That's real, many natural substances around us are really blessing, for example honey to treat ulcers and burns, and milk to to burn fat and lose weight. According to the study, diabetics who exposed toes ulcers and amputations can be treated with honey with effective results. In the half year up to one year of treatment with honey the ulcer proven to dry and heal. Within the next year the ulcer recover fully. Honey was able to beat the streptococcus bacteria that consume body tissue. Of course, honey can be used as alternative for ordinary treatment for small wound procedure.
Honey can also be used for treatment of burns, even better than the ointment Silver Sulfaziadine. In a study it was found that patients treated with honey healed faster than patients treated with the ointment. Honey has long been known in Eastern societies. For example, it was mentioned in ayurvedic healing technique texts. Healing burns with honey more quickly and with no trace. Biochemical analysis in the case of healing of burns showed that honey is not only faster in healing but also better because of fructose in honey improve nutrition in the wound.
Why we are recommended to seek honey to treat ulcers and burns? Some of the goodness of honey as a cure ulcers and burns:
Honey serves as a natural antibiotic proven to reduce the development of harmful bacteria.
Honey has a level of acidity that makes the bacteria difficult to grow and develop.
There are hydrogen peroxide in honey; these substances are known as very good antiseptics in the medical world.
Honey is experiencing a process of osmosis that simultaneously eradicate the bacteria. Honey contains very little water and it is very thick so that the osmosis process will suck water out of bacteria in the wound and act like sponges that drain the wound area so that the bacteria difficult to grow.
With all those benefits, it would be better if we take a look at honey to treat ulcer and burns.
Honey to Treat Ulcers and Burns
Labels: Alternative medicine, Ayurveda- A Complete Science of Life, Body, drink, Drinks, Honey to Treat Ulcers and Burns, wound
Posted by admin at 5:50 PM 1 comments
Breaking Bad Habits of Smoking
Smoking causes cancer etc., yeah, so many damage to health and at worst you stumble upon the big danger of poor health. Many people know about the danger of smoking. But they also wonder how to quit their bad habit, not knowing about breaking bad habits of smoking. For you who want to quit smoking there are quick tips that can be used below:
- The first is the intention of the smoker, if you have not been unanimous determination to quit smoking, would be too difficult to quit smoking.
- Gradually reduce cigarette consumption. Usually you buy 2 packs a day, start slowly trying to reduce a 1 pack a day and so on. This will increase your effort in breaking bad habits of smoking.
- Train yourself to resist smoking. Suppose you want to smoke, but try to wait or hold up to 5 minutes, and increase to 10 minutes for the next day and so on. And the longer drive to smoke will disappear slowly but surely.
- Also you can replace cigarettes with other alternatives, such as candy or gum.
- You might be able to allocate your money to buy cigarettes for savings or to buy goods you need more.
- Regular exercise can also make you want to quit smoking. And reduce the staying up late, with adequate sleep. You need little effort but steady in breaking bad habits of smoking.
Perhaps the above are only few ways to stop smoking, you can also find your best ways to live healthy if possible.
Labels: addiction, Behavior, Body, Breaking Bad Habits of Smoking, The Biggest Danger of Poor Health, tips
Posted by admin at 7:23 PM 1 comments
Curcuma to Fight Cancer
They found that cancer cells began to die 24 hours after they had encountered curcuma. Then it was proven that cancer cells began to dissolve themselves after this encounter. Curcuminoids act by inhibiting some processes that contribute to the survival, proliferation, invasion and metastasis of cancer cells (Kuttan 2007). In fighting Cancer , curcuma has the same benefits of gingerol, substance extracted from ginger. Current researches also strengthen the previous ones that have proven that curcuma lessen the growth of fat cells, making your weight under control.
All the researches were laboratory studies. However, further research needs to shown if curcuma has the same good effects in human body.
Curcuma is a much used spice in the Indonesian kitchen. It has a yellowish color and a rather bitter taste. It is a native genus in Zingiberaceae family in the warm, humid environments of south and southeast Asia. We can call it an ingredient useful for making healthy jamu, as other food recipes to keep us young.
Labels: curcuma to fight cancer
Posted by admin at 4:49 AM 0 comments
An Udderly Ridiculous Home Remedy
Discover Doug Smith's free home remedies at that show you how to use mayonnaise, duct tape, yogurt, banana peels, cola, mouthwash, peroxide, thread and other common ingredients to cure common but embarrassing conditions.
