronic pain. Brain/heart healing has inevitable ups and downs. Grieving is like any other wound. It can be reopened (like stubbing a toe on the mend) by a memory, a song, a visit or acquaintance and then re-closed. The further the distance in time from the event, the more quickly the wound re-heals when re-injured.

With more time (usually at least two years) the wound closes more completely. Once the ‘scar’ is in place, the pain is duller and continues to fade. Life becomes livable again even though the scar is never totally gone.

This natural healing process, in which time is the most essential element, is a reality all of us must understand to survive well through such an ordeal. The pain you feel is not unique and is not the most anyone has endured. Give yourself time to heal and do smart things that will speed the process and ease the suffering.

That is easy to say, almost impossible to understand or implement when tragedy strikes. During the healing stages you must force yourself to do certain things. Do them not because it is what you feel like doing (you won’t) but because it is necessary for your survival. Exercise, social contact, rest and good nutrition are essential. These are the factors your mind needs as building blocks for the healing process. Do not let your healthy routine stop. You need to buy time and the best currency is to continue with smart living.

Becoming active in a cause that helps others, or one relevant to the loss – Mothers Against Drunk Driving and the America’s Most Wanted television program are two such examples – can speed the healing process by distracting, forcing you to think outside of yourself to the feelings and needs of others, and gives that all important sense of control and purpose.

Determine now, before tragedy strikes, that you will do these healthy and interpersonal things to heal whether or not you feel like it.

People who stop eating and shut themselves in their room to mourn only delay healing and may even create life-threatening disease. The mind-body connection is very real. If you give up and wish death, your body listens. That is why so many people fall victim to serious illness and even die close in time to the loss of a loved one. Although you may feel like giving up, others love and need you. You have a responsibility to them and to yourself to treat your gift of life with the respect it deserves.

Tragedy is a universal and shared human experience. For those of you who are enduring personal tragedy, the heart of the rest of humanity aches for you and wishes for your speedy recovery. For those not experiencing a loss, love well while there is opportunity so there can be no regrets.

For further reading, or for more information about, Dr Wysong and the Wysong Corporation please visit www.wysong.net or write to wysong@wysong.net. For resources on healthier foods for people including snacks, and breakfast cereals please visit www.cerealwysong.com. Dr. Wysong: A former veterinary clinician and surgeon, college instructor in human anatomy, physiology and the origin of life, inventor of numerous medical, surgical, nutritional, athletic and fitness products and devices, research director for the present company by his name and founder of the philanthropic Wysong Institute. http://www.wysong.net. Also check out http://www.cerealwysong.com.


How to Use Water for Natural Stress and Pain Relief

By: Jennifer Kays

We all experience some form of stress in our lives. Clinically, stress is a negative element that can threaten our physical and emotional health. One form of stress can diminish our resistance to other forms of stress. Therefore, stress seems to take on a momentum or it's own i.e. stress can cause more stress. When our healthy resistance, i.e. our immune system, begins to break down under too much stress, physical damage and disease results. In addition to physical stress e.g. sore muscles, pain, aches, tension, overexertion, exercise and inactivity that causes back pain, minor strains and sprains, we also experience emotional stress as well. Emotional stress can come from many sources. Emotional stress, as we know, comes from discord in our work and personal relationships, economic pressure, loss, grief, anger, fear, etc. Over time, stress actually builds up toxic deposits in our cells. Stress can create physical pain and chronic fatigue that leaves us without energy or rest, leaving us accident prone and effects our emotional and cognitive abilities leading to even more stress. Again, stress builds upon itself and causes a vicious cycle. Our lives can be charted in a energy wave pattern with healthy activity being at the high point of the wave and rest being at the lower point of the wave. If one phase suffers, it effects the other phase. Our energy wave pattern becomes almost flat. We then experience restlessness, lack of energy, depression, insomnia, muscles tension, less frustration tolerance, exaggeration of emotional reaction e.g. constant anger of a feeling of our wanting to cry constantly. This in turn strains our work and personal relationship and our relationship with ourselves. Sleep and relaxation interrupts this vicious cycle of stress and restore a healthy energy wave pattern of activity and rest which interrupts stress building on itself and causing us to experience emotional and physical distress. Water can play a vital natural role in helping us experience the rest and relaxation we need to end the cycle of stress and pain we are experiencing.

Our natural, innate relationship with water is both primordial and present. We live in water for months before we are born. Our bodies are composed of a large amount of water. We could say that we are water. We all know the natural attraction we have to creeks, lakes, and the ocean. Although not always in our conscious awareness, we instinctively "know" that water is vital and "alive". All our physical, intellectual, and emotional functions are modalities of water functions. Water provides all living things/beings with a flow of nutrients as well as a means of elimination. All living forms exist within the Earth's great hydrosystem. Water is the origin and present source of all life. In a full hot bath we become surrounded by water, the source of all life. This stimulates our primordial security feelings and responses and provides us with comfort, relaxation, and pleasure. Heated water relaxes our muscle tension that restricts fluid and energy flow. The magnetic fields of our nervous system flow through the surrounding water malecules. We experience the profound and relieving effects of water's releasing us from stress and pain.

We can turn our bath into a therapeutic anti-stress, anti-pain treatment. Our bathroom should be warm and we should have clean towels and a robe ready for coming out of our bath. We just fill our tubs with hot water increasing or decreasing the temperature as is comfortable for us. When our tub is as full as we can get it, without running over as we get into it, is the right temperature for us, we can note the time. We need to stay in the bath for 15 to 20 minutes, not longer. Submerge yourself with only your head above water. Let your thoughts drift into the quietness of your awareness of your breathing in and out. Inhale and exhale fully, which releases tension from our muscles. Relax into the water and become "one" with the water. Add hot water if you need it, but beyond that, stay as still as possible. When time as passed, rise slowly and towel off lightly and put on the robe. This process will greatly help reduce stress, break the stress cycle, and allow our bodies to fall into a deeper rest. Regular use of anti-stress, anti-pain bath will release many stress factors through relaxation. This allows us to recover our energy and stimulate a stronger natural resistence, enhance our immune system and recover our health.

We can further enhance the effectiveness of water's stress and pain reduction by adding herbal extracts and essential oils to our therapeutic bath. Herbal extracts and essential oils are made from natural plans by various means of distillation. Essential oils, e.g. Lavender, provide a relaxing aroma that in itself reduces stress and pain. These essential oils are used in the treatment modality of aromatherapy and can be added to our bath water for added benefit. We can also use aromatherapy candles by our bath to add even more effective benefits to our therapeutic bath experience. Aromatherpy candles add a soothing light and aroma to ease stress and pain.

In natural thermal pools found in nature are many dissolved minerals that also have an effective therapeutic benefit. Minerals play an important role in water conditioning. Natural sodium (salt) minerals such as sodium borate, sodium caronate, and sodium cloride neutralize metals and provide a mild electrolyte solutions which disperses botanicals evenly throughout the water and helps attract the botanical molecules to our skin. Aromatherapy bath salts and minerals added to our bath water helps us receive full benefit from aromatherapy essential oils that we have added to our bath

Water is a powerful therapeutic natural source of stress and pain relief. We are water. Water is life. We often take this for granted and therefore do not make full use of this natural healing agent. Many of us do not even drink enough water. If we are wanting to manage stress or to break a vicious stress cycle, we need only remember that water is a powerful resource. The next time we are feeling stress, we can remember to simply wash our hands, splash some water on our faces, or take a soothing drink of water. If possible spend time with creeks, rivers, and where possible with the ocean. If possible, we can introduce swimming to our exercise program. If this is not possible, we can naturally soak away stress and pain with hot baths enhanced with aromatherapy bath salts, aromatherapy mineral baths, aromatherpy essential oils or stress and pain formulas specially designed to be used with water such as ABRA Herbal Hydrotherapy Muscle Bath or ABRA Hydrotherapy Stress Bath.

