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An Udderly Ridiculous Home Remedy
Discover Doug Smith's free home remedies at that show you how to use mayonnaise, duct tape, yogurt, banana peels, cola, mouthwash, peroxide, thread and other common ingredients to cure common but embarrassing conditions.
Labels: An Udderly Ridiculous Home Remedy
Posted by admin at 8:01 AM 0 comments
Meditation Techniques For Time Pressed Executives
by Molyazzi
Meditation, quite rightly, has an image of relaxation, peace and quiet, and many may interpret this as meaning meditation can only be for those who have time to laze around half the day. For this reason, those people, such as business executives, who live a pressured life with little or no time to spare, may assume that meditation can never have a place in their lives. That is a shame, as meditation techniques can be quite flexible and quite easy to fit in to a busy day.
The benefits of meditation can be so great to somebody under pressure, that even a few minutes occasionally may bring a noticeable benefit. For a busy executive to have reached their position in life, they are likely to be determined and intelligent individuals. This can often mean that, should they perceive a benefit in an activity, then they will continue or extend that activity. It is therefore possible that an executive trying out even a brief period of meditation may soon adopt some meditation technique or other on a regular basis.
What type of meditation techniques may fit in with an executive lifestyle? Important features of meditation are being able to breathe well and consciously, relax and clear the mind, and then focus the mind. An executive with perpetual meetings and a full diary, with pressures to perform and maximise profits, may think such things cannot be fitted into their busy lives.
It is true to say that the most powerful and beneficial meditation sessions are prolonged. However, that does not mean short periods of meditation are a waste of time; far from it. An executive is probably geared up to packing as much into their day as possible and, although it may be difficult to clear a hyperactive mind, they may well learn to pack in short meditation sessions also. In so doing, they may well find that those sessions give them a boost that is far greater and more beneficial than caffeine.
So, what techniques can an executive use during their busy day? Here are a few ideas:
1. If using public transport to get to and from work, and you are able to sit down, it can be a good time to close your eyes, concentrate on correct breathing, and try to shut out the surrounding sounds. Commuting can be a very stressful experience every day of the week, so a snatched meditation session, even in far from ideal conditions, may minimize those negative effects, or even turn them on their head. In fact, it can be good practice to try to meditate in difficult conditions, as that makes ideal conditions even more beneficial later on.
The secret to these train or bus sessions is not to fall asleep, and to concentrate extra hard on maintaining the focus.
2. Do you go to a gym or health spa? Whether at lunch time or in the evening, this can be a good time to tag on a short meditation session. If you have finished your work out, you need some time to shower and relax your body a bit. Following that with a 10 minute or more period of meditation could work wonders. Most gyms or health spas will have a room you can use for a short spell of peace, so it is worth asking. A vacant massage room would serve the purpose.
3. Control your diary, and schedule in a mid morning and mid afternoon "tea or coffee" break. Only instead of tea and coffee, drink water, sit comfortably, focus on your breathing and then when totally relaxed, have a short session of meditation, focusing on something calming and not related to work. Even 10 minutes can provide a power inducing respite from the day's work, and the chances are you will not lose time, but rather gain time, as you will work more effectively.
Snatched meditation sessions spread through the day may not be the stuff of traditional meditation, but they are certainly better than none at all. Hopefully, the rejuvenated executive will perceive enough benefits to set aside time in the evenings and weekends to learn full meditation, and then be able to return to work at the top of is game every weekday morning.,
Labels: Meditation Techniques For Time Pressed Executives
Posted by admin at 11:23 PM 2 comments
Guided Meditation - Path to Physical And Mental Well-being

If stress and anxiety are taking over your life, you should get help of guided meditation as your stress management resource. Learn how to meditate and free your mind of worries in order to lead a healthy and peaceful life.
The high-speed lifestyle that all of us lead today doesn't leave us much of choice other than juggling a number of tasks. Some of your time is spent enlisting the jobs that are needed to be done, some carrying out the jobs and the rest in worrying about the ones that you weren't able to finish. All this leaves you stressed out. Meditation is a great way to shift your focus from anxiety to peace. It is a complementary medicine that cures all three, mind, body and soul of a person. Meditation can help you release stress and lead a happy and peaceful life.s
By providing a state of relaxation, it helps you remove the troubled thoughts that cloud your mind and cause stress. Moreover, it helps you focus your attention resulting in improved physical and metal well-being. Studies have found that meditation is beneficial in treating various health conditions that are worsened by stress. Some of them are high blood pressure, chronic pain, fatigue, sleeping habits, depression and others. Furthermore, it also helps you control your anger and anxiety.
When you meditate, all your tensions seem to go away. Releasing stress isn't just limited to the meditation session, it gradually eliminates the stress from your life given that you practice it on a regular basis. The true profoundness of meditation lies in the stability that you develop overtime. It helps you lead a life that remains unperturbed by anxiety and stress. Though difficulties will still come along at times, you will be able to handle them with much ease and won't be troubled by negative thoughts.
The technique of meditation requires much practicing and can be mastered overtime. For learning to meditate, however, you need the guidance of an expert. Searching online is the easiest way to find an experienced meditation practitioner. There are some experts who provide online podcast about meditation. From teaching you the basics as well as the latest findings on meditations, helping you achieve a relaxed state of mind to guided meditations for listening while you meditate, they share expert tips and help you find what works best for you to release tension.
Listening to a podcast is so much a better option for learning to meditate than reading about it. During a meditation podcast, you are guided by the soothing voice of a meditation expert to help you relax. Since your mind needs reason to be calm and peaceful, it should be preferred if someone guides you, taking your mind off the worries and helping you find inspiration to feel fresh and relaxed. You need someone who holds years of experience in meditation to free you of your stress.
Besides the online meditation podcast, several clinics also hold meditation sessions where you can join meditation gurus as well as others coping with stress. Find one such clinic in your city and take an action against the stress that continues to rise. Don't wait until you have a breakdown! Contact a clinical psychologist who specializes in meditation to help you control your stress before your body goes into a tailspin.
Dr. Robert Puff, an experienced clinical psychologist Newport Beach office of Dr. Puff has seen many people walk in and get help in managing their stress.
Labels: Guided Meditation - Path to Physical And Mental Well-being
Posted by admin at 11:15 PM 0 comments