Labels: An Udderly Ridiculous Home Remedy
Posted by admin at 8:01 AM 0 comments
Meditation Techniques For Time Pressed Executives
by Molyazzi
Meditation, quite rightly, has an image of relaxation, peace and quiet, and many may interpret this as meaning meditation can only be for those who have time to laze around half the day. For this reason, those people, such as business executives, who live a pressured life with little or no time to spare, may assume that meditation can never have a place in their lives. That is a shame, as meditation techniques can be quite flexible and quite easy to fit in to a busy day.
The benefits of meditation can be so great to somebody under pressure, that even a few minutes occasionally may bring a noticeable benefit. For a busy executive to have reached their position in life, they are likely to be determined and intelligent individuals. This can often mean that, should they perceive a benefit in an activity, then they will continue or extend that activity. It is therefore possible that an executive trying out even a brief period of meditation may soon adopt some meditation technique or other on a regular basis.
What type of meditation techniques may fit in with an executive lifestyle? Important features of meditation are being able to breathe well and consciously, relax and clear the mind, and then focus the mind. An executive with perpetual meetings and a full diary, with pressures to perform and maximise profits, may think such things cannot be fitted into their busy lives.
It is true to say that the most powerful and beneficial meditation sessions are prolonged. However, that does not mean short periods of meditation are a waste of time; far from it. An executive is probably geared up to packing as much into their day as possible and, although it may be difficult to clear a hyperactive mind, they may well learn to pack in short meditation sessions also. In so doing, they may well find that those sessions give them a boost that is far greater and more beneficial than caffeine.
So, what techniques can an executive use during their busy day? Here are a few ideas:
1. If using public transport to get to and from work, and you are able to sit down, it can be a good time to close your eyes, concentrate on correct breathing, and try to shut out the surrounding sounds. Commuting can be a very stressful experience every day of the week, so a snatched meditation session, even in far from ideal conditions, may minimize those negative effects, or even turn them on their head. In fact, it can be good practice to try to meditate in difficult conditions, as that makes ideal conditions even more beneficial later on.
The secret to these train or bus sessions is not to fall asleep, and to concentrate extra hard on maintaining the focus.
2. Do you go to a gym or health spa? Whether at lunch time or in the evening, this can be a good time to tag on a short meditation session. If you have finished your work out, you need some time to shower and relax your body a bit. Following that with a 10 minute or more period of meditation could work wonders. Most gyms or health spas will have a room you can use for a short spell of peace, so it is worth asking. A vacant massage room would serve the purpose.
3. Control your diary, and schedule in a mid morning and mid afternoon "tea or coffee" break. Only instead of tea and coffee, drink water, sit comfortably, focus on your breathing and then when totally relaxed, have a short session of meditation, focusing on something calming and not related to work. Even 10 minutes can provide a power inducing respite from the day's work, and the chances are you will not lose time, but rather gain time, as you will work more effectively.
Snatched meditation sessions spread through the day may not be the stuff of traditional meditation, but they are certainly better than none at all. Hopefully, the rejuvenated executive will perceive enough benefits to set aside time in the evenings and weekends to learn full meditation, and then be able to return to work at the top of is game every weekday morning.,
Labels: Meditation Techniques For Time Pressed Executives
Posted by admin at 11:23 PM 2 comments
Guided Meditation - Path to Physical And Mental Well-being

If stress and anxiety are taking over your life, you should get help of guided meditation as your stress management resource. Learn how to meditate and free your mind of worries in order to lead a healthy and peaceful life.
The high-speed lifestyle that all of us lead today doesn't leave us much of choice other than juggling a number of tasks. Some of your time is spent enlisting the jobs that are needed to be done, some carrying out the jobs and the rest in worrying about the ones that you weren't able to finish. All this leaves you stressed out. Meditation is a great way to shift your focus from anxiety to peace. It is a complementary medicine that cures all three, mind, body and soul of a person. Meditation can help you release stress and lead a happy and peaceful life.s
By providing a state of relaxation, it helps you remove the troubled thoughts that cloud your mind and cause stress. Moreover, it helps you focus your attention resulting in improved physical and metal well-being. Studies have found that meditation is beneficial in treating various health conditions that are worsened by stress. Some of them are high blood pressure, chronic pain, fatigue, sleeping habits, depression and others. Furthermore, it also helps you control your anger and anxiety.
