updated health tips and articles


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Hazardous Chemicals In Household Products

We may have heard or read at a glance about the health and environmental campaign group who claimed that some products of our homes contain hazardous or toxic chemicals. But what is it toxic? Toxic substances are substances that contain chemicals that when inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed by the skin we will disrupt and damage our body's performance. There are two types of toxic substances, which are found in nature and man-made.
 - In nature there are living organisms that contain toxins, such as fungi, certain plants (tuba), poisonous animals (snakes, scorpions) and so on. However, in our daily life we ​​can avoid all that and we did not meet directly at our house.
 - Man-made toxic substances. That this would sometimes be close to us, is all around us. For example: paint the walls with mercury, floor cleaner, laundry detergent, insect repellent. Indeed, the packaging stated that all the products are used for something useful. But still keep in mind the substance ammonia, silica flour, caustic soda, triclosan, and others. All that is unnatural ingredients that pose a risk to health. We can not ignore that there is not always labeled 'corrosive', 'irritant', or 'toxic' in our everyday products.
 When the household cleaning products that use them evaporate or scattered into the air, attached to clothing, walls and into our bodies. Driveway toxins contained in it is respiratory system and skin. Do not forget, our skin is porous or perforated. Laundry bleach, bathroom cleaner, artificial fragrances and ammonia contained in other products slowly get into our bodies. In the short term it may not be too big an effect, but if it lasts a long time, we are really facing a big risk, as identified by the researchers, such as cancer.
 Therefore, it is recommended that we have the product awareness. Use of toxic products strictly in accordance with the rules of use. Especially for the kids, be careful, it is recommended not to use or play with. Children and babies are more vulnerable to toxic and hazardous chemicals (hazardous chemicals). Best practice is that we do not use it at all. The trick? Find alternatives or other options that may be available. As an alternative cleaners, use vinegar. For fragrances and perfumes, avoid perfume (fragrance) made chemically, using seed oils or essential oils. Use coconut oil (virgin coconut oil) for sunscreen, and choose natural skin care products. When shopping, look for products labeled green, or made from plants (plant-based). From shampoo to air freshener, choose a safe.
 There are so many ways to live healthier. Diligently tracing the sources of the internet to obtain a healthier product alternatives and naturally, we also become more understanding of ourselves, what we are like body and soul. By using non-toxic products that we can look beautiful naturally, avoid premature aging, having brighter and healthier skin inner and outer course.


Red Meat Causes Atherosclerosis and Heart Failure

     You certainly know red meat, which is meat which is red when raw and when cooked does not change color to white. Some people may already know or heard information that is still controversial that red meat apparently contains a potential health risk. Considered red meat can contribute to clogged arteries, or what is referred to as atherosclerosis and heart failure. If compared, the arteries or veins is similar to the pipes are flexible with a slippery surface. When the walls of the blood pipes dirt clung to the inner surface becomes rough, become hardened and clogged or narrowed, this is called atherosclerosis. The blockage has been suspected to be caused by a particularly fat or cholesterol.
    However, recent findings of experts in Nature Medicine found that substances in red meat are the principal cause atherosclerosis or heart failure not only cholesterol but is carnitine. The latest findings from Cleveland Clinic suggests how carnitine developed as chemical reactions of bacteria in the intestines (gut bacteria) to follow the diet of people who eat meat. This means that the consumption of meat produces carnitine development that will impact on the formation of arterial blockages.
  Many people are not aware that they suffer from atherosclerosis or heart failure symptoms until the illness when it occurs in their bodies. Blockage of the arteries can lead to heart failure, stroke, or even death. Although there are many reasons for the occurrence of clogged arteries, red meat suspected to be the most essential factor. If this time is estimated that the main factor that is cholesterol blockage, recently found that an important effect also is carnitine. Carnitine alone there are fish, chicken, and other dairy products, but the greatest source of carnitine is there on the red meat. The findings also found side by researchers is the fact that energy drinks are also sometimes contain carnitine, which in turn is expected to lead to the risk of heart failure.
 For the most effective way to prevent atherosclerosis is by eating a healthy diet. People who often eat red meat will have a higher risk of developing atherosclerosis than people who eat a reasonable or even not at all. Dietary pattern effect on the size of carnitine for the arterial blockage. Long-term research shows that the more vulnerable omnivor and carnivore, while the vegan and herbivor more resistant to blockage symptoms of atherosclerosis and heart failure when exposed to red meat consumption.
    Indeed, there is still controversy surrounding the findings about the benefits or disadvantages of red meat on health, the majority of researchers agreed this result. However so, this does not mean that you should stop eating red meat altogether. Sirloin steak may be very tempting to eat you, but moderation be the most important factor here. Meat consumption is seen by some researchers as necessary to meet the nutritional needs or human nutrition, as long as it balanced. The bottom line, L-carnitine is not good for health, whether it is in health drinks or in the red meat, it is better to avoid.
   That should be considered as a whole is in terms of the pattern of our lives than the consumption of foods and beverages that may be the real factors that cause disease. It could be genetic factors such as parents' health history, high blood pressure, lack of exercise habits, and smoking, and stress. The researchers also acknowledge that in order to explore how closely the link between red meat consumption and atherosclerosis and heart failure are still required further research more carefully.


Environmental Pollution and Cancer Cases

 Environmental pollution (water and air) have a direct impact on the increase of cancer cases in China, according to a survey conducted by the Chinese government a few years ago. There, a lot of factories and industrial buildings located on the edge of the river, so that they easily throw their waste into the river. As a result, predictably river water becomes heavily polluted groundwater and contaminate the source of drinking a lot of people, explained the Ministry of Health. In addition, the news-source Xinhua reported how the widespread use of pesticides and chemicals in agriculture is also directly contaminate food and beverage intake of the population. Development of concern is that the increasing cases of cancer not only in urban, but also penetrated the villages.
Meanwhile, in the United States also increased nearly similar. Some time ago a number of researchers have found a sad fact that many pregnant women are exposed to polluted air are more likely to give birth to babies who are not healthy and in some cases even babies who develop cancer. Scientists at the American Association of Cancer Research proves close links between pollution highway with symptoms of acute leukemia and eye tumors in children born to mothers exposed to pollution. The researchers observed how traffic conditions are filled with car exhaust fumes hazardous to human health that inhabit the houses nearby. The study shows how exposure to the polluted highway impact on the health of a lower level than what happens to those who live far away or rarely access the highway. The study among other measures the volume of traffic and exhaust emissions levels are there on the streets.
All of this is a serious warning, what a dirty environmental pollution is really dangerous for us, especially the children. During this study researcer examines more cases of cancer in adults. Findings on cancer-related pollution on children's somehow sad. Some time ago you might have heard about the results of a study that concluded that exposure to pollutants actually have an impact on children's obesity and behavioral problems. It's sad to know how the baby is still in the womb is already affected by a polluted environment, even before they were born.
The environment in which we live should be a haven for small children and the baby mother, not a hell. The mother in particular, and we all generally, should re-think that approach should thus polluting the environment. So, if possible, it would be healthier if we lived in the village, or at least we should avoid pollutants that are near us, limit contact with cancer-triggering factors sort of cleansing chemical, unhealthy foods, and smoke-filled highway .