Jenny has more than twenty years experience with all natural health care products. More information about aromatherapy bath, aromatherapy and natural stress and pain relief formula is available at => http://www.sweetmedicineessentials.com/aromatherapy-bath-c-8.html


Spirituality Helps Texans With Stress Relief

By: Pat Carpenter

There are certain activities that can reduce stress which are very tangible, including exercise, eating healthier and developing and nurturing friendships. But many individuals in Austin, Dallas, Houston and elsewhere in Texas also find that looking within themselves can help them manage the difficult times.

At its core, spirituality can give individual lives context. Spirituality doesn't mean you're connected to a specific belief system or even that you participate in religious worship. It comes from that invisible connection you have with others and involves the development of a personal value system, as well as the search for the meaning in life.

For many individuals, spirituality takes on the form of religion, prayer, meditation or the belief in a higher power. For others, spirituality is discovered in nature, music, art or a secular community. It is different for everyone.

Spirituality has many benefits. Here's how it can help you:

- Focusing on personal goals. You may help uncover what's most meaningful in your life. By discovering what's important to you, you can rid your life of stress by determining what the unimportant things that seem to consume you are.
- Making a connection with the world. The more you feel you have a direction in the world, the less alone you'll feel and the greater inner peace you will have.
- Relinquishing control. As you begin to feel a part of a greater whole, you discover you're not responsible for all the good and bad in life. Share the burden of tough times and life's blessings with those around you.
- Extending your support network. Sharing your spirituality can help build relationships.
- Making your life healthier. People who are spiritual can cope better with stress and heal faster from illness or addiction.

Spirituality starts with how you see yourself, and how you are nurtured by your relationships with others. This culminates in a sense of purpose in your life. The best ways to grow in your spirituality are to improve your self-esteem and to cultivate relationships with individuals who are important in your life.

Here are ways that some have found help in spiritual growth:

- Using prayer, meditation and relaxation techniques to access their inner wisdom and help focus their thoughts.
- Starting a journal to help them express their feelings and record their progress.
- Finding a trusted adviser or friend who can help discover what's important in one's life. Other individuals may have insights you don't.
- Reading inspirational stories to find inspiration in life.
- Talking to others whom one admires. Asking them how they found their way to a spiritual life.
- Trying new things. When exploring organized religion, remember the variety of different faiths and their traditions. If your spirituality is more secular, consider expanding your horizons with the arts or music.

Staying connected to both your spirituality and to those around you can benefit your life, mentally as well as physically. How you define spirituality may change over time, but it should always form the basis of your well-being. It helps you reduce your stress levels while providing direction in your life.

There are certain activities that can reduce stress which are very tangible, including exercise, eating healthier and developing and nurturing friendships. But many individuals in Austin, Dallas, Houston and elsewhere in Texas also find that looking within themselves can help them manage the difficult times.

Pat Carpenter writes for Precedent Insurance Company. Precedent puts a new spin on health insurance. Learn more at http://www.precedent.com/


Monitoring Your Health: Four Measures to Know

By: Pamela Dombrowski-Wilson

How many times have you gone for your annual medical appointment and the doctor discussed your measures? How many times did you remember the numbers but not remember what they meant? I am referring to the measures of blood pressure and cholesterol. These combined are a fairly good predictor of heart health. According to the Centers for Disease Control, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. representing 29 percent of the population and is the leading cause of disability.

Blood pressure consists of two readings the top number and the bottom number. The top number is called systolic pressure, defined as the pressure of blood in the arteries as the heart contracts to pump blood. The bottom number is called diastolic pressure, defined as the pressure of blood in the arteries that occurs when your heart is at rest between heartbeats.

The measures have been lowered for pre-high blood pressure and now range 120-139 systolic and 80-89 diastolic. Many people have no symptoms of high blood pressure and are not aware they have the condition. Blood pressure monitors are available for purchase at drug stores and in most pharmacy areas. If you suspect you have high blood pressure it is a good idea to talk to your doctor. Daily monitoring is a good way to monitor blood pressure whether you are taking medication or not.

Cholesterol is the other measure with two numbers. Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced in the liver and existing in certain foods. When there is too much cholesterol in the body, it settles in the arteries causing clogging and narrowing. We often hear about good and bad cholesterol. The good cholesterol measure is HDL (high density lipoprotein). The bad cholesterol measure is LDL (low density lipoprotein). The suggested appropriate level for total cholesterol is 200. LDL should be less than 100 and HDL should be 40 or higher. Many times cholesterol can be controlled by diet and exercise.

Ask your physician for the lab report that shows your blood test results and ask questions. Keep a copy at home to compare to subsequent lab reports to monitor your progress year to year. Blood pressure and cholesterol are four good measures to know in monitoring your ongoing health and wellness. It is important that we all become more educated about our own health so that we can become better consumer advocates for ourselves and our family members.

Many individuals hear the measures for blood pressure and cholesterol from physicians and do not really understand what they mean. This article provides a simple explanation and general guidelines.

Pamela D.Wilson, has over twenty years business experience including ten years in the healthcare field. Her specialization includes planning, counseling and advocacy for older adults. Contact her at The Care Navigator,


Filmmaker Overcomes Himalayan Difficulties to Bring Rare Yogi Interview to Those Seeking Yoga 'High'

By: Victor Demko

Two landslides on a road in the Indian Himalayas tested holistic health filmmaker Victor Demko's resolve to get an interview with Yoga Master Swami Sundaranand. Demko encountered this challenge while traveling from Rishikesh to Gangotri, the site of the historic head water of the Ganges River and longtime home of the 79 year old Swami Sundaranand, one of the last hardcore Himalayan yogis.
Mr. Demko founding director of www.thecenterforhealingarts.com undertook the trip to ask "Swami-ji" to be the first guest of his new virtual healing arts center. The center provides an intimate in-depth encounter with a carefully selected healing arts practitioner on DVD to members every other month.
"So many people have time and financial restrictions but really would like to spend time with some of these great meditative/healing beings so my thought was to seek them out and make them available to people in their own homes". Says Mr. Demko.
"When we came up to the first landslide, the road had slid 800 feet down the mountain and a very thin dirt ledge was being cleared to pass on -- we were one of the first cars to risk driving on it. The second land slide closed the road between Uttrakashi and Gangotri for three days and my heart momentarily sank with the thought of not being able to get through. We went ahead anyways and when we arrived at the landslide, a heavy duty army bulldozer was working on clearing rocks and carving a ledge road into the side of the mountain. A whole bunch of people had been waiting to run across the piled debris for a long time and when the machine took a break we gingerly climbed across the loose landslide rocks with about a 1200 foot drop off below us."
"There was a bit of pandemonium as people tried to get a ride for the rest of the trip and no one was speaking English. With all that camera equipment equaling over 30 years wages for the average person in that area, packed in our knapsacks, we were a little nervous being stuck in such a remote spot, as we left the safety and protection of our car and driver behind and hoped we'd be able to get a ride on the other side of the slide. We were blessed that someone helped us for a moment and we were lucky enough to get the only jeep there to take us on the rest of the trip.
"Once in Gangotri, we were able to determine quite soon where Swami-ji lived. He's been there since 1948. At that time only he, his teacher, and one other Yogi lived there and for 25 years Swami-ji lived in a cave. We knocked on the gate of his modest property with the roaring Ganges just steps away and were received with total graciousness. He really invited us into his life of mediation and spiritual practices. He's extremely knowledgeable about Yoga, good health, and overall well being, as well as being an accomplished photographer of the natural beauty of the Himalayas" says Mr. Demko. "There's such depth and simplicity in his manner that viewers can benefit from. We left Gangotri enriched by our encounter with Swami'ji as well as having his blessing for both the center and to all those that see the film."
"It was worth the difficulties. The difficulties have turned into a sweet perfume that is the first in-depth encounter with a great healing arts practitioner on film for the center's series. I'll always be deeply grateful to Swami-ji for his blessings."
For further information and to order the film please visit http://thecenterforhealingarts.com

The Center for Healing Arts is a worldwide community of healing arts practitioners and those interested in healing and wellness. Members receive six DVD sessions a year, one every two months, that features a personalized, in-depth encounter with an adept practitioner of the healing arts. Guest practitioners are carefully selected for their experience, knowledge, spiritual and heart qualities, and for representing a particular tradition in the vast range of traditions the DVD sessions series will explore. Each is recorded as if speaking to an intimate friend. The focus is on presence rather than on commercialism. Each DVD can stand alone as an independent session or film. Taken together, however, the films will form a voyage of discovery, exploring the many types of healing used across the earth.