When you meditate, all your tensions seem to go away. Releasing stress isn't just limited to the meditation session, it gradually eliminates the stress from your life given that you practice it on a regular basis. The true profoundness of meditation lies in the stability that you develop overtime. It helps you lead a life that remains unperturbed by anxiety and stress. Though difficulties will still come along at times, you will be able to handle them with much ease and won't be troubled by negative thoughts.
The technique of meditation requires much practicing and can be mastered overtime. For learning to meditate, however, you need the guidance of an expert. Searching online is the easiest way to find an experienced meditation practitioner. There are some experts who provide online podcast about meditation. From teaching you the basics as well as the latest findings on meditations, helping you achieve a relaxed state of mind to guided meditations for listening while you meditate, they share expert tips and help you find what works best for you to release tension.
Listening to a podcast is so much a better option for learning to meditate than reading about it. During a meditation podcast, you are guided by the soothing voice of a meditation expert to help you relax. Since your mind needs reason to be calm and peaceful, it should be preferred if someone guides you, taking your mind off the worries and helping you find inspiration to feel fresh and relaxed. You need someone who holds years of experience in meditation to free you of your stress.
Besides the online meditation podcast, several clinics also hold meditation sessions where you can join meditation gurus as well as others coping with stress. Find one such clinic in your city and take an action against the stress that continues to rise. Don't wait until you have a breakdown! Contact a clinical psychologist who specializes in meditation to help you control your stress before your body goes into a tailspin.
Dr. Robert Puff, an experienced clinical psychologist Newport Beach office of Dr. Puff has seen many people walk in and get help in managing their stress.
Labels: Guided Meditation - Path to Physical And Mental Well-being
Posted by admin at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Gingerol - A Cancer Fighting Antioxidant
by Tom Parker
Gingerol is a flavonol and phytonutrient (a group of chemical compounds that are found naturally in plants and have multiple health benefits but are not considered essential in humans) that can be found in fresh ginger. It has been linked with preventing cancer, strengthening the immune system and more. In this article I will be discussing gingerol in greater detail and providing you with a summary of its main functions, the best food sources, the recommended daily allowances (RDAs) and the potentially adverse effects of consuming too much or too little.
The first references to gingerol date back to 4000 B.C. where it was mentioned as a cooking spice in the sacred Hindu text; "Mahabharata". It was classified as a flavonol many years later in 1938 by the Hungarian biochemist Albert Szent Gyorgyi when he discovered the flavonoids.
Gingerol has multiple health benefits in the human body. It acts as an anti-inflammatory (a substance that prevents inflammation within the body) and an antioxidant (a substance which protects the body's cells from damaging free radicals). In addition to this, gingerol boosts the body's immune system, protects against certain types of cancer (including breast cancer, colon cancer and ovarian cancer) and treats high blood pressure. Finally, it works to relieve migraines, nausea and the painful symptoms associated with arthritis.
3) RDA:
Gingerol is not considered essential to human health so no official recommendations have been set regarding its consumption. However, a number of sources recommend that gingerol should be avoided completely by children up to 2 years old. They also suggest that children aged between 2 and 17 years old should consume a maximum of 1.3 grams (g) per day and adults aged 18 years and older should consume no more than 4g per day.
Gingerol is part of fresh ginger and this is the most potent source. It is often added to other foods as a cooking spice and can also be found in herbal infusions (teas) and herbal supplements.
There are no reported overdose symptoms associated with consuming high levels of natural gingerol. However, excessive use of gingerol supplements can have a number of adverse effects which include confusion, dizziness, irregular heartbeats and sleepiness.
People who suffer from blood disorders, diabetes, gallbladder disorders or heart problems are more likely to experience overdose symptoms when taking gingerol supplements. People taking blood thinning medications and pregnant women are also considered to be more at risk of gingerol overdose.
At the time of writing, no gingerol deficiency symptoms have been identified. Author Resource:- Tom Parker owns Free Fitness Tips - a fantastic source of free, impartial fitness advice. You can learn more about gingerol and the other flavonols by visiting his website.
Labels: Gingerol - A Cancer Fighting Antioxidant
Posted by admin at 1:17 AM 1 comments
A Great Method To Overcome Your Depression Using Some Techniques
Kerstin Frey
Being lonely is a normal part of our everyday lives. We get sad when we fail in our exams, when we're rejected by the person we love, or when someone very close to us passes away. Depression, however, could be more fatal than just plain loneliness. It could render life-long consequences that could ruin your self-esteem, health, and well-being.
Here are some superb tips to conquer the melancholy mood and get the most bliss out of your daily activities.