Tricks To Help Ease Stress And Relax

Paul Lawrence
Our lives in the modern world are filled with stressors. We can't avoid them all. However, too much stress can affect our relationships, our working ability, and even our health. It's in our best interest to reduce stress in our lives as much as possible. These tips can help with that process.

Spearmint oil may be quite helpful with your stress. Dab a bit on your neck and temples when you feel stressed. Doing small things such as this can provide a great deal of improvement in your overall mood, so give it a chance!

Try not to take on too much of the world's problems as your own. You should try and change your attitude, the way you think, and let yourself relax and deal with life the right way.

Make some time for meditation. Meditation lets your body and mind relax for a while. Regular meditation leads to consistent relaxation throughout your day. In turn, you will find it easier to remain calm and collected--even under extreme pressure.

A healthier lifestyle may eliminate some stress from your life. If you improve your diet, get rest, and exercise, you can fight off anxiety and stress. Keeping yourself in good health can also boost your self-esteem and confidence, which makes it much easier to cope with stressful situations.

When you are overwhelmed by anxiety, tell someone else. Reduce your stress levels by venting to someone close to you who will help or give advice whenever you need it. The advice should not come with strings attached or judgements associated with it.

Develop a mantra of positive thought; this should be a short statement that can help you center yourself when you try to cope with your stress. Use it as a mantra to silence any doubts about yourself that may be making you more stressed. Inform yourself that you're capable of dealing with it, that you are calm, or whatever affirmations can help you feel better.

Breathing shallow can stress your organs and body, particularly your heart and lungs. Deep breathing ensures adequate oxygen transportation throughout the entire body and encourages relaxation. Do specific breathing exercises and remind yourself during the day to breathe deeply and slow down so that you can release stress. Breathe deeply.

Do things like you are feeling wonderful. Your mind is powerful over your actions; when you act as though you feel great, it will help you look at things differently, and you might see that things are really not so bad. Don't just focus on the bad things in life, but enjoy the good things.

Brilliant organization skills are important if you want some stress reduction. Much of your stress can probably be attributed to lack of organization. If you improve your organizational skills, you will be able to regain some control over your life, and subsequently your stress levels should decrease.

Relying on the fact that you could change these situations can cause your body a lot of stress. Know that there are things beyond your control; try to find the positivity of those events.

Teach yourself to be aware of your breathing. Deep breathing delivers more oxygen to your blood, which can relax you quickly. When people are under a lot of stress, they tend to take shallow breathes filling up only the upper chest with air. Breathing this way causes tightening in the chest muscles, an increased heart rate, and a higher stress level.

Stress can be reduced by simply exercising. A brisk walk or a jog in the park can be simple but effective ways to exercise. Your body will create endorphins when you exercise that will help your body relax. When endorphins are released they work to calm you down. Getting and staying active can also work to remove toxins which can potentially cause stress issues.

As mentioned, chronic stress can be a serious health problem that affects your entire life. You should do everything possible to reduce your stress levels. Hopefully these tips have helped you get better control of your stress.
Read some relevant articles about stressful behaviors


Stress - The Devil Within

by Martin Avis

Stress takes many forms in our business lives. Exactly
what it is very hard to define, but two statements seem
to me to sum up the main cause and effect:

o The fear that more is expected of you than you can
reasonably achieve.

o A feeling - real or imagined - that you are out of
control and cannot regain the right track.

Who gets it? Everyone is susceptible, no-one is immune.
However, some people deal with it more effectively.
Over the years I have studied many people who seem to
be able to thrive on stress - or have mastered the
knack of shucking off the effects - and have formulated
a ten-part plan to help others cope.

Why stress is so damaging?

o Health: long term stress can severely affect a
persons health. The immune system is damaged, the
nervous system is impaired and susceptibility to minor
(and sometimes major) illnesses increases.

o Emotions: when under relentless and unmanageable
stress, a persons self-worth is impaired. Relationships
suffer and positive planning becomes very difficult.

o Performance: of course, when under long-term stress
at work, the ability to function at peak levels
diminishes. How can we be expected to give 110% if our
minds and bodies are slowly shutting down through
endless misuse? Typically, a highly stressed person,
who is not managing it well, will subconsciously
develop behaviors that attempt to minimize exposure to
more stress:

o A fear to act - procrastination
o Fear of failure
o Avoidance of the issues
o Withdrawal from 'the cutting edge'

The result? You get sidelined and passed over for the
next person who deals with the pressures better.

Not all stress is bad. Some can be beneficial, but only
when kept in the right proportion.

Most people getting up to give a public presentation
feel a high degree of stress. Those who are not
paralyzes with fear often say that the pressure gave
their talk an edge. That the adrenaline pumping made
them sharp.

How many business people do you know who write
documents and presentations weeks in advance? Hardly
any, I bet. Most prefer to leave things until the last
minute to 'be at their sharpest.' And it is true that
when under the right amount of pressure, the mind tends
to clear and we see to the very heart of the problem.

People who manage stress best seem to be able to manage
the causes of stress, ensuring that too many situations
do not develop at once. Because however positive some
stresses may be, pile a whole lot of them up at the
same time and you still are heading for a nervous

Can it be beaten? Yes and no. Some stresses are in
built - nothing can remove them. They are a part of
each person's individual psyche. Some are a vital part
of life - try crossing a busy road without a care in
the world. Some things that wind us up like a spring
are not stressful to others - public speaking is a good

But... many stresses can be managed and others can be
minimized or removed.

One key factor in dealing with your own stresses is
effective self-management. Deal with your internal
issues before you look to change the world outside

Here, then is my ten-part plan. Some of the elements
may seem trite - and on their own they may be - but
they all combine to give you a powerful, workable
strategy to begin to take back control of your life.

1. Get organized

However busy you may think you are, it is a sure bet
that there is a half hour or so every day that is being
wasted. Check out goal-setting techniques and time
management strategies. They really help - and will show
you how to get far more done in the same time than you
ever imagined possible.

2. Preparation

Get in to work ten minutes earlier than usual to write
yourself a list for the day. Consider what you need to
achieve and point your day towards that end. As Seneca
said in the 3rd century BC, "Luck is what happens when
preparation meets opportunity."

3. Breathing

Few people know how to breathe. They suck in, and blow
out air periodically, but without conscious thought.
Every couple of hours, become aware of your breathing.
Take a deep breath, deep into your stomach, filling the
very bottom of your lungs, then slowly let it out.
Repeat five times. This basal breathing is very
relaxing and the few minutes it takes is highly
beneficial in easing stress.

4. Exercise

What happens when all that excess adrenaline has
nowhere to go? It builds stress even further. A little
exercise is the best way of all of burning it all off.
There is no need to join a gym or run a marathon - just
walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, do a
set of sit-ups before bedtime or take two minutes to
perform an easy stretching routine before lunch. The
more exercise you can build into your daily life the
better you will be at dealing with each day.

5. Reduce stimulants

Coffee might keep you alert in the short term, but it
plays havoc with your ability to function in the longer
run. Alcohol is a great relaxant in moderation, but
more than a couple of glasses have the opposite effect.
Tobacco puts many added stresses on your body. Drugs
are simply crazy.