Mr. Demko founding director of www.thecenterforhealingarts.com undertook the trip to ask "Swami-ji" to be the first guest of his new virtual healing arts center. The center provides an intimate in-depth encounter with a carefully selected healing arts practitioner on DVD to members every other month.

Victor Demko ,The Founder and Director of http://www.thecenterforhealingarts.com


13 Tips to Boost Your Metabolism

By: Steven N. Muller

There are a lot of people who would give a lot to increase their metabolism. Having a high level of metabolism enables one to burn fat and lose weight fast with the least amount of exertion. Metabolism is the rate by which the body produces and consumes energy and calories to support life.

There are several factors that affect the metabolism of a person, such as the amount of muscle tissue, the frequency of the meals one consumes, genetics, the digestive system, stress levels, personal diet, and activity levels. Metabolism slows down due to the following: loss of muscle because of not enough physical activity, the tendency of the body to cannibalize its own tissue because there is not enough food energy to sustain it, and the decrease of physical activity that comes naturally with old age.

Here are several ways to fire up one's metabolism:

1. Build up on lean, mean body mass. It is only natural that metabolism decreases along with age, but it is possible to counter the effects. The amount of muscle a person has is a very strong determinant in the ability to burn calories and shed fat. So it goes without saying that exercise is essential. Build strength and resistance by working out at least twice a week, preferably with weights. Do easy exercises in between workouts. Simple tasks such as walking the dog and using the stairs in place of the elevator can already take off calories. The key is to match the amount of eating to the amount of activity one has. Here are some guidelines in getting the right exercise:

For strength training

-Increase the amount of repetitions of a particular exercise.
-Add the level of resistance
-Utilize advance exercise techniques if possible

For cardiovascular training

-Insert intervals between exercises
-Perform cross-training and combine the exercises
-Add up on resistance and speed

2. Eat breakfast. A lot of people are ignoring the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Surprisingly, the ones who eat breakfast are thinner than the ones who do not. Metabolism can slow down considerably if breakfast is taken during mid-morning or if one waits until the afternoon to eat.

3. Avoid sugar. Sugar enables the body to store fat. It is recommended that a person consumes food that helps sustain an even level of blood-sugar. Additionally, progressive exercise 2-3 times a week should be in order to stabilize blood sugar.

4. Eat spicy foods. Hot cuisine with peppers can increase metabolism.

5. Sleep more. According to research, it is riskier for people who do not get enough sleep to gain weight. Also, muscles are regenerated during the last couple of hours of slumber.

6. Increase water intake. Water flushes out toxins that are produced whenever the body burns fat. Majority of bodily functions involves water, and lack of water causes the body system's operations to decrease its speed, and produces unneeded stress as a result.

7. Detoxify the digestive system. A clean and healthy digestive system not only helps the body to run more efficiently, it also gives you energy and helps you to crave healthier foods. This makes a cleansing program, such as Isagenix 9-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System, a great way to jump-start a weight loss regimen.

8. Eat smaller meals. It is advisable to consume 4 to 6 small meals that are timed 2 to 3 hours apart.

9. Never skip meals. People tend to skip meals in order to lose weight, which is a big mistake since it slows down metabolism.

10. Plan meals in detail. Always prepare the right amount of food to be consumed at the designated intervals. Do not commit the mistake of eating meals in sporadic patterns.

11. Ditch the stress! Stress, be it physical or emotional, triggers the release of a steroid called cortisol, which decreases metabolism. Also, people tend to eat excessively when stressed.

12. Guzzle up on green tea. It can be used as a substitute for coffee. Tea has the ability to stimulate metabolism, and unlike coffee, it has no undesirable side effects when too much is consumed.

13. Include more energy foods in the diet, such as fruits and vegetables, beans and whole grains.

Achieving the desired body weight is never impossible if one has the determination and patience needed to stabilize the metabolism level, which plays an important role in weight loss. A person needs to realize that eating right and working out is not just a passing fancy, but a way of life. Fighting cravings is hard for most of us. A great help in the quest to eat healthier --and fight those unhealthy cravings-- is a body cleansing program.

Steven N. Muller health, fitness and sleep expert and is currently involved with following websites: http://www.loseweightandcleanse.com and http://www.sleepmanagementconsultants.com


Improving Your Own Health and Wellness While Saving the World

By: Dave Wheitner

Having worked on several public health projects and in several human services settings, I have a strong concern for the health and wellness of others. The overlaps I've recognized between individual health, environment, global discord, and social justice have led me to make some major changes in my own life.

If our work involves helping others and improving the world, it's particularly important that we manage our own health and wellness. Fortunately, there are several ways we can do both simultaneously! In fact, many habits that benefit our health or the environment also have personal financial benefits (Blix & Heitmiller, 1997).

Uncontrollable factors like genetics and injuries aside, we generally stand a greater chance of living a long and productive life if we proactively maintain our own health. This gives us more time to pursue our visions in the world, share our gifts with others, and leave a lasting legacy.

However, we sometimes neglect ourselves while saving the world. In settings where the focus is upon helping others, I have seen and heard numerous examples of people who don't give themselves the care they deserve.

Upon returning from a trip to assess public health needs of tsunami victims, a colleague told me of the signs of stress exhibited by many of the professional aid workers. Many of them, he observed, appeared highly anxious and engaged in behaviors like smoking at very high levels. The trauma surrounding them was taking a toll. Likewise, I have noted many visibly unhealthy professionals (including medical doctors) in health and human services settings where poor health was also a common issue among clients.

So what can we do to take better care of ourselves while also saving the world? Outside of addressing obvious factors like overextended workweeks in high-stress settings, there are a number of possibilities.

First, we may generate health-related benefits for ourselves simply by giving generously to others in our own unique way. This doesn't need to be money; it can include expressing gratitude for someone's friendship, sharing an artistic talent, or even lending a listening ear. Outside of fulfilling us and making us happy, giving can actually improve our health and longevity. Post and Neimark (2007) cite studies suggesting the following:

-Giving as a high school student predicts good physical and mental health up to 50 years later, into late adulthood.
-Giving and helping others reduces mortality in older adults, and depression and suicide risk in adolescents.
-Giving is more powerful than receiving in reducing mortality.

These powerful impacts, note Post and Neimark, may occur through a variety of mechanisms. Giving increases our feelings of self-efficacy, allows us to forget about the stressors in our own lives, enables us to forgive ourselves for our own mistakes, and enhances our sense of being part of a supportive larger community.

Secondly, we can assess where we are in different health-related areas of our life, and take actions in each. In his holistic wellness model as cited by Michael Arloski (2007), Don Ardell suggests that we need to take personal responsibility for our choices in several dimensions of life:

-stress management
-physical fitness
-nutritional awareness
-sensitivity to our physical, social and personal environments

I'll outline a few ideas that blend the above dimensions while connecting personal and collective health and wellness.

As for stress management and physical fitness, think beyond traditional "exercise" like going to the gym if you find it difficult to motivate yourself. Arloski suggests viewing exercise as "movement." To do this in a way that benefits both yourself and the world, consider your modes of transportation throughout the day.

For example, rather than getting in the car, can you walk or ride a bicycle? Rather than taking an elevator, can you use the stairs? These options give you a workout, save energy, and minimize pollution. Additionally, they can reduce stress, as "pedestrian rage" is much less common than "road rage." They also have social benefits, given that it's difficult to talk to a friend as they're speeding by in their car, but relatively easy if you bump into each other on the sidewalk.

Perhaps you live in an area that has few or no sidewalks, no safe places to ride a bicycle, and no amenities within walking distance. In such cases, you may wish to look at how your choice of living location impacts health and well-being on both a personal and community level. Does your location support your values and priorities? If not, what would your ideal setting look like, and what steps would it take to attain that?