1) Get Enough Light and Sunshine.
Lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which could trigger a dispirited mood and a lethargic condition.
Melatonin is only produced in the dark. It lowers the body temperature and makes you feel sluggish. If you are always cooped up in your room (with the curtains closed), it would be difficult to restrain yourself from staying in bed.
This is the reason why many people are suffering from depression much more often in winter than in the other seasons. It's because the nights are longer.
If you can't afford to get some sunshine, you can always lighten up your room with brighter lights. Have lunch outside the office. Take frequent walks instead of driving your car over short distances.
2) Get Busy. Get Inspired.
You'll be more likely to overcome any feeling of depression if you are too busy to notice it. Live a life full of inspired activities.
Do the things you love. If you're a little short on cash, you could engage in simple stuffs like taking a leisurely stroll in the park, playing sports, reading books, or engaging in any activity that you have passion for and would love to pursue.
Set a goal - a meaningful purpose in life. No matter how difficult or discouraging life can be, remain firm and have an unshakable belief that you are capable of doing anything you desire. With this kind of positive attitude, you will attain a cheerful disposition to beat the blues.
3) Take a Break.
I mean it.
Listen to soothing music. Soak in a nice warm bath. Ask one of your close friends to massage you. Take a break from your stressful workload and spend the day just goofing around. In other words, have fun.
4) Eat Right and Stay Fit.
Avoid foods with lots of sugar, caffeine, or alcohol. Sugar and caffeine may give you a brief moment of energy; but they would later bring about anxiety , tension, and internal problems. Alcohol is a depressant. Many people would drink alcohol to "forget their problems." They're just aggravating their conditions in the process.
Exercising regularly is a vital depression buster because it allows your body to produce more endorphins than usual. Endorphins are sometimes called "the happy chemicals" because of their stress-reducing and happiness-inducing properties.
5) Get a Social Life.
No man is an island. Your circle of friends are there to give you moral support. Spending time and engaging in worthwhile activities with them could give you a very satisfying feeling. Nothing feels better than having group support.
Never underestimate the power of touch. Doesn't it feel so good when someone pats you on the back and gives you words of encouragement during your most challenging times? Hug or embrace someone today. You'll never know when you have saved another life.
Get intimate. Establish close ties with your family and friends. The love and care expressed by others could tremendously boost your immune system and fend off illnesses. Best of all, you'll live a more secured and happy life.
Author Resource:- If you liked my article you can follow me via my profile here.
Labels: A Great Method To Overcome Your Depression Using Some Techniques
Posted by admin at 1:11 AM 0 comments
B-12 Injections
Joseph Sterling
Injections of B-12 vitamins, often referred to as Cobalamin injections, serve many purposes. Many people take these injections for reasons ranging from anemia, stress, lack of energy, or as an aid in weight loss. Vitamin B-12 normally isn't thought of as a dieting supplement, but many believe that it actually boosts the metabolism and therefore provides an important contribution to weight loss efforts. It's also thought that B-12 has a great ability to improve one's mood and energy, which could also justify taking the shot for weight loss purposes since feeling good and wanting to be active certainly contributes to effective weight loss strategy.
B-12 is not only taken for a variety of different reasons but also in a variety of different forms. It is often taken as a pill, through intramuscular injection, or as a little tab that you place underneath the tongue until it dissolves. Perhaps the most popular method of B-12 consumption is through intramuscular injection because it is thought that taking a pill leaves the vitamin to travel through the entire digestive tract, losing some of its effectiveness along the way. With injection the vitamins are deposited directly into the blood stream and can begin to work within the body immediately. This important vitamin helps determine how much oxygen the cells of the body have, and since more oxygen means more energy it's understandable how getting a B-12 shot can really make one feel a lot better.
One of the most remarkable things about B-12 is that you get all the great benefits without any negative side effects attached; it's simply good for the overall health of the body no matter what the reasons are behind you taking it in the first place. In other words it doesn't really matter if it doesn't help you lose weight for instance because there are no side effects, you'll simply feel a little more energetic and better about yourself. In fact the fat burning qualities of B-12 has been put into question, but the important thing to remember is how the effects of B-12 can indirectly lead to weight loss even if they have no direct effect. For example B-12 is often used to fight depression since it makes people feel so good, and those who are dieting in particular need to feel good and not get discouraged or else they will ruin their diet and never end up losing any weight.