All these stimulants just add to the problem: if you
are already stressed, they will not help you get over
it - they will make the situation worse.

6. Recognize stress-point and adjust accordingly

Possibly easier said than done, but knowing your enemy
is 50% of the way to beating it. Take the time to work
out what your stress triggers are and then try to
devise strategies to minimize each one. Taking problems
one at a time is a far more positive approach than
panicking about them all at once.

7. Make time to relax

No matter how hard you work, or how many demands are
put on you, remember - it's your life. You deserve at
least some time every day just to be with you. Maybe it
is just 5 minutes in the morning, but treasure it, make
it yours and don't allow outside pressures in to your
time. Believe me, enjoying your own time every day will
make you far more effective on everybody else's time.

8. Drink herbal tea

Not as silly as it sounds. Many herbal teas contain
substances with naturally calminative properties.
Chamomile tea is very relaxing, Raspberry and Echinacea
tea soothes the mind and helps strengthen the immune
system, Peppermint tea aids in digestion. And they are
refreshing and taste good too.

9. Don't be afraid to ask for help

One of the most often heard complaints I hear from
highly stressed people is that they have too much work
and too little time. Yet they are often the worst
delegators. If you have a downline, delegate. (But mind
you don't pile too much on your subordinates that they
crack under the strain). If you have an upline, see if
any of your workload can be passed that way. That is
more difficult, but often a task that is way too much
for you is easy to someone with a few more years of
experience. And bosses often like to show that they
'still have it.'

10. Smile

The last on the list, but probably number one in
importance. Smile on the telephone, smile in stores,
smile to your colleagues. Your subconscious mind is
just waiting to run whatever program you plug into it.
Stress is a kind of program with an endless negative
loop. Smiling is like pressing the 'break' key. Smile
enough and that becomes a new program in its own right.
You will feel happier and everyone around you will
respond positively.

Martin Avis publishes a free weekly newsletter:
BizE-Zine - your unfair advantage in Internet
marketing, business and personal success.
To subscribe, and get 4 great free gifts, please visit


Known and Unusual Benefits of Meditation

 Simona Rich

Meditation benefits not only your mind, but also your body and soul. Meditation Benefits It has numerous advantages that would take a whole book to write about. Here I will mention the most important benefits and the most overlooked benefits that meditation provides.
The Most Important Benefits of Meditation

It is very useful to read about meditation benefits if you are still unsure whether you want to start meditating. These benefits will help you decide if meditation can contribute to your well-being and improve other aspects of your life.

1. Meditation improves your focus

One of the greatest meditation benefits is its ability to increase your focus. Once you start meditating, you will be able to effortlessly concentrate on any work you do without getting distracted.

That will make a huge difference in your life as you will significantly increase your productivity. You will be much more successful than the average person who cannot sit still for more than 5 minutes.

2. Meditation makes you aware of your thoughts

During meditation you will need to focus on silence. That means that you will be able to spot your thoughts as soon as they come in. This will give you an opportunity to judge your own thinking. For example, you will be able to check if the majority of your thoughts are positive or negative.

You should not be surprised if you find the latter to be true because negative thinking is almost a default thinking for the majority of people.

3. Meditation reduces stress

Meditation almost instantly reduces stress as soon as you start practising it. This is because during meditation your whole mind is cleansed from negative thoughts. You can sometimes even feel the cleansing process whilst meditating. When you feel energy circling in your head, it means that the intensive cleansing process is taking place. It is a very interesting feeling, I must say:)

So when your mind becomes more pure, you will have less negative thoughts. As a result of this meditation benefit, you will not be suffering from thoughts of worry and fear.

Of course, you will not be able to get rid of all negative thoughts you have (especially if you keep introducing new negative thoughts after meditation). However, if you constantly meditate, your main mental state will remain positive.

4. Meditation develops patience

If you meditate daily, you will remain calm and positive during the times when most people lose patience. For example, waiting in a queue will no longer be of concern to you. When you are stuck in traffic, you will feel as good as when you spend your time at home.

5. Meditation gets you into the state of joy

Another great meditation benefit is that sometimes you will become happy for no reason. Your surroundings will look magical and you will see everything in different colours. Such state of joy will usually last just for a minute or so, but with time this will increase.

Being in the state of joy means that you will see yourself as a very happy person. You will perceive your life to be without any problems. Whilst you are in the state of joy, the positive energy inside you will look for ways to express itself. Therefore you will be able to express it anyway you wish. You may think of doing something creative, pursuing your goals or spending time doing something you really like.

6. Meditation helps you achieve inner peace

One of the meditation benefits is clearing your mind from negativity. Because of that you will become peaceful as there will be less worrisome thoughts left in you. You will notice a huge difference once you develop inner peace. This will feel as stillness inside you. Even if someone tries to upset you or make you angry, you will not give in because you will be strong inside.

External circumstances and events will affect you less because your main concentration will be inside you, rather than outside. You may still get a bit emotional on the outer level, but deep inside you will will remain still and peaceful.

7. Meditation detaches you from negative emotions

During meditation your mind is cleared from useless thoughts. As fewer negative thoughts will be left in your mind, you will experience less negative emotions. This is because all your emotions result from thoughts.

Besides that, even if you still feel negative emotions, they will not affect you greatly. This is because during meditation you will be able to observe your thinking. Once you think about something negative, you will be aware that you had a negative thought. The thought will not have control over you as you will spot it before it could overwhelm you with some emotion.

8. Meditation makes you aware of emotional harm

This is a great meditation benefit. With the practice of meditation you will be able to feel what harm your negative emotions do to your body, mind and soul. This new awareness will make you wonder if you want to get into the negative state again and therefore you will avoid arguments and other harmful situations.
You will also become more sensitive to the energies of other people. You will sense from a distance if a person is angry, upset or happy. That will benefit you greatly because you will know which person is better to be around. By only being with positive people you will avoid being dragged down into low emotional states.

The Most Overlooked Meditation Benefits

These meditation benefits may or may not apply to you.
Meditation Benefits It depends if you are interested in becoming more conscious and aware of the universal laws as well as higher consciousness.
Even if you are not interested in the subjects above, it might be worth reading the rest of the article so that you would not miss out on something beneficial.

1. Meditation makes you connected with the universe

This is an amazing meditation benefit. When you practice meditation, you start feeling connected to everything in this universe. You understand not only human beings, but other forms of life, like animals. I do not mean to say that you will understand their communication methods :) However, you will be able to sense how they feel.

You will feel emotions of animals when you pay close attention to their behaviour. So when an animal is scared, you will feel the fear he has. I find this ability amazing because then you can sense when animals are happy and express compassion when they feel upset.

When you start understanding how they feel, you will look at animals in a different way. You will no longer see them as some external beings that are complete strangers. You will feel connection with them at some level. And that connection is the consciousness that we all have.

Because of this meditation benefit you will understand nature better. You would not tear a leaf off a plant, for example, because you will know that plants can feel the pain.