Also consider the energy efficiency of your home, and take steps such as insulating and utilizing low-energy lighting and appliances. Are you heating a house that's much larger than you need? Fewer costs require less time at work to pay the bills, which contributes to life balance and well-being. These considerations also benefit others' health in that energy savings often decrease air pollution (e.g., mercury) from coal-fired power plants.

Next, consider your diet. This has not only personal nutrition implications, but extensive environmental, economic and public health implications. What do you choose to put directly into your body every day, and does it support the self and world you envision? Food production and distribution requires energy and resources that affect the world in various ways.

Learn where your food is grown--the further it is shipped, the more energy it utilizes, which contributes to greenhouse gases. According to the "100 Mile Diet" project, our food ingredients travel an average of 1,500 miles. It's a bit more challenging to eat produce in season year-round in colder climates, but making an effort to eat as locally as possible can have sizeable benefits. Support your local farmers and grocers carrying their goods.

Also related to diet, consider organic foods when possible, as pesticides can have unintended and unpredictable impacts upon your health and the environment. As more people demand such products, they will continue to become more available and more affordable. If you have some spare time and a little space in your yard, consider planting a garden. Then you'll know what's going into your food and where it comes from, and you'll get some exercise, too!

You may also wish to explore the personal and environmental benefits associated with reductions in animal protein consumption. There is a sizeable well-documented (but not yet well-publicized) body of public health research on the risks of consuming animal-produced proteins, particularly meat and dairy, as well as literature on the "protein myths" that continue to circulate. Other important factors include consumption of whole foods (i.e., as they occur in nature) and dark leafy greens, but the animal protein factor alone is a significant one (Campbell & Campbell, 2006; Eisman, 2006; Robbins, 2006).

Additionally, it takes many times more energy, food and water to produce animal flesh than it does to produce plant-based food with the equivalent energy and nutritional value. By some estimates, it takes five pounds of grain and 2,500 gallons of water to produce each pound of beef (Kostigen & Rogers, 2007). Imagine how many additional people could be fed by taking out the "middleman"--or "middlecow."

Concentrated animal farming also takes a toll on both individual health and the environment. Five tons of animal manure are produced every year per every individual in the U.S. (Greger, 2006). Waste water and runoff, which often includes hormones and other chemicals, pollutes local water sources. Not all chemicals can be filtered out by drinking water treatment, and their impacts upon humans are still being discovered.

When large numbers of animals and humans are frequently in unnaturally close quarters to one another, it creates additional opportunity for diseases (e.g., avian flu) to mutate and jump species (Greger, 2006). Additionally, when forests are cleared to support animal production (e.g., growth of food crops), it increases breeding areas for disease-transmitting insects like mosquitoes (Greger, 2006), and destroys larger pollution-absorbing vegetation.

Maintaining personal health and wellness takes a certain degree of time and commitment, as does improving the world. However, it doesn't always have to be an "either/or" dilemma. Depending upon our own values and priorities, there are a number of ways in which we can integrate our efforts on both fronts and maximize our positive impact. I invite you to conduct your own research on these areas, and to create a life that works for you!


Arloski, M. (2007). Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change. Duluth, MN: Whole Person Associates.

Blix, J. & Heitmiller, D. (1997). Getting a Life: Real Lives Transformed by Your Money or Your Life.

Campbell, T.C. & Campbell, T.M. (2006). The China Study. Dallas: BenBella Books.

Eisman, G. (2006). A Basic Course in Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition. Watkins Glen, NY: The Vegetarian & Vegan Association.

Greger, M. (2006) Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching. New York: Lantern Books.

Kostigen, T. & Rogers, E. (2007). The Green Book: The Everyday Guide to Saving the Planet One Simple Step at a Time. New York: Three Rivers Press.

Post, S. & Neimark, J. (2007). Why Good Things Happen to Good People: The Exciting New Research That Proves the Link Between Doing Good and Living a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life. New York: Broadway Books.

Robbins, J. (2006). Healthy at 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World's Healthiest and Longest Lived Peoples. New York: Random House.

Dave Wheitner, M.S., M.A., life coaches people who wish to create a better world to find authenticity, direction, balance & fulfillment in their own lives. He offers discounts to professionals & students in idealist fields, & is authoring a book to be released in 2008. Please visit Idealist Coach site for more information.


Rhythms of Life

By: Mary Ann Copson

“There are times to cultivate and create, when you nurture your world and give birth to new ideas and ventures. There are times of flourishing and abundance, when life feels in full bloom, energized and expanding. And there are times of fruition, when things come to an end. They have reached their climax and must be harvested before they begin to fade. And finally of course, there are times that are cold, and cutting and empty, times when the spring of new beginnings seems like a distant dream. Those rhythms in life are natural events. They weave into one another as day follows night, bringing, not messages of hope and fear, but messages of how things are.”
--Chogyam Trungpa

Seasonal Rhythms

The dynamics of your body extends in an expanding range and your physiology is linked to the world and universe at large. Your body changes with the seasons, with the weather, with the atmospheric conditions. Many people can tell in their bones when a change in weather is coming. Human bodies are in synch with the gravitational forces, planetary shifts, the cold and heat, light and dark, humidity and all the other variations that the seasons bring. They respond and shift their functioning according to these natural dynamics. Your body increases and decreases certain functions in response to surrounding influences.

Biological and Geophysical Rhythms and Frequencies

All living organisms are composites of different rhythms and frequencies.

The heart beats approximately once per second but this rate speeds up in the morning and slows down at night; the electrical activity of the human brain cycles in fractions of a second; breathing occurs about sixteen times per minute; many hormones are released in pulses lasting several hours.

Across all species the natural daily rhythmic cycles run in twenty to twenty-eight hours for a natural day. The most conspicuous cycles in plants and animals are these daily rhythms (Circadian). They inter mesh with other cycles that are longer or shorter than a day.

Biological activities and processes are tied to lunar cycling as in monthly processes such as menstruation and also to the earth’s rotation around the sun as is seen in such yearly activities as hibernation, migration, and reproduction.

The seven day week has no obvious geophysical correlate but research suggests that this cultural convention may reflect deep biological rhythms. Seven day rhythms are seen in many illnesses, for example the common cold, and beard growth in men follows a seven day cycle.

Annual seasonal rhythms are less noticeable in humans than in other animals but they do exist. Secretion of the male hormone testosterone surges in the fall, sperm concentration and activity is highest in the winter, and rates of conception peak in the winter. More babies are born in August and September than in other months. Babies born in summer and fall tend to weigh slightly more than babies born in other seasons and they have a greater likelihood of survival. Miscarriages are greater in the fall.

Deaths also have a seasonal pattern. Fatal heart attacks are more common in winter. This is true even in climates that are mild such as Hawaii and also in the southern hemisphere where seasons are reversed. Winter months are the time of lower resistance to infections and of higher cholesterol levels.

Disorders and Seasonal Rhythms

It has been found that people who suffer from depression have skewed body rhythms and cycles. These may include the rhythms of sleep, body temperature, and hormone release. Seasonal rhythms have also come under scrutiny. Suicides peak in the spring usually in May. Admissions to mental hospital for depression also soar in the spring. There is another smaller surge in suicides and hospital admissions in the fall. An external environmental factor - the length of daylight -is believed to an influencing factor.

The Body Has a Master Clock

In the 1960’s researchers found the key generator of body rhythms. Injuring part of a tiny region at the center of the brain known as the hypothalamus caused the loss of many normal rhythms. The hypothalamus commands the sympathetic nervous system. It speeds up breathing and heart rate in moments of danger, regulates body temperature, stimulates appetite and reproduction and controls hormone secretion. Further research found that a critical area of the hypothalamus, the suprachiasmatic nucleus -SCN- a tiny cluster of nerve cells that sits on top of the optic chasm, is the body’s master clock. The SCN directs the body’s various rhythms to work together. The SCN uses daylight signals picked up by the eyes to direct each body rhythm to do its part at the appropriate time, day after day.