B-12 injections are particularly helpful for vegetarians and vegans who feel they may not be getting enough of this essential nutrient in their diets. It can also be a good for athletes and those engaged in heavy physical performance exercises because it naturally boosts energy levels. Ask you doctor or naturopath about vitamin B-12 injections. Author Resource:- Joe trains 5 times a week at Bally's Gym in Orange County. A long-time fitness enthusiast, he recommends that you buy ephedrine and buy ephedra from Astronutrition.
Labels: B-12 Injections
Posted by admin at 3:27 AM 0 comments
Come across Out the Latest Data About Female Genital Herpes
Denabson Anknickson
Female vaginal herpes often known as HSV 2 is really a std that is due to herpes virus. This disease impacts the genital area of an infected individual plus some of the signs you will find are usually blister, painful cold sore, itchiness within the private part, head ache in addition to fever. On the other hand, this differs according to the human body.
This virus is actually separated into 2 groups specifically herpes virus 1 also known as (HSV 1) as well as herpes virus 2 (HSV 2). The HSV 2 is the specific one which has an effect on the genital of both man as well as woman.
Let us take a look at how it has an effect on a man. In a man there could be blisters, sore within the male organ or virtually any area at the penile such as the thigh. In the female counterpart there will be bruises, cold sore around the vaginal area as well as in the cervix. So when the eruption as well as painful is within the vagina the person might not be conscious unless she is aware of the signal as well as goes for a healthcare analyze. Blisters can also show up on the upper thighs and also butt of both equally female and male. The blisters frequently break open in to an agonizing sore within a couple of days and also this sore can last approximately 3 weeks.
A few other the signs of feminine vaginal herpes tend to be aches and a burning feeling during urination. The two sexes may possibly encounter a mucous discharge from the vagina or perhaps penis along with tender swollen glands in the groin area which burst open in a duration of one week.
This virus goes into an less active state following the initial outbreak. And once this happens the contaminated individual may not see any symptoms of the ailment for a long time period. The herpes simplex virus will do less problems for anyone but it can still be transported.
Nonetheless, there can still be another herpes outbreak of the condition and the re-occurrence based on the body defense system of the afflicted man or woman.
When a man or woman have been diagnosed with this particular illness, it is very important to take a few protective steps in order to avoid the further pass on of the illness.
Underneath are a few of the what you should avoid when you are diagnosed with this virus.
Avoid intercourse, people who are unable to hold themselves will find herpes relationship internet site and locate a person of his type.
Do not use any general public toilet.
Stay away from sharing bath towels because the disease is incredibly infectious.
When there's bleeding or menstruation continually utilize much more preventive technique.
Here we are going to talk about some of the approaches to steer clear of contacting a female genital herpes virus.
Never ever visit the brothel, if you're attempted be sure you wear a condom thou it's not one hundred percent assurance.
Do not share toilet with others you aren't absolutely clear on their status.
Do not use a pointy thing utilised by someone else.
Never share towel with another person.
Avoid the use of bath tub together with anyone.
In the event you follow the protective measure stated in this informative article, you'll not get issue defending yourself from this illness.
There are lots of medications claiming to remove this problem but many of them are not of any use to the majority of vaginal herpes victims. Be cautious along with do your own little study. Author Resource:- Never be confused about Herpes Medication again. Want to learn about the signs of this disease, then go to Herpes Symptom for more eye opening info.
Labels: Come across Out the Latest Data About Female Genital Herpes
Posted by admin at 3:24 AM 0 comments
Breakfast, Water, Exercise & Vitamins Start Your Optimum Nutritional Program Now
Michiel Van Kets
Many people pay little or no attention to what it is they are putting into their bodies and in most cases they know that it is very important to take care of themselves however they spend more time caring for the food intake of others. There are a lot of people who also have no idea about how to go about improving their nutritional status let alone how to achieve an optimum nutrition.
You need to give your body nourishment, not in the form of fast foods, snacks and candy but good nourishment. You want to ensure you can get the most out of every single day and the way to start off a great day is to fill your body with a good nourishing breakfast to get you going.
Some people currently avoid breakfast altogether and if you ever start to feel you are lagging mid morning then perhaps the reason for this is your current nutrition program. It is not easy at first but making sure you eat breakfast daily can greatly change the way your body functions for you. You want to get the most from your day so starting out with a healthy breakfast can be just the ticket.