2. Meditation raises your awareness

Meditation naturally raises your awareness because you start seeing the true colours of life. You see abundance of everything rather than lack, you feel that the world is going into harmony rather than getting deeper into chaos.

You start understanding the truth. Instead of relying on media for information (which is almost always depressing and false), you find all the answers in your consciousness.

3. Through meditation you connect with the universal mind

That is one of the best meditation benefits that I have found. Once you are used to meditation and you have made it into your daily practice, you will experience flow of ideas at some times.

For example, you need to come up with some business idea and but cannot think of anything. All you should do is to ponder on that for a while asking yourself 'What are the best business ideas I can think of?'

After that just let go of this thought and meditate at normal times. You will notice soon that you start getting business ideas from different sources. You may read a book and some words will catch your attention and you will realise that this is a great topic for your business project. Such idea may come in a form of your thought. Or some friend might introduce some idea that you can apply for your business.

The ways ideas from source can reach you are really unlimited. Just be open to receive them by being aware of what is happening around you.

4. Meditation removes obstacles for manifestations

When you visualise and try to manifest your desires, meditation practice will be of great help.

Meditation eliminates most of your negative thinking. Negative thoughts are nothing more but limited beliefs that you kept reinforcing until they became unconscious. So once you get rid of them, they will not block your desired manifestations from reaching you because there will be no external forces clashing with your positive intention.

5. Meditation raises your vibration

Meditation benefits you immensely in raising your vibration. After you finish meditating, your vibration might fall a bit, but if you practice meditation constantly, your entire vibration will be raised.

When you get into the higher vibration you become vibrational match for positive circumstances and events in your life. This is because by raising vibration you change yourself into more positive, loving, peaceful and happy person.

Meditation is also the first step towards opening up to different frequencies. This can help if you want to experience other dimensions, communicate with spirits or understand the universal mind better. As I did not reach this level (nor am I trying to at this moment), I cannot be more specific as to how exactly this can be achieved.


Meditation is practised by millions of people because it provides numerous advantages that everyone can benefit from. The great thing about meditation is that you do not have to be an expert in meditation to start feeling the benefits it provides.

After a week of meditation you will start seeing and sensing first meditation benefits like reduced stress, inner peace and inner strength. When you keep meditating for longer, you will notice much more benefits including the ones that I have mentioned in this article.

Simona Rich is a self improvement blogger and a success coach. She coaches people who are ready to wake up from the mass illusion and do something remarkable with their lives.
Her website http://www.Personal-Development-Coach.net has over 250 personal development articles about spirituality, empowerment, success, productivity and other self improvement topics. This website also has a free test to assess your current level of awareness.
You can also follow Simona Rich on twitter. Her twitter address is http://twitter.com/simonarich.


Why We Don't Meditate: And How We Can Change This

Dr. Robert Puff
Let's explore why we don't meditate twice a day?  Some of us do, but many of us don't meditate when we should.  People come home after a long, hard day of work, finish their day and fall into bed without meditating.  There's simply ‘no time' for meditation.  But why don't we find the time?  There is so much proof of why meditation is good for you.  If you were to visit some of the healthiest people on the planet you will be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't believe in, attest to, and practice meditation.  So if so many people expound in the benefits of meditation, why don't we meditate?
There may be many, many reasons why we don't meditate; but I think I can boil it down to two really specific things that keep us from meditating.  I was exposed to meditation when I was 19 years old.  I was studying psychology as an undergraduate in college and exploring the work of Herbert Benson out of Harvard.  Herbert Benson really researched the benefits, physiologically, of meditation.  I started meditating right away but there were gaps, breaks in my meditation.  Why?  Though I was very impressed with Dr. Benson's work, I was 19 years old and things like blood pressure and medical benefits weren't really an issue for me at that time.  Dr. Benson talked a lot about the physiological effects that meditation had on your body.  I was 19 and quite healthy.  I wasn't concerned yet about my blood pressure or the medical benefits of meditation because I wasn't feeling any health problems at that time.  I enjoyed meditation; I enjoyed relaxing and feeling very peaceful.  Sometimes days, even weeks would go by without me meditating.  Why?  This is really the first reason many of us don't meditate.  We really need a good reason to do something.  We need a reason to meditate.  If we're going to spend a half an hour a day doing something we need to know what we're doing really changes us or adds to our overall happiness.  Our lives are busy and our time is precious so we don't want to ‘waste' it doing something that we don't know for sure is beneficial.  We may think "yes, this makes me feel nice and relaxed but it doesn't' really change me or add to my overall happiness."  What changed for me is that many years later I met people who I felt were very deep, very healthy, very emotionally and spiritually mature people.  What I learned about them, pretty much across the board, was that they meditated.  They attested to meditation, they practiced meditation and they encouraged me to meditate.  Because I really love growth, once I really understood how important meditation was to my own personal growth I started to meditate regularly.  Once I started meditating regularly I saw the change within me.  I began to change, radically change, and people around me noticed it too.

So the first thing that keeps us from meditating is that we really need a reason to meditate.  As humans, we vacillate between two poles.  At one end there is immediate gratification.  "I'm tired, it was a long day and I'm going to have myself a few beers to relax."  Or "When I go to Vegas I always have such a great time, even though I come back exhausted.  It sure feels great while I'm there, so I go."  So the first thing we do is look for something pleasurable.  We want to feel good.  Meditation can address this because once you start meditating on a regular basis you will begin to feel good.  However, meditation takes time to work.  You have to stick with it before you begin to really feel the deep affects of it.  It will be better than having a few beers or going to Vegas, but it takes time.

So the second aspect that affects our behavior is our goals.  As a profession in general, surgeons make more money than any other profession out there.  But, they have to go to college for four years, and do very well.  Then they have to go to medical school for another four years and do very well.  Then they go off to do a residency for anywhere from five to seven years, working sometimes 100 hours a week.  So why would they do this?  They do this because of their goals.  They realize that in the end they will be working in a very lucrative profession and have a very secure job.  So besides the immediate effects of mediation we also need a deep, heartfelt reason as to why we are going to meditate day after day, week after week, year after year.  For me this reason came from learning from others; from people who taught me that meditation is truly the number one change agent on the planet.  If you want to grow, if you want to wake up and have a beautiful life then meditation is the key factor to this.  But you have to believe it at the core, because like the surgeons going through medical school can be hard sometimes; meditation can be hard sometimes.  It's not a bad experience but sometimes we're just too tired, too busy to take the time to meditate.  Until we reach a point where meditation really, really is something we are invested in and believe that it will radically change our lives for the better, we're probably not going to meditate on a regular basis.  There are just too many things out there that are calling for our attention.  Telling us to come do this, come do that, this is more important.  I can absolutely guarantee you that meditation is truly the most important thing you can do in your life for creating a beautiful, important, wonderful life.  But until you believe this, other things will get in the way and distract you.  What you can do is to find someone that can really motivate you to meditate.  I would love to be this person to you, but I also know that I cannot be all things to all people.  Some of us are research minded; we want to see the facts.  If that's you, then there are many research articles out there, on my website and in my podcasts even, which explain how beneficial meditation is to you.  Over the years I've seen many hardcore professionals change their meditative ways drastically after attending a retreat with my partner and me.  That's why retreats are very helpful in this sense.  Or perhaps you can find a local group near your home to meditate with others.  Sometimes, it's a lot like an exercise class; we are more inspired to attend regularly if there are others there to meditate with us.
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So there are really two main reasons why we don't meditate.  One is that at first it may not give us enough pleasure to keep our attention.  My response to that is to be patient, it will bring you pleasure if you hang in there.  It's similar to exercise, at first we don't realize how good the exercise makes us feel until we've started doing it regularly and then our bodies actually crave that exercise.  Your mind reacts in the same way.  As you meditate regularly your mind too will crave those meditative states.  It will grow to be the highlight of your day.