Seasonal Changes

Regardless of location, in traditional cultures, there was an awareness that they were continuously affected by the changing seasons. You may live longer and be more healthy if you adapt your health care to the natural rhythms of the earth. Learning to live within the seasonal fluctuations is believed to bring health, harmony and strength to the body. It also provides a natural timetable and rhythm for a good service check and health care program for maintenance and upkeep to prevent accumulated stress from degenerating body responses.

Many people get the flu in the shift from summer to fall. In the peak of winter many suffer from depressive moods. Some people find that if they drink fruit juices or eat a lot of fruit in the winter they will feel cold and damp and get a cold. When it is difficult to adjust from one season to the next our bodies may react through lowered immune responses that leave us more vulnerable to later illness.

Sometimes the body is a bit out of step with all the changes from one season to another. That’s why many people tend to get sick during those shifting times. Sometimes we fail to adapt our habits to be more compatible to our changing body functions in response to the seasonal changes. By being aware of some of these cyclical changes throughout the year we can support shifting body dynamics so as to assist the changes. We can also take advantage of these natural shifting points to expand those dynamics that are increasing/flowing and rest those that are decreasing/ebbing. Many traditional cultures have set up associations of food, drink, activities, energies, dress, organs of the body, and emotions that are related to and affected by the seasonal shifts.

Are You Connected With Your Natural Rhythms?

Your biological clock is set to cue you to certain kinds of activities during certain times of the day. Bodies have thousands of natural rhythms for every biological function. Your moods are regulated by your biological clock. Your brain energy is just like your other natural rhythms – high at certain times of the day and low at other times of the day. Your energy and vitality follow the same natural ebb and flow. When you try to push through those natural rhythms you lose the temporal harmony of your biological clock and desynchronization, malaise, dysfunction and poor performance set in. You will run but you will never be your best.

When all your biological patterns are ebbing and flowing according to their natural rhythms your body is synchronized and performs at its peak. You will have effortless energy and vitality when you live in accordance with your circadian, diurnal, and seasonal rhythms.

Are you aware of any energy cycles that you have? Do you pay attention to these cycles and adjust your activities as needed?

Are you able to go inward and rest when needed, or are you more likely to resist and keep going?

Are you aware of changes in alertness and your thinking abilities and do you use this awareness advantageously?

Do you have the energy and passion for projects that you want to do?

When you must perform at your best do you remain calm, focused and positively energized regardless of the situation?

Are you able to naturally meet the challenges of a situation? Or does it all seem to be too much for you and you just get by as best as you can?

Can you enter a state of calmness, alertness, focus and positive energy whenever you need to regardless of the situation?

If you are worried or feeling upset can you set aside these feelings and be fully engaged in what is happening for you in the moment?

Do you have the energy and motivation to be involved in interesting and challenging situations that call for you to be your best and operate creatively?

Copyright (c) 2008 Mary Ann Copson

Mary Ann Copson is the founder of the Evenstar Mood & Energy Wellness Center. With Master's Degrees in Human Development and Psychology and Counseling, Mary Ann is a Certified Licensed Nutritionist; Certified Holistic Health Practitioner; Brain Chemistry Profile Clinician.If you have answered “no” to any of the above questions, reconnect to your physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual natural rhythms at


What is Energy and Where Can I Get More Of It?

By: Glenn Antoine

How often have you been in the presence of some child that is running around the room like the energizer bunny rabbit and someone has commented that they would love to have that kind of energy again? One of my favorites is, how can we bottle some of that energy? I heard that one often when growing up.

While I would love to talk about all of the gory details about where energy starts, how it is created and why we seem to have less and less of this precious commodity as we get older, I’ll spare the details. However, with that said I can tell you emphatically that energy does NOT come from caffeine and it certainly does NOT come from refined carbohydrates and/or refined sugars. Why do I bring this up? Well how often do you or someone you know pick up an Energy drink or stop at their favorite coffee shop to get a boost during the day? Caffeine has become the number one drug of choice in the US and my guess is (based on my travels) that is the case pretty much world wide. Unfortunately caffeine is little more than a chemically induced stress which our bodies misinterpret as energy.

The serious part of this equation is that stress is the number one killer in the US. Now for those of you that are looking at a list of the top diseases, or causes of death you are not going to see stress listed there. Why? Basically it boils down to the fact that stress is a silent killer. Stress is Mother Nature’s way of weeding us out without having to rely on a catastrophic event to wipe out a large number of people. The reason behind this very effective tool that Mother Nature has is that stress simply provides the environment in which our bodies are not at their peak thereby allowing a multitude of diseases to take root, setting us up for a Heart-attack, a stroke, and this list goes on. In short stress drains our immune system (and a multitude of other bodily functions) to the point where we can no longer fight off things that should be of little to no consequence.

To make matters worse Energy Drinks are one of the hottest items on the market today. Now you can rest assured that those with the added vitamins and nutrients are much better for you – NOT! What little nutritional value they have is so far out weighed by the caffeine, the sugars, etc, etc that their nutritional value is non-existent. What’s more is that they give you a false sense of energy for a short period of time until you coming crashing back to earth. What do most people do once they hit this low? Reach for another energy drink and I really use that term loosely and only because that is the popular term that they are marketed under. If you hear nothing else, hear this: ENERGY DRINKS DO NOT GIVE YOU ENERGY. Primarily due to the fact that your energy level is not low because of a caffeine deficiency.

In short energy drinks are little more than a typical soda that you have been drinking your whole life. What do energy drinks provide you with:
- Large amounts of caffeine
- Large quantities of sugar
- Other herbal stimulants such as guarana and ginseng
- A roller coaster ride that severely stresses your adrenals,

The possible health risks involved with the consumption of energy drinks is very lengthy. The stimulating properties of these drinks typically boost the heart rate, increase blood pressure, add to the dehydration of the body, and, like other stimulants, prevent sleep. Unfortunately, there has been little testing with regards to some of the biggest concerns. In short it is not nearly enough is known about the effects caused by the combination of ingredients in energy drinks. To further complicate matters there are many of these drinks that are used in combination with alcohol as mixers.

Natural Energy
As you may or may not know, energy is created via a very complex process known as the Kreb Cycle and as we age our Kreb cycle begins to be less efficient at that energy creation process. The good news is that recent scientific research has discovered the rate limiting factors that prevent us from creating energy the way that we did when we were kids.

If you really would like to have the unlimited supply of energy that we all had at one time it is now possible. Maybe not to the point of being 5 years old again, but what about simply not feeling like you need to take a nap in the afternoon. What if you could get to the end of the day and still have energy to spend on your favorite hobby, take a walk with the love of you life, or …….. you fill in the blank?

You in fact have millions of energy factories throughout your body and they are a section within the cells of your body known as the mitochondria. What has been discovered is that over time the by products of the energy creation that we so desperately need to get through the day actually begins to damage the mitochondria and as such the energy creation process becomes less efficient. One of the biggest causes of this slow down in the creation of energy is caused by free radicals that are those by-products that I just mentioned. Research has shown that by increasing the amount of acetyl-L-carnitine and alpha lipoic acid available to your cells our energy production can be rejuvenated.

Now please take note that I have very much simplified the discussion of what needs to take place here in order to get the full benefits of these two supplements, but what I really wanted to point out is that you do NOT have to rely on huge doses of sugar and caffeine to fool you body in to thinking it has energy. Further more to get the maximum benefits available to you in a well planned anti-aging regimen you want a product that is going to provide the nutrients that are needed and any additional components required for you body to fully utilize what you are putting into it. Personally, for me the best thing on the market is AgelessXtra.


1) Wikipedia Website (Kreb Cycle) - Citric_acid_cycle

2) Wikipedia Website (Energy Drinks) - Energy_drink

3) Alternative Medicine Website - energy_drinks

4) Brown University: Health Education Website - energydrinks

5) Stephen Cherniske, M.S., The Metabolic Plan, The Random House Publishing Company, 2003, ISBN: 0-345-44102-8

Glenn has combined his passion for health and fitness with a great business model that allows him opportunities that would have otherwise not been possible. For more information visit: http://www.aginghealthier.com/ or http://www.opportunityofyourlife.com/


Health and Beauty Tips

By: Katie Thomas

Beauty and health are the two sides of the same coin. You cannot possess either in isolation. Indeed a healthy person is naturally beautiful and the reverse is also true. It is a fact that health and beauty go hand in hand. Health is the metabolic efficiency in all people and beauty brings joy to the beholder.