It is amazing how if you just make some minor adjustments to the way you eat how much you can improve your health. Apart from just the foods we put in we should also look to including some daily vitamins in our regiment. Getting a full range of nutrients in a one day sitting, especially in today is lifestyles is not the easiest thing to do so using some daily vitamins as a supplement to your nutritional program has great benefits.
Try to start out with the vitamins in a place that you will always go, every morning and try to remember to take them. Perhaps for the first week or so put a big note on the inside of your normal exit door to remind you to take the vitamins before you dash out to the car, subway or bus stop or whatever it is. Once you have a routine going you will find that including the vitamins daily is easy.
Exercise is an important factor in any daily routine and should not be skipped. Even if you just change the way you do things, such as walk an extra block on your way to or from work. Park your car at the far edges of the parking garage at work or at the grocery store. Small steps is all you need to get yourself going and you may find that with the improved way you are feeling you will see the benefits to you in increasing your exercise regime even further.
One of the other things you can do that is an easy step but often avoided is to drink a lot of water. Water has the benefit of squashing your appetite as well as flushing out your system the down side is of course flushing your system. Basically that means many visits to the bathroom. But if you are serious about improving your health and your nutrition then drinking as much water as you can is a great way to start the process as well.
If you can not face constant water then be wise in your choices for alternative liquids. Avoid caffeine and soft drinks or any sugary drinks for that matter. Try to drink low calorie options and to increase your water intake. Make a deal with yourself that for every alternative drink you have you will have a glass of water before and after. If you do not increase your water intake this way you will definitely reduce your sugar or caffeine intake.
Give your body the chance to work its best for you by feeding it what it needs. Make sure you drink as much water as you can so your systems have the opportunity to carry all those wonderful nutrients where they need to go and flush out the things that you do not need to retain. Try some of these simple steps towards improving your nutrition and see if you can gain the benefits - I know I have. Author Resource:- Michiel Van Kets publishes articles for Abso-bloody-Lutely, a general directory. The articles are about health and nutrition. Operating a directory requires rigorous checks to ensure quality content.
Labels: Breakfast, Exercise and Vitamins Start Your Optimum Nutritional Program Now, Water
Posted by admin at 12:23 AM 0 comments
Avoid the Dinosaur Syndrome For Your Brain
Suzanne Holman
Think of the anatomy of the dinosaur. They were huge creatures and had very small brains.
Ironic that what research is showing us is that as our bodies get more and more overweight, our brains get smaller.
Dr. Daniel Amen came up with the "Dinosaur Syndrome" name to paint a clear picture of the danger of being overweight.
With obesity comes more frequent diabetes, sleep apnea, and often high blood pressure. All of these health problems are associated with a higher incidence of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.
Dr. Amen has written a number of books, the most recent one The Amen Solution: The Brain Healthy Way to Lose Weight and Keep It Off. And he recently opened an online site that offers ongoing support to those who choose to take the steps to get their weight down to a healthy level.
Recently, I heard Dr. Amen talk about a church he has helped to create a program for weight loss. Saddleback Church is one of the largest churches in the United States. Richard Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life, is the pastor there. They have a comprehensive website to support their congregation in getting fit. Here is a link to Dr. Amen talking about the Dinosaur Syndrome:
When adults take the lead to eat consciously, children see this as an example of what is the appropriate way to eat and will follow suit. The current statistics on obesity in our youth is disturbing. Below are some statistics from the William J. Clinton Foundation, an organization that "focuses on worldwide issues that demand urgent action, solutions, and measurable results," that will open your eyes to this huge problem.
Did you know that almost 25 percent of our children do not participate in any free-time physical activity. Even worse, less than 25 percent of high school students take daily physical education classes. Healthcare costs are very high. Currently, Health Insurance companies are paying out monies for the treatmentnt of obese children that are almost three times higher than for treatment of normal children. Nearly 25 million children are overweight or obese. Today, there are five times more obese children between the ages of 6 and 11 than there was forty years ago.
Think of the heath problems that will develop for these young people if they do not change their lifestyle. Health care costs are high now but, what will they be in another 15 -20 years when these young people are going into their middle ages and older years.
It's a wonderful thing that attention is being brought to this issue at the high level of Michelle Obama. There are efforts being made all over the country.
Kids love dinosaurs but, will they love having the Dinosaur Syndrome which results in shorter, unhealthy lives? Author Resource:- For an excellent free report giving you more ways to support your memory and brain, you can go to Suzanne Holman is an author, speaker, and consultant who supports those of you who are interested in improving your brain for now and in the future.