The second thing that often keeps us from meditating is that we don't really believe that it's good for us.  So if you want to meditate, make sure you're connected with someone or something that drives it deep down inside of you that you need to meditate, meditation is really good for you.  Continue to listen to my podcasts online, meditate regularly, find someone or something that inspires you to continue to meditate and you will realize as time goes on that you feel the effects of the meditation.  That person, that story, that connection that makes you realize the importance of meditation will also make you realize that meditation is a key part to your life.

Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D. is a meditation expert, international speaker and the creator of the weekly Meditation For Health Podcast, available at http://www.MeditationForHealthPodcast.com He has a weekly podcast that explores the world of Happiness at http://www.HappinessPodcast.org He also has a blog at http://www.Meditation-Enlightenment.com If you would like to contact Dr. Puff, his e-mail address is DrPuff@cox.net


The Real Human Basic Needs: A Revision for Healthy Living

"Amazing things are surrounding us including other human beings. Do you think these things would come about without man's need for these things? We see them as unnecessary sometimes, not a basic requirement for existence, or as something that we can actually do without. The days that we are living for measure the importance of these things surrounding us. Maybe these items or people are really needed for us to survive or to support life. Or these are given to us for us to take pleasure from and just enjoy.

Man has five basic needs which these amazing things we see around us provide for. These are the ones that make man live, the ones that enable him to relate confidently with others. These needs enumerated below would be a modern interpretation of Maslow's hierarchy. However, each can include in its purpose several factors found in other needs labeled by Maslow. Here they are:

1. Food - All of us depend on food for us to live and grow. Because of food, we can think and do things for our benefit and for others as well.

2. Shelter - Man needs something where he can abode not only for rest but more on for his protection and security. This is to be able to protect himself from the wild, the elements, and even from his co-human beings.

3. Clothing - Our own society has transformed from the prehistoric humans until the present, yet even prehistoric man needed something to cover his body for protection against the environment. These would be the harmful factors like the cold, the burning heat, insect bites, thorns and splinters, etc. Nowadays, a prime reason for clothing is to conform to the social cause of dressing to avoid *** immorality. The second reason would be to uplift his self-esteem in a world dictated by fashion.

4. Spiritual - With the catastrophes and an unpredictable economic status around the world, man needs strength to hope on. He needs someone bigger than what he sees who can help him, hopefully, in the midst of problems arising in these times.

5. Friends - Friends provide the boost a man needs in order to face reality. Friends give man the strength, love, and ""cushion"" he needs in good times and bad times. When faced with difficult emotional traumas, friends stabilize the emotions of man.

These needs allow man to live, remain sane and have a healthy well being. But, aside from these five factors one aspect a person should have in his lifetime in order to stay fit and healthy is a good chiropractor as an alternative medicine. When you get used to taking medicines every time you feel something may damage your kidney and liver; and using chiropractic to heal your ailments is a good idea.

Greg Pierce
Finding a good St Louis chiropractor is not easy if you live in St Louis, but I found a Saint Louis chiropractor who does wonders with her hands.


Protect Your Bones from Osteoporosis

by Roberto Sedycias

Osteoporosis, or the thinning of bones, is one of the most common of all bone diseases and one out of ever five women have it. It is a major concern for women.
About half of all women of the age of fifty will experience a severe bone breakage due to osteoporosis, the fragile condition of their thin bones will cause them to have a fall and break their hip or wrist or even spine bones. Whenever the body can’t make a new bone or when too much old bone is taken by the body, then osteoporosis is the awful result. Usually when you infuse your body with calcium and phosphate you are giving your body a fighting chance to produce those necessary bones but when your body does not have enough of either, you will suffer and new bones won’t be made and weak brittle ones will be left in their place.

Thus, it will be no surprise when a slight fall or trip lands you to the hospital with a fractured hip. Or, sometimes the bones get so brittle that you will have them break even when no fall or injury occurs! This occurs over a span of many years, but what you do now affects the results that will happen in forty years and the fate that you will enjoy as an old woman. Usually when estrogen drops during menopause, that is the prime time for it to set in and when testosterone drops for men, the same can be said. Men have till age 70 till they are at high risk, but women are already at risk by age 50.

Sometimes when an elderly woman is confined to the bed, she will develop it faster or if she has arthritis, she is a candidate. Also if a woman has no periods for a long while, she might be at greater risk. Other factors include alcohol consumption and a family history of it, as well as hormone treatments for various cancers. A low body weight and too little calcium in the overall dietary intake will contribute as well as if you are a smoker. When you first get it, there are no symptoms at all to show or let you know that you have it, however by the later stages of it, it will show itself in a number of ways.

Such as feeling a pain in your bones, a tenderness when you move or are touched, that will tell you you might have it. Also if you experience fractures when barely anything happened, that is also a sign of weak malnourished bones. Also if you begin to shrink and lose about six inches and grow short and small, and experience back pain because your spine bones are fractured or neck pain from the same account, that is also the result of the later stages of the condition.

Usually a doctor will do some bone mineral density testing to determine if you have the condition or some spine CT that can do the same thing. Sometimes you might need a hip x-ray or some other measure. The treatment usually aims to control the pain that is caused by having this as well as stop or slow down the amount of bone loss. Also, medicine will be given to strengthen the bones and life changes will be made to minimize the chance of falling down.

Roberto Sedycias works as an IT consultant for http://www.polomercantil.com.br


Rich-Sulfur Diet and Its Benefit

Beautiful skin and increased strength is a desire possessed by the masses. However, people are tired of turning to drugs, toxic chemicals, or steroids to accomplish these goals. In her new book, Cooking on the Light Side: Smart Recipes for Bright Skin and Vitality, Dr. Ho reveals the missing ingredient is a sulfur-rich diet!

Throughout history ancient civilizations have built public baths around hot springs rich in sulfur. These baths were treated as divine because of the cleansing and curative powers of sulfur. The scientists of ancient history were not aware of which foods were rich in sulfur. However, eating sulfur-rich onions in large quantity and drinking onion juice was a common practice in search of strength and stamina.

The benefits of eating a sulfur-rich diet have heretofore been withheld from the general public. Dr. Ho is passionate about introducing the world to sulfur-rich foods and how to prepare these foods for the maximum benefit. She is living, breathing proof. This special diet gave her enough endurance and energy to break four physical endurance world records in 2.5 years even though over the age of 40.