There are all kinds of health and beauty advice available through personal contacts as well as on the Internet. This should not be astounding for the reason that there are for all time people who learn regarding some original beauty secrets and they wish to share them with others. While there are many cosmetic products and health supplements that may be taken following some kind of healthy and beauty advice, one of the least popular yet essential beauty secrets involves milk of magnesia.

Firstly, find ways to move your body. Always make it a point to use the stairs rather than elevators or escalators unless you are pressed for time. If you are overweight, eat less or exercise more to have a youthful body. It is important to keep diabetes under control if one is diabetic or even take preventive measures to reduce the onset of diabetes and the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, hyper tension, and cancer or lung disease. Sedentary lifestyle is the greatest bane of health and beauty. It is imperative to exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 or 6 days a week. You can move around in small time intervals. It will be definitely far more rewarding if you could devote 45 minutes to 1 hour for any physical activity.

Be mindful that there is nothing hopeless about the other products, this healthy and beauty advice is being provided to you as an additional benefit from something that is not generally well known. Many celebrities are in the habit of using milk of magnesia and if you notice carefully, the ones with the most flawless skin are typically the ones using this of all beauty secrets.

Drinking water is one of the best beauty and health tips we can all follow. Water is essential for virtually every function of the body. The average person needs 1 to 3 liters of water a day. Drink with meals, as well as before, during and after exercise. Remember during your workouts, cold water is more readily absorbed. The most important of the beauty and health tips is to quit smoking.

The great thing about following health and beauty advice that involves milk of magnesia is that it is not something short-term but can keep your skin healthy and perfect up to quite an advanced age and even counteract some of the more obvious signs of aging skin. You should try to follow this health and beauty advice at least once and it is guaranteed that milk of magnesia will impress you like no other lesser known of all beauty secrets there are.

Try to reduce stress filled situations. It is always easier said than done. Devote 30 minutes a day doing something you enjoy. Keep your temper under check and count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Stay away from people whom you find difficult to cope with. It is also important to practice oral hygiene and stay in a pollution free environment to remain healthy.

Gulping down glasses of wine can cause health problems such as liver and kidney disease as well as cancer. There are many health and beauty products available in the market right now. They bring in different promises, guarantees and offers. Think for a while before making the purchase. Collect the details of the products you intend to buy. You should ensure that the product will do well for your beauty and health which you are looking for in it.

The link between genetics and beauty and health is a powerful one. But if one follows these basic beauty and health, it is possible to live a healthy and beautiful life. Finally, stay positive. There's an ultimate connection between positive outlook and healthy and happy living. We all agree to the fact that a beautiful mind exists in a beautiful body that is the best of all beauty and health tips.

Application is quite simple, with a bit of cotton use to apply it on your face. After application you must wait for it to completely dry and when your skin feels tight, you gently rinse of the application and that is all.

By following this healthy and beauty suggestion you will find out that face packs as well as milk of magnesia will totally remove blackheads with no all the harshness that engages other comparatively less effectual beauty secrets that claim to provide the same results.

katie thomas a freelence article writer. I wrote many articles on Health and Beauty Aids, Health and Beauty UK, Health and Beauty Product, Health and Beauty Supplies UK, Health and Beauty Products UK, Health and Beauty Aids UK


A Healthy Lifestyle in 4 Easy Steps

By: I. Worthington

Being in great health and fitness should be a major goal for all of us - at the end of the day the way we feel reflects the quality of our life we will lead - and what's more important than your life?? Feeling good, in essence, entails maximising your PHYSICAL and MENTAL state. This article will solely focus on the physical perspective (maybe I'll post an article about the mental factors if I receive a positive response to this one !). To make this exercise as pain free as possible I've broken down being healthy into 5 easy-to-use tips, which anyone can follow. My aim in doing this has been to eliminate factors which people tend to use as an excuse for not 'following through' with the suggested action. These factors can include financial, time and commitment restraints.

The beauty of these tips is they are extremely easy to implement and most people already know that they are correct. Therefore, why do the majority of people ignore such common sense or even do the complete opposite? The answer is simple, they have been conditioned, by themselves or society, to act and perform in a certain way. This article is not intended to change your daily routine, which may be poor or excellent, but to simply input additional easy and quick activities to that routine to improve your physical health. Here goes (please note, these are tips which have worked for me, and whilst they follow ideas extracted from extensive reading, they are not all specifically backed by proven data - that's the beauty of having an opinion folks!):-

Tip 1
Drink between 2-4 litres of water daily. Replace all carbonated, cordial, tea, coffee etc with water (don't like water? Drink it long enough you will!). I personally add a large slice of lemon to all water I consume - 1) because I adore the taste 2) lemon is alkaline, which is widely accepted to be healthier than acidic produce. Also, you should never feel a severe sense of thirst if you are in-taking enough water, as this is a sign of the onset of dehydration. Therefore, drink or sip water at regular short intervals throughout your day, increasing the intake where water is disposed from the body via sweating or increased physical activity has occurred. A water source not available to you all the time? Easy - always prepare a large bottle of water at the start of your day and keep it close to you throughout the day.

Tip 2
Don't just have your 'five a day' fruit / vegetables - ensure it outweighs the rest of your daily intake. Therefore, if you really need that juicy 12oz steak, make sure you offset it with a large salad, or a portion of vegetables which dwarf the steak in size! I'm not going to be the guy to tell you not to have certain foods, we all have our pleasures, but if you learn how to offset the pleasure (or better still, make the healthy options the pleasure - but that's delving into the mental perspective I promised not to!) with fruit / vegetables you will be on the right track.

Tip 3
Set fitness goals and broadcast them! "Why broadcast them?" I hear you ask. Well, the majority of people like to keep their word and fulfill any promises they make. Therefore, telling people who will hold you to your promise will stimulate you to complete your goal and achieve your target. Alternatively there are websites which can be used for this purpose.

Tip 4
BENCHMARK. Do you know someone who is supremely healthy, either by appearance or the vitality they exhibit? If you do, this is someone you want to interrogate (in a nice way!). Find out how they exercise, what they eat and how they operate. They have proven their method, now apply it yourself. If you don't personally know anyone who meets your specification of desired health, widen your search. Perhaps a celebrity or sportsperson has what you want. Research them, the web holds a lot of info as I guess you know, so I'm sure a person of your means can collect the 'benchmark' data you require.

Final Thought:
Actively acknowledge when you are feeling healthy. Many people do not notice the results they are achieving or believe it's pure coincidence - coincidence and health rarely co-exist! Thank you for time, I hope this article will be of some benefit to you and that you live a healthy and successful life.

My background is very sport and fitness orientated, not in my profession but in my lifestyle. I have been a keen sports player since I was 'knee high to a grasshopper' and a gym member since college. However, I honestly believe I have never felt fitter than I do at present, at the age of 32 years, 4 months and 8 days! I have recently become involved in http://www.competitiveurge.com/ , a social networking site with a difference - it actively encourages and promotes physical participation.


Growing Older But Not Feeling Older

By: Gen Wright

Would you like to remain strong and active as you get older... your mind as sharp as a tack...your body strong, lean and firm...hardly ever experiencing a sniffle much less a serious disease... with the ability and energy to travel, start a new career or enjoy exciting hobbies?

Or would you prefer to plan your schedule around doctor's appointments and tests and be stuck motionless in front of the television unable to fully participate in the things you love to do and the people you love to be with? Surely the answer is easy. We all want to keep as much of our health, vigor and youthfulness as long as we can, no matter what our age.

There is a very good chance you will live longer than your parents and grand parents. But what is the use of those extra years if there is no life in them? Your health span needs to match your life span and you have a very large amount of control over this.

To keep your mind and body in peak condition, birthday after birthday you need to be strong and you need to be fit. Now these things don't happen without you making them happen. They need to be worked at on a regular basis as with each advancing year it becomes progressively more important to include proper exercise in your life.