Labels: Avoid the Dinosaur Syndrome For Your Brain
Posted by admin at 12:19 AM 0 comments
Health Benefits Of A Power Nap
by Joseph Sterling
Being tired and sleepy is part and parcel of the busy modern life; it is often difficult to get through the day without being extremely sleepy and wanting to go take a nap. Taking a nap some time during the day is known as a cat nap or a power nap, and is highly enjoyable as well as being refreshing and rejuvenating. In fact, napping provides a boost to the body in many ways, including improved cell repair, heart function, and brain function.
You may still feel somewhat tired after your nap, but this is to be expected, the upside is that despite your tiredness you have given a boost to your brain functioning and have much improved memory capacity after taking a quick nap. Studies have also shown that taking quick naps can reduce stress and boost your overall productivity by increasing our ability to learn and ameliorate your mood. You are certainly doing yourself a big favor by napping during the day, since without a nap your brain functioning will consistently and gradually decline throughout the day.
As you probably know, sleep consists of many different stages. Taking a power nap is meant to only reach the first two stages, namely those of relaxation and light sleep. Your body spends about ten minutes to get through that first stage, and another ten or twenty minutes in the light sleep stage. It is therefore ideal to keep naps at around twenty minutes, though this figure certainly varies between individuals and is by no means set in stone. The problem though is that you do not want to oversleep, because if you slip into the further stages of sleep you will likely experience what is known as sleep inertia. This means you'll wake up with a heavy feeling which leaves you sluggish and requires considerably time to shake off.
People understandably have a difficult time napping during the day, but there are certain methods which can give you an effective routine to follow. One interesting method is to simply relax with a cup of coffee. Once you're done drinking the coffee you can close your eyes and let yourself slowly fall asleep. The caffeine takes about fifteen minutes to kick in, so you'll be naturally woken from your nap and will feel perfectly refreshed. If you still have trouble falling asleep there are many sleep-inducing methods out there, one of the more effective ones includes listening to brainwave music which helps slow your brainwaves and put you to sleep. Author Resource:- Joe trains 5 times a week at Bally's Gym in Orange County. A long-time fitness enthusiast, he recommends that you buy ephedrine and buy ephedra from Astronutrition.
Labels: Health Benefits Of A Power Nap
Posted by admin at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Aromatherapy Important Oils - An Inheritance Properly Heralded
by Ellen McElroy
The use of crucial oils, which is derived from your pure essence of a plant, isn't new. Although the time period aromatherapy was coined only inside the 1920s (by Gattefoss? in 1928), people knew of aromatherapy vital oils from your prehistoric instances. Beginning through the Chinese to Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Persian and Indian civilizations, each have extra to the science of vital oils and also to aromatherapy like an entire.
Research still continues in the area of aromatherapy important oils, with new developments being created in the subject. Aromatherapy and necessary oils are not limited to cosmetic or aromatic uses only. Quite a few on the necessary oils happen to be proved to have medicinal and therapeutic benefits also. Take lavender oil for instance. French chemist Gattefoss? would happen to be unaware of your properties of lavender oil to give immediate relief without any scar in instances of burn up, till he burnt his hand and by chance put his hand inside the jar full of the essence of lavender. Similarly, there are a significant number of important oils that have medicinal properties. The 'tulsi' plant or Indian basil, unique by means of its powerful aroma and taste, is thought of "the elixir of life" given that it's believed to bring longevity. The use of the plant's extracts is created to deal with sicknesses like headaches, inflammation, coronary heart illness, and malaria. The vital oils derived from 'karpoora tulsi' have discovered use inside the manufacture of herbal toiletry.
Necessary oils are derived from nearly each and every component in the plant. Leaves, stems, flowers, roots, and so on are distilled through steam or water to result into essential oils. Consequently, aromatherapy important oils contain the accurate essence in the plant. In its purest kind, a couple of drops of necessary oil can give the same outcomes that loads of that plant would have provided. This can be for the reason that vital oils are offered in concentrated kind.
Although referred to as oil, crucial oils in aromatherapy do not give that oily feeing. Except for several oils for instance patchouli, orange and lemongrass, most oils are clear and see-through.
Aromatherapy crucial oils must be differentiated from your perfume or fragrance oils. Whilst vital oils include the purest essence in the plant, perfume oils are produced of artificially created substances like a complete or a component of it. Fragrance oils could trigger allergic reactions or other pores and skin reaction since of the use of artificial substances; but the use of crucial oils brings upon no these allergic reaction.