In one record, Dr. Ho sat in a chair position without a chair for nearly 12 hours. Also, she broke the men's world record for the heaviest weight-combined dead lift in 60 minutes. She was able to dead-lift nearly 105,000 pounds, beating the previous man's world record by almost 15,000 pounds. This is equivalent to lifting the weight of 15 elephants in an hour, and she only weighs 95 pounds.

The book will appeal to all five of your senses. The images are breath-taking. The meal preparation strategies are easy to follow, and the ideas and information presented throughout will empower you. Everyone interested in lasting beauty, skin quality, and stamina should read this book. Find out more about the author at www.CookingOnTheLightSide.com and www.Thienna.com.

Todd Rutherford
Want to find out more about book reviews, then visit Todd Rutherfords site on reviews for books.


They're DIfferent: Phisiotherapy and Physical Therapy SErvice

Physiotherapy, also called physical therapy, is a branch of medicine that primarily delves into areas such as mechanical therapy methods and treatment forms. These include exercise, massage, electric micro-current, hot and cold water treatments, among others, to address a particular injury or disorder. Physiotherapy is an age-old branch of medicine, which dates back to the ancient Greeks, during the time of Hippocrates. It has evolved from purely being a simple massage, to become a complex and innovative branch, which also features a number of specialized applications.

Early Beginnings of Physical Therapy

In 460 BC, a Greek physician named Hector practiced a technique he called hydrotherapy, which means water treatment in Greek. In 1894, the United Kingdom recognized physiotherapy as a specialized branch of nursing, which was regulated by the Chartered Society. In the next two decades, official physical therapy programs were launched by countries like New Zealand in 1913, and the United States in 1914. In the United States, the term physical therapy is generally used, and the first recorded practice of physical therapy was noted in the Walter Reed College and Hospital in Portland, Oregon.

In 1974, physical therapy became a specialized branch in the United States, when the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) formed an orthopedic section for physical therapists specializing in orthopedics. Also in 1974, the International Federation of Orthopedic Manipulative Therapy was established. This signaled the progress in the practice of physical therapy worldwide.

The development of computers and new technology gave the physiotherapy industry a boost, and newer treatment methods and techniques were discovered, which included electrical stimulators and other electronic apparatus. Walking into a physical therapy clinic today, you have access to a variety of therapy options directly related to physical therapy as well as additional services such as massage therapy, chiropractic and even naturopathic medicine. Sports therapists are known to use the widest array of tools and equipments. A visit to a sports therapy clinic will get you acquainted with the different sports rehabilitation equipments such as mobility stations, whirlpool baths, and hydrotherapy machines as well as massage creams and oils.

Physical therapy further flourished in the United States and then expanded into Canada, with the enactment into law of the Americans with the Disabilities Act in 1990, and the establishment of the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research. However, the practice continues to face a number of challenges, arising from a reduction in government spending, increasing governmental regulations, decreasing reimbursement issues, and the increase in the supply of personnel, which has exceeded the demand for services.

Why These Terms Are Labeled Differently

Health industry observers stress that the terms physical therapy and physiotherapy are both interchangeable. In the U.S.A, the term "physical therapy" is widely used; whereas "physiotherapy" is often employed in countries including Canada, Australia and United Kingdom. Physiotherapists are generally involved in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries, cardio-respiratory ailments as well as the treatment of head injuries and stroke.

A Physiotherapist's Job Description

Physiotherapists are medical and health science professionals who treat people with physical impairments and disabilities, which come as a result of an injury, illness, birth defect or aging. Physiotherapists also treat individuals of all ages, ranging from children to the elderly. They also treat stroke victims and people who have sport-related injuries. Some health experts also assist patients in identifying and improving their physical function and movement. They also aid in the rehabilitation effort, through restoring the patient's body systems, particularly the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Moreover, physiotherapists also develop new treatment programs and review existing procedures. The treatment modalities may come in the form of manual therapy, assisted therapeutic exercises, and the application of equipments and other technological tools such as ultrasound and x-ray. Physiotherapists also offer consultation services, to teach people how to avoid serious injuries, as well as how to employ do-it-yourself stretching and other exercise modalities at home. Physical therapists also work in other types of settings. Some of these settings include health care centers, hospital, private practice clinics, nursing homes, and health clubs. They also treat a number of conditions, ranging from injuries and fractures, bone, joint and muscle disorders, intensive-care. In some settings physical therapists provide care for terminal illness patients, obstetrics and gynecology, severe neurological ailments and disorders, learning and developmental impairments, as well as mental illnesses.

Cris Pritchett
Discover the benefits of physiotherapy - for a healthy lifestyle, safe weight loss and effective sport injury rehabilitation - you are sure to be on the path to wellness. Learn more about your ideal therapy option with the help of the PT Health Team. Get in touch with one of the competent health professionals today. Book your free consultation with www.pthealth.ca now!


Kelp for Weight Loss

 Rick Valence

If I didn't lose weight fast, I could be physically hurt very badly? Concussion…broken nose….fractured rib…or worse. 1 bizarre addition to my diet changed it all.

I was training for an amateur boxing match go several years and was weighing in 196 lbs. I was overweight by 10 lbs and had to get down to light-heavyweight (less than 187lbs) or I could get seriously hurt in my first amateur fight (if I fought a skilled heavyweight). I was determined to get down to 187.

I did weight watchers with my girlfriend and began jogging 1 hour per day. I lost 6 pounds but stopped there for a while.

If you're trying to lose weight, you may be missing a very important ingredient in you diet. After adding this ingredient to my diet, I lost 2 pounds in two days. I was doing weight watchers, was running 1 hour per day, cut way down on sale, and cut carbs drastically. Still, I was stuck at 190lbs for 4 weeks. It was driving me crazy.

What is Kelp? A very good friend of mine, and health guru, from Japan told me to try Kelp. He explained that kelp is one considered by many to be a "superfood" due to its nutrient content. Most importantly, Kelp is one of the best sources of organic iodine. Due to the poor farming practices currently practiced, naturally occurring iodine is becoming less and less common in today's foods. And with my cutting out table salt and salty foods entirely, my body was surely low on iodine.

Iodine helps regulate the thyroid gland in the human body. The thyroid gland creates thyroxine and triiodothyronine, hormones that can significantly raise the metabolism in the human body. Lower amounts of iodine can often lead to a slower metabolism.

Is More Better? "Great" I said. "Then I will go out and eat a bunch of iodine tablets." Of course, this is a terrible idea, because too much iodine can cause Hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is characterized by nervousness, sweating, heat intolerance, and often times diarrhea. Like anything else, iodine must be balanced as it is taken into the human body.

I am a pretty adventurous guy and will try almost anything once. So I went to my local Asian Market, bought some dried kelp (seaweed), let it hydrate in water, and ate a healthy bowl of it.

The Results:
As stated before, I was literally stuck at 190 lbs for 4 weeks. I was eating weightwatchers "to the T", was taking in very few carbohydrates, and was exercising at least an hour per day. The day after eating the kelp, I lost 1 pound. The next day, I lost a second pound. I literally felt skinnier and felt healthier in two days.

Now I am not a doctor, and am certainly not a health guru. Too much iodine in your diet can be dangerous. But eating this kelp , and raising my iodine levels as a result, has allowed me to become healthier and lighter while changing nothing else. Consult your doctor and it may do the same for you.