Yet the sad thing is the older people get the less likely they are to be physically active. It is a well known fact that being sedentary contributes to premature aging and increases the risk of chronic diseases like the 'big three' heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

One of our most important fitness goals as we get older should be to prevent the loss of muscle mass which is the prime substance for maintaining many important bodily functions. From blood sugar regulation to mood control, to keeping your immune system strong to disease-proof your body as well as keeping you strong, fit and independent.

Being stronger delays some of the aging processes that are accelerated with a sedentary lifestyle like muscle loss, bone loss, decreased metabolism (your body's engine) causing body fat levels to increase.

Adults who participate in proper strength training exercise have an easier time with their daily tasks and activities. They have more energy, are happier and calmer and experience fewer mental and physical diseases which have nothing to do with the process of aging. What has everything to do with it is simply the long term accumulation of living a no exercise lifestyle and poor dietary habits.

But you are lucky as you have access to new research that was not available to our parents and grandparent. You have the opportunity to lengthen not only the years in your life, but the quality of that life as well. When you experience the powerful benefits of proper exercise you will begin to realize that age has less to do with the number of candles on your birthday cake and more to do with how strong, fit and energetic you feel.

Strength training exercise is the most powerful age eraser that is available to us today and can improve the quality of your life at any age or with any health condition. There is a growing population of older people who are aging well and have taken it on themselves to stay active and healthy.

We see them on the tennis courts, travelling the world, in adult education classes, in the gym and sometimes still on the job working. Make it your goal to become one of them.

Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook "I've Found the Fountain of Youth- Let Me Show You Too!” here: http://www.over50looking30.com/ or come visit me at http://www.fitnessweightloss.com/

Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger.


Smart Eating Towards the Healthy You

By: Liza C

Many people do not realize the importance of smart eating. Smart eating is not about depriving ourselves from the food that we want to eat. It is all about our eating attitude as well as the ways that we do to easily digest while effectively consuming the tastes and nutrients included in the food.

Smart eating can be synonymous to balance diet. An individual is recommended to take calories on a daily basis but not too many. The amount of calories that we should take must not be more than our body can spend. While the recommended amount of calories per day is 2,000, the calorie need of a person still depends on age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity.

Drinking water also plays a vital role in our healthy diet. Since the body is composed of 75% water, the body needs to be replenished with the water that we used in doing different activities every day. Water helps in flushing our systems’ waste products and toxins particularly from organs that help in digestion such as kidneys and bladder.

Slow chewing of food also helps in easy digestion. This is very important as it not only helps in the food absorption; it also gives us the feeling of enjoyment in tasting the actual flavors and texture of the food that we are eating. Stress in eating can also cause problems in our digestion such as colitis and heartburn and the likes. So it is really important that we incorporate the enjoyment in eating.

Being healthy does not also mean depriving ourselves with the food that we want to eat. While we should limit taking sugary foods as well as salty and refined-grain products, we do not need to punish ourselves from eating sweets and fried and salty foods. We only need to learn to moderate our consumption of such food, just enough to give our body pleasure and our taste buds with enough satisfaction.

Eating is a part of our lives. We need food to function well in our day to day activities. Remember that what we are taking inside our body has something to do with the function of our body parts. Loving our body also means choosing the right kind and fair amount of food that we intend to take. A little of everything is not bad for our health.

Many people do not realize the importance of smart eating. Smart eating is not about depriving ourselves from the food that we want to eat. It is all about our eating attitude as well as the ways that we do to easily digest while effectively consuming the tastes and nutrients included in the food.

Liza Chua is a member of Veterans Advantage that supports and provides excellent benefits to America's veterans such as Boston Market deals and Boston Market coupons. She is also a contributor of Liberty Fun Pass blog.


Macular Degeneration: Don't Be Blind To Antioxidants

By: Keith Scott MD

Macular degeneration, also known as age related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease of the macula of the eye that is found predominantly in elderly people and is the leading cause of central vision loss in the USA for those over the age of 50 years.

The macula is the central area of the retina of the eye that, if diseased or damaged, results in the inability to read or see fine detail. There are two main types of advanced AMD - dry and wet. The former makes up over 90% of cases and, the less common wet form makes up the remaining 10%.


The cause of dry macular degeneration is the formation of deposits called drusen on the macula. Drusen are fairly common in individuals over 50 years of age and do not cause any visual impairment when found in small numbers. However, when they become larger and more extensive they start to adversely affect vision.

Drusen are yellowish accretions of lipoproteins in the lining of the retina. The cause of AMD and the reasons that drusen form is not entirely clear but there is a relationship with their formation and those of cholesterol deposits in arteries and other parts of the body.


OXIDATIVE STRESS: This state is associated with free radical overload and antioxidant deficiency that occurs more frequently with aging. There is convincing evidence that oxidative stress is the underlying cause of AMD as oxidative stress increases with age and is associated with several diseases like diabetes, obesity and others.

INFLAMMATION: An inflammatory process is also involved in the formation of drusen and both the dry and wet types of AMD.

AGE: The older you are the greater your risk of developing AMD.

SMOKING: Smokers have a higher incidence of AMD.

GENETIC PREDISPOSITION: Certain genes have been identified that place some people at increased risk for AMD.

OBESITY: Overweight is associated with oxidative stress and increased risk for AMD.

BLOOD PRESSURE AND CHOLESTEROL: Individuals with hypertension and abnormal blood lipid levels have an increased risk for AMD.


Several very large studies have shown conclusively that those individuals who eat a diet rich in antioxidants lower their risk of developing AMD.

Two of the most comprehensive of these are the AGE RELATED EYE DISEASE STUDY and the BLUE MOUNTAINS EYE STUDY both of which monitored the diets and examined the eyes of over 3500 participants for at least eight years.

These two studies confirmed earlier research that showed how antioxidants can slow the progression of AMD by up to 35%!


However there were a few important findings that should be noted. Although these and other studies have provided conclusive evidence that a diet high in antioxidants can protect against the development of macular degeneration, the Blue Mountains Eye Study found that an intake of the antioxidant, ß-carotene in high doses actually increased the risk of developing AMD. High doses of ß-carotene have also been shown to increase the risk of cancer in smokers.

Another study conducted by the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary showed that those who ate significant quantities of foods that were rich in antioxidants were protected against both wet and dry forms of AMD; even though they did not take antioxidant vitamin supplements.

Taken together these studies make two important points. The first is that we need a regular, intake of safe, effective antioxidants to help prevent the onset and/or progression of AMD. Secondly, that it is better to take the antioxidants in their natural form rather than high doses of individual antioxidants (like ß-carotene) that may have harmful side effects.


In this respect it is worth noting that spices have the highest antioxidant activity of all food groups (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2006).

They are the best source of the wide variety of antioxidant compounds that are necessary to help counter the effects of aging and age-related diseases like AMD that are associated with free radical damage and oxidative stress.

Spices also provide a number of natural anti-inflammatory compounds that help to control the inflammatory processes that underlie degenerative conditions like AMD.

Rather than waiting until we develop AMD or any of the other degenerative diseases associated with aging, we should increase out consumption of spices to ensure that we provide ourselves with the safest, most effective antioxidant protection. The most reliable way to ensure an adequate intake of the right spices is to take a well balanced spice supplement.

Keith Scott is a medical doctor with a special interest in the healing properties of spices and phytonutrients. He has written several books including "Medicinal Seasonings, The Healing Power of Spices". To download a free pdf copy of his book, "Medicinal Seasonings" and read more about the health benefits of spices go to: => http://www.medspice.com Watch the VIDEO on YouTube: "Spices - A Health Mystery Solved"


The Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise

There are two main types of exercise. Aerobic and Anaeobic exercise. Let's start with the first one. Aerobic literally means with oxygen. Aerobic exercise has an important distinction; it burns fat as its main fuel. Can anyone find a use for this? Anaerobic means without oxygen. Anaerobic burns sugar as its main fuel. Despite popular myth, exercise doesn't have to be drastic to provide massive physiological benefits. Even light exercise will burn fat.