Aromatherapy important oils can be employed by people today possibly by means of inhalation or by applying them on pores and skin inside a diluted type. When crucial oils are inhaled, they enter the bloodstream and lungs directly, therefore generating an on the spot impact to the ailment.
Applying aromatherapy vital oils on the physique is great for absorption. Since necessary oils are offered in a very concentrated kind, they have to be diluted making use of carrier oil. Sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, grape seed oil, etc are blended using the crucial oil; as well as the combination is used on the body or the component that's afflicted.
1 must be incredibly cautious whilst buying an crucial oil. Although easily accessible, people are not nicely equipped to differentiate in between the superior quality and poor quality vital oil. The next checklist may be helpful to all those people who are on their way buying for aromatherapy crucial oils:
. A vendor who permits you to check the essential oil is preferred additional.
. If the bottle containing essential oils has terms including perfume oils, nature similar oils; they are not necessary oils.
. By no means obtain a bottle of necessary oil that seems aged. It may be adulterated or simply could not produce the medicinal benefits.
. A transparent glass bottle of important oils allows mild to come in, thus reducing its aroma therapeutic benefits. Keep away from purchasing essential oils which are marketed in clear glass bottles.
. Crucial oils sold in plastic bottles as well ought to be avoided as it dissolves plastic and becomes contaminated for use.
Author Resource:- For data in relation to essential oils swing byJeffrey Tipmeyster's internet site without delay!
Labels: Aromatherapy Important Oils - An Inheritance Properly Heralded
Posted by admin at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Learning About Fad Diets
Anna Lewis
High-Fat, Low-Carbohydrate Diets - Millions of Americans have joined the low-carb craze and started high-fat, low-carb diets such as the Atkins Diet, and the Zone Diet. They are made up of about 60% fat, 10% carbohydrate, and 30% protein. These diets say you can eat high amounts of fat and protein while getting very low amounts of carbohydrates in the form of vegetables. The main premise of the low-carb diet is that a diet low in carbohydrates leads to a reduction in the body's production of insulin. The end result is that fat and protein stores will be used for energy. So you stuff yourself full of unlimited amounts of meat, cheese, and butter, and only eat a small portion of carbohydrates.
People who start the diet usually lose a great amount of weight, but it's not permanent weight loss. Instead of burning fat, the lose water and precious muscle tissue. Furthermore, these diets are low in several nutrients and contain excess amounts of cholesterol and saturated fats, substances that increase the risk of heart disease. Plus, regardless of what they claim, the enormous amounts of protein put a strain on your kidneys.
Moderate Fat Diets - Next, there are the moderate fat diets. Moderate fat diets include diets like Weight Watchers, the USDA Food Guide Pyramid, and Jenny Craig. These diets are made up of about 25% fat, 60% carbohydrate, and 15% protein. They encourage the intake of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and essential fatty acids found in foods like olive oil and salmon. These diets are usually nutritionally balanced if the dieter eats a variety of foods from all categories. For example, Weight Watchers operates on a point system where foods get a number of points based on calorie, fiber, and fat content. Dieters get a specific amount of points they can use for the day. While it's not encouraged, they may choose to spend most of their points on carbohydrates instead of balancing it out. This could lead to deficiencies in nutrients such as calcium, iron, and zinc. However, if followed properly, these diets are probably the most successful for losing weight and keeping it off.
Low and Very Low-Fat Diets - Finally, you have your low-fat and very low-fat diets. Diets in this category include the Dr. Dean Ornish's Diet and the Pritkin Plan, among others. They are made up of about 13% fat, 70% carbohydrates, and 16% protein. These diets are mostly vegetarian diets and don't recommend eating a lot of meat. Like the low-carb diets, you can eat unlimited amounts of certain foods. Because you can't eat a lot of meat, these diets are deficient in zinc, vitamin B12, and essential fatty acids. Also, it is so restrictive that people find a hard time staying on it for life and end up gaining their weight back. Author Resource:- Read about the hCG Diet.
Labels: Learning About Fad Diets
Posted by admin at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Do You Need To Try A Celebrities Eating Habits
Patricia Coddington
A part of becoming a celebrity, actor, or actress is developing a body fit for any character. This might cause you to contemplate just how the stars in Hollywood workout and eat. People end up obsessed with utilizing the same exercise and diet routine of their favorite celebrity as their personal exercise routine. But, is the diet plan or workout program of your chosen celebrity right for