Rick Valence specializes in camera repairs at C.R.I.S. Camera Services in Chandler, AZ. He is also the Chief Blog Officer at the company, revising the Phoenix camera repair blog posts written by technicians and other company specialists.


Aromatherapy and How It Works

 by Sarah Grover
Aromatherapy is a personal choice to veer away from the common clinical solution, and instead , seek healing thru the utilization of necessary oils. Recently not many are completely sold to the idea that only normal medication will work. People are starting to realize there are numerous other choices developing, one of which is aromatherapy. If you're one of those people that are easily frightened by the concept of just going to the doctor, aromatherapy is unquestionably worth the try. The main ingredients employed in the production of the oils used in aromatherapy change and there's no certain formula as to how these oils are produced. What is certain though, is that mix of the oil with too much water can largely affect its efficacy so this is definitely one of the things you must watch out for if you make a decision to engage in it.

Aromatherapy can be practiced in two ways - through inhalation and / or topical application. Those who decide to enter into aromatherapy through inhalation generally use oil burners. For safety reasons, it's best that your measurements are exact when you dilute the essential oil in water prior to decanting it into the oil burner. I say this because just like putting together any fragile mixture, the slight mistake in calculations could mean a great difference in the specified effects. An excellent tool which may also be used is the humidifier. Aromatherapy humidifiers are retailed in stores and online, the prices change dependent on the brand that you choose. An inexpensive humidifier can go as low as $20. The producers of humidifiers promise not only a simpler way of breathing your essential oils, but also promise to supply cleaner air through the purification of the air inside your house.

Not to mention, you also get to distribute such wonderful aroma. If you frequently practice aromatherapy or is clamoring to have better air at home, a humidifier is certainly a worthy investment. For those who make a decision to practice aromatherapy thru topical application, there are a couple of things which should be remembered. The first of these guidelines is generally to apply only the indicated amount of oils on your body. Applying essential oils shouldn't be likened to the appliance of moisturizers where the more is certainly the merrier. Use only what you want and don't get carried away when you apply it. When you choose to use the oil on kids, reduce the density of the oil by adding the correct quantity of water. Also, never try to mix or combine different sorts of oil as this could prove to be dangerous. Ultimately, remember to target the feet, ears and wrist when applying as it has been expounded that these are parts of the body which soaks up the oil the fastest.

There is no systematic explanation that aromatherapy is 100 percent effective ; nevertheless this does not appear to hamper its inflating popularity over time. In reality aromatherapy appears to be gaining more ground and tempting more legions of fans regardless of the practice not having the full backing of any clinical study. In aromatherapy, there aren't any bloody operations, or stressed medical examinations. Instead , expect to have a therapeutic process completely enveloped in peace and relaxation. Truthfully, I believe the healing experience is an important factor as to why people are interested in to aromatherapy. Aromatherapy brings us into such a healing relaxed state of being that we feel the cure immediately.

We all lead busy, stressful lives - and the strain leads to feeling rundown, exhausted, catching every cough and sniffle that is going round. Using aromatherapy oils is a simple way to relax, de-stress, and help you body shake off those coughs, colds, pains. Learn more about how aromatherapy oils can help you at http://thearomatherapyoils.com

Burning Fat: Better Choice for Women

Petar Pe

Millions of people want to get rid of those extra body fats that are accumulated around the physique by utilizing effective calorie burning processes. Fat burners are amongst the most wisely utilized methods. Moreover, one need to be aware of the fact that due to gender differences a fat burner for women would be different from those of women. Only an effective fat burner for females helps them get their dream figure. For best use of the product for women it is required that it is taken in accordant to the suggested dosages by the experts. Also, healthy diet regime must be followed.

Experts believe that fat burners are amongst the simplest means of getting rid of additional fat and get into proper shape. As a result, they are widely utilized. Any user should realize that fat burners should be utilized with good exercises and balanced diet for effective results. Amongst the effective and good calorie burners there may be products which work on dissimilar principles. Some of the fat burner plays crucial role in enhancing body metabolic process. Whereas, other products try to attain weight loss as well as fat burning by suppressing hunger. Either way may be helpful, but it largely depends upon the users who need to maintain a healthy life style.

Calorie burners are highly popular among bodybuilders. The basic characteristics of body building is shedding additional fat and building up muscular and lean body that will provide an appealing look. The calorie burners with body building features are highly prominent among females as they help achieve ultimate goals. Moreover, it is important to follow perfect blend of balanced diet, workout and fat burner. But all the activities are basically depends upon the principles such as thermogeneis, suppressing appetite, assisting fat burning and blocking carbohydrate by keeping the user filled out. Nowadays, many females are into body building.

As a result, manufactures of the calorie burning products for women have come up with dissimilar products dependent on dissimilar compositions. Nevertheless, the basic approach towards the issue is blazing fat that are accumulated in different parts of the body. An aspirant for weight loss and fat burning going through many product reviews will help find that large number of product have some long and unnecessary ill effects. As a result, the best fat burner is the one which burns out extra fat and assists lose weight without giving any kind of ill effects for the user. Users should also ensure that they follow healthy routine.

In most cases, fat burners for women come with 2 basic features. It includes either appetite suppressant or carbohydrate blocker. It is important for the user to select the best fat burner. At the same time, user should also decide which one can be an excellent choice. Majority of the physicians, weight loss aspirants and dieticians favor appetite suppressant rather than carbohydrate blockers. The key reason is that user can accumulate fat from carbohydrates as well as different sources via carbohydrate. In short, carbohydrate serve as the main source for accumulating fat in the body, whereas appetite suppressants can only keep filled out for a long time.

Amongst the effective and good calorie burners there may be products which work on dissimilar principles. Some of the fat burner plays crucial role in enhancing body metabolic process.

Excellent Home Care for Aged Ones

Alan Yougal

Importance of home health care is increasing day by day in U.K. Number of aged people are increasing year by year and a good percentage of aged people need home health care in coming years. Suppose you are a senior and suffering from certain kind of illness or you are recovering from a surgery and you are staying alone in a house, then you need someone to take care of your chronic illness or helplessness. Home health care is an excellent choice for people who need extra help to carry out daily routines when they are sick or aged. Home Care Providers UK ,has many qualities that you can look up on and approach for a better health care and comfort.

Reasons why you should go for a home care provider

Due to growing demand for home health care , many home health care providers started mushrooming in every nook and corner of U.K. There are many reasons why aged or sick people prefer home care providers U.K to take care of their daily routines.

Home health care professionals will maintain a discipline in daily life of patient,
monitor and give medications on time.

Patient can sit in the comfort of their home and get the services.

It is very economical to approach a home health care provider, as it reduces the large
bill that comes out of spending several days in a hospital.

Different places in UK where you will get excellent home care providers

Various places in UK like Nottingham, Lancashire, Macclesfield has lot to offer to people who need home health care. There are many home care providers , UK which ensures health benefits, happiness and a perfect routine in a patient's daily life.

For home care, Nottingham has lots of providers which ensures good and reliable services.

In Home care , Nottingham, has specialized and well reputed service providers which act as an alternative to hospital care and make you enjoy the comfort of your home.