Light exercise clears out lactic acid (a waste product in the body) and stimulates cells to regenerate. To ensure you're exercising aerobically (burning fat) rather than exercising anaerobically, it's important to ensure you do several things as you exercise.

The most important is to breathe deep as you exercise. Breathe in deep into your stomach through your nose, hold it and then exhale hard through your mouth.

Secondly, make sure that you exercise at a level that's comfortable. Exercise at a level of 7/10. You should still be able to carry on a conversation while you exercise. Do this for at least 45 minutes a day and notice your energy explode.

Do you think you don't have time to do this? There is always time. Use the time you would have spent sleeping to replenish your body. I guarantee that you'll need less sleep. Use the time in your lunch break to exercise. The increase in productivity will have you more on the ball, and save you time through the dramatic increase in productivity. See, with the increased oxygen from aerobic exercise your brain speed and efficiency increases. Ride a bike, walk, swim or play sport.

Rebounding (or cellularise as it's now known) is one of the best forms of aerobic exercise around. If you have access to a rebounder, use it. Use any break you have whilst working to engage in some form of movement and deep breathing.

Exercise also strongly benefits the heart. It literally makes it a larger and stronger organ. Deep breathing makes the lungs stronger and larger. Research is now linking exercise to helping benefit and prevent almost every type of disease or ailment. Movement of any joints promotes blood flow and creates energy. Sitting down all day actually robs the body of energy. If you sit down all day it’s absolutely vital that you promote blood flow, circulation, energy, brain flow and the strength of your heart.

Dr. Edward Steiner has dedicated over 15 years to understanding nutrition and articulating complex information simply. He has worked internationally with indivduals who wish to improve their lives through the proper use of exercise and nutrition. He has condensed the best information he has discovered in 15+ years into one place at http://www.energyboostnow.com


Physical Wellness: Our Most Precious Possession

By: John

What would you consider to be your most precious possession? Your home? Car? Book collection? What about ... your body? It is surely your most precious possession because without it, you wouldn't be here.

How well do you care for your body? Do you exercise every day, eat healthful foods, drink enough water, get adequate sleep? Don't worry, I'm not going to turn this into a big sermon, because I've been just as guilty of not giving my body the care and attention it deserves. A large majority of us are. We live in an age of high stress, fast pace, and abundant convenience foods. For those of us who only need to walk a few paces from our desk to the kitchen, the temptation for snacking is even greater. Who has time to exercise and prepare balanced meals?

However, it's important to realize that neglecting our physical well-being can profoundly affect us mentally and spiritually. The Mind/Body/Spirit connection is strong. If we neglect one area, the others will suffer also. The goal should be to achieve a nice, even balance between all three. I'm learning that it's not as hard as it seems. It just takes a little effort.

My biggest mistake over the past several years was believing that proper care of my body would take a massive amount of time. "I'm too busy to exercise. I don't have time to cook decent meals, I'll just grab something quick. I have too much to do, so I can't get a full night's sleep." But by shunning my physical well-being, I found myself not able to be as productive and efficient in other areas. I had little energy, I couldn't concentrate, and generally felt rotten all the time.

Caring for our bodies doesn't have to take a lot of time. In fact, by focusing more attention on my physical health lately, I would venture to say that I'm gaining time, because my focus and energy level are so much better, and I get a lot more done during the day. I also sleep better at night, another bonus!

You might be wondering just how much time and effort is required? Here are the things I've been doing for myself recently:

Exercise - For me, that was the biggest obstacle because I tend to get lazy. ;-) Once I sit down at my desk, I'm glued to it all day. If I don't exercise first thing in the morning, I will keep putting it off. So I started doing my workout immediately after I wake up. I spend about 30-60 minutes on aerobic activity (walking), and some light weight training. I had to push myself at first, but now that I'm getting into the habit I'm feeling stronger and even starting to look forward to my workouts every morning. If you tend to procrastinate about exercise like I did, try making it your first priority when you wake up, and then you have the rest of the day to do whatever else needs to be done.

Food - I have always been a "junk food junky." It wasn't that I preferred that type of food, it just seemed more convenient. However, I finally realized that raw vegetables and fruit can be "fast foods" too! ;-) I also began eliminating sugar for the most part, and switched to whole grains instead of white, highly processed foods (like pasta, bread and rice). I try to eat more whole foods, because who needs all those chemicals they put in processed foods? Instead of snacking on some potato chips, why not have some nuts, seeds, fruit or vegetables? They don't take any longer to prepare.

Water - I also began drinking several glasses of water throughout the day, and immediately began to feel better. Did you know that the most common symptoms of dehydration are fatigue, lethargy, muscle weakness, headaches, dizziness and forgetfulness? That sure described me, and it's no wonder, since I was drinking mostly coffee and soda pop! Upping my water intake made a huge difference in my energy level and mental focus. You don't have to drink gallons of water, just a few tall glasses a day should be an improvement.

Rest - I'm one of those people who really needs a full eight hours of sleep every night or I get cranky. Some people can get along on less sleep, but most of us are still getting less than our bodies truly need. You may think that getting less sleep will enable you to get more done, but think about it: if you don't get enough sleep, you will be dragging yourself through the day and have to concentrate harder on your work, because your mind just wants to rest. But if you devote a full eight hours (or however much you personally need) to sleep, you will feel much more energetic and focused during the day, and be able to accomplish just as much, if not more.

There, that doesn't sound so hard, does it? :-) It's really just a matter of creating new, healthier habits to replace the old habits. Sure, exercise does take some time, but again, it can make such a huge difference in your energy level. Make time. We need to make an effort to care for our beautiful bodies, because we only get one! They truly are our most precious possession, and if we don't care for them, who else will?

Wishing you abundant health and wellness!

What would you consider to be your most precious possession? Your home? Car? Book collection? What about ... your body? It is surely your most precious possession because without it, you wouldn't be here.

Wendy Betterini is a freelance writer and web designer in New England. She is the owner of http://www.WorkatHomeBalance.com which features work/life balance tips for entrepreneurs, home business owners, telecommuters and freelancers.


Not Enough Time to Exercise

By: Julia

Lack of time is the most common excuse for avoiding exercise. As a personal fitness trainer, I hear it all the time, “I’d love to workout but I don’t have time.” My goal is to help you find the time or more importantly, make the time to exercise. There are too many benefits for your health and well being to make excuses not to exercise. The older you are, the more important exercise is to your overall well-being and health. Strength training has been proven to reduce the risk of falls, increases bone density, reduces the symptoms for arthritis, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity and back pain. Studies have show exercise to have a profound effect on a person’s mental and emotional health. With all the benefits of exercise and if your health is a priority, you could find the time to exercise.

If you have time to watch television, you have time to exercise. These two activities can easily be combined. A television placed in front of your exercise bike or treadmill will help accomplish your cardio needs and make the time go by faster.

Be creative; break your workout program into two shorter sessions rather than one long session to fit more easily into your day. Many studies show that cardiovascular training for fat burning is best in the morning. Stop snoozing to your alarm clock and hit the cardio for 20 minutes in the morning. It’s a great way to start your day. Save your strength training for the evening or after work. An effective strength training workout doesn’t take more than 40 to 50 minutes.

If you’re a parent, it’s your responsibility to be a role model for your children. A healthy lifestyle and balance in life educates your children about values and priorities. Build fitness into your family’s playtime. Activities, instead of allowing children to park themselves in front of the TV or computer all weekend, will serve your family’s need for exercise.

Remember to keep it fun. Attitude is everything! For more information and tips on exercise, go to http://www.EasyExerciseTips.com.

Lack of time is the most common excuse for avoiding exercise. As a personal fitness trainer, I hear it all the time, “I’d love to workout but I don’t have time.” My goal is to help you find the time or more importantly, make the time to exercise.

Linda Geyer, entrepreneur, speaker and author, has spent over 14 years in health related businesses helping her clients and audiences make their health a priority. Founder and CEO of Vitality Management, a corporate wellness education company, and owner of Peak Physique Fitness Training, a professional personal training studio in Troy. http://www.EasyExerciseTips.com