For homecare ,Macclesfield has providers which offers well experienced home care professionals who take care of your aged loving ones in a comfortable way.

In home care. Macclesfield has so many service providers which are unique in their services by giving personal loving care to patients and making patients feel independent and available round the clock.

Among providers of home care , Lancashire has a prominent position in UK. Customers are well satisfied with the home care, Lancashire providers offer in household ,convalescent, dementia, nursing , palliative, Parkinson and respite home care.

Always make a thorough market study about various home care providers in UK. Know their reputation in the market through online testimonials or through word of mouth from experienced persons. It is very important because you are leaving your loving ones with a person who is not known to you, in your absence. Search websites of various providers and make a wise selection.

Home care providers UK has excellent professionals who take care of aged people or people with illness in a healthy and comfortable way. Experienced people are very much satisfies with the expert services of health care providers, UK and want to continue with them in future also. For Homecare Nottingham has so many providers which act as an alternative to hospital at affordable rates.

Home Care For The Elderly UK has excellent professionals who take care of aged people or people with illness in a healthy and comfortable way. Experienced people are very much satisfies with the expert services of health care providers, UK and want to continue with them in future also. For Homecare Nottingham has so many providers which act as an alternative to hospital at affordable rates.


Eat and Stay Young: Food Types That Remove Wrinkles

 by Venturiwang
As a fashionable woman, smooth skin is necessary. However, now many young women are with wrinkles on their face. The generation of winkles is caused by the loss of water, excessive fatigue, their profession, weather and other inner and internal reasons. Certainly, the winkles is temporary, but if the long-term shortage of water will speed up the generation of winkles. So, we should pay attention to those seemingly unserious winkles.

Our skin is composed by epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue, and the dermis plays the main role on the beauty of our skin. Dermis is formed by the elastic fiber, and the main material of which is chondroitin sulfate. If our body lacks this kind of chondroitin, our skin will lose elasticity and thus generate winkles. Therefore, eating the foods which are rich in chondroitin sulfate will delay the occurrence of winkles, and make our skin elastic and smooth.

Eating foods that are rich in nucleic acid such as, fish, shrimp, oysters, mushroom, white fungus, honey, etc, can delay the aging, remove the stain and inhibit the generation of winkles. The researcher has done an experiment to thirty women; the researcher let these women take nucleic acid 800mg and a certain amount vitamin C every day. And after a month, the stain removal happen to nine of those women, the disappearing of winkles happen to five of them and eight people are having a change on their skin, their skin change from rough to smooth. And others also have some improvement on their faces.

According to the nutritionists' analysis, a hectogram pigskin contains the content of protein is 26.4% and it is 2.5 times of that in pork. And the fat is only half of that in pork. The protein in pigskin is mainly collagen, which has the function to maintain the moisture in skin and soften skin and keep the balance of water between the inside and outside of cells. The collagen is the main raw material for the growth of skin cells; it can reduce the winkles on our skin and make us look younger.

What's more, vitamin A can main the smooth appearance of our skin and vitamin C and E are antioxidant which can prevent the subcutaneous fat from oxidation, and enhance the vitality of the epidermis and dermis to avoid the skin premature aging.

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Use Whole Body Vibration To Improve Your Health

 by Brad Woodle

What is whole body vibration and how can it help you improve your quality of life? Whole body vibration is a training system that uses state of the art technology to help you improve your overall health and wellness. The general health benefits are numerous, and under the proper supervision you can achieve optimal results.

Under the care of a licensed healthcare professional such as a Doctor of Chiropractic, specifically trained in the biomechanics of the body and improving the relationship between the structure and function of the body, whole body vibration training can be used to strengthen the body, improve function, decrease pain, and improve your quality of life.

Specific benefits seen in people using whole body vibration include:

• Improved bone density
• Improved muscle tone
• Enhanced blood flow and oxygenation
• Reduced back pain
• Improved balance and coordination (especially helpful for older adults to help reduce risk of injury from falls)
• Reduced stress (lower cortisol hormone)
• Enhanced mood (increase in lymphatic drainage and release of endorphins)

Whole body vibration training uses a vibrating platform to transmit energy to your body. The vibrations cause your muscles to rapidly contract and relax several times per second. Whole body vibration training is suitable for both the beginner and the advanced patient. It is not difficult and can be used for beginner workouts and by senior citizens. Yet, more advanced patients can increase the difficulty and make it more challenging. Athletes have used whole body vibration training for years as a tool to improve their strength, flexibility, and endurance.

Now, whole body vibration training is being integrated into major medical and rehabilitation centers across the country. Chiropractors regularly treat and rehabilitate patients from injury as well as advocate for and provide proactive treatment plans for improved health and wellness. They treat a wide range of conditions and always treat the body as an interconnected whole. Thus, whole body vibration training is a natural fit into a chiropractic treatment programs. While the primary treatment most often received during chiropractic care is a chiropractic adjustment or spinal manipulation, other care may include but is not limited to heat therapy, ultrasound, therapeutic exercise, acupuncture, disc decompression therapy and whole body vibration training. Nutritional and lifestyle counseling, from how to eat healthier to taking care of your spine, are also important elements for optimal success and wellness in chiropractic care.

Chiropractors are whole body specialists with proactive treatment plans to help people live longer, healthier lives. To learn more about whole body vibration training, call your local chiropractor to see how it can help you. Whole body vibration training has helped many people, regardless of age or level of physical fitness, to improve their health and quality of life. 
Learn more about Chiropractor in Kansas City and Chiropractor Olathe KS See it now at Chiropractorinoverlandpark.Com. 

Aging With Ease

Take the time to stop and smell the roses, and enjoy every day of your life. Much like you did with your children, it is important to set goals and benchmarks as you age. When you are able to meet these milestones, such as meeting your retirement account objectives, you will get the same sense of satisfaction you did with your children.

Exercise can help you feel young. People who exercise regularly are in better health in their old age than those who choose not to. Exercising will help you develop your muscles, your heart and your lungs. In addition, it keeps your skin looking vibrant and young.

Laugh as much as possible. Happiness goes a long way in a healthy aging process. With friendship and laughter, you can look and feel younger. Read funny books and watch funny movies. Laugh until you cannot laugh anymore.

You need to surround yourself with happy, upbeat people. There have been studies that have proved laughter and smiles can keep you looking young. Knowing this, obviously you will want to spend more of your time in the company of those who keep you laughing.

Do not worry so much about the number of years in your age. People do age differently and your actual age is not as important as your physical condition. You are only as old as your body and mind feel. You may feel like a spry teenager even though you are 72 years old. It is important to realize that age is just a number, and you should live your life to the fullest every day.

You can save yourself quite a few wrinkles by not frowning. This is actually a true fact that seems a little funny. Do your best to stop frowning. If you feel a frown coming on, give yourself a quick pinch. Eventually you will break yourself of the habit.

There are lots of ways in which you can make your last years fruitful and enjoyable. By keeping your mind and body in shape you will be prepared to get the most out of life as you get older. You can learn more information from articles such as this and from various newsletters targeted at people like you. By staying active and having new experiences your golden years will be more enjoyable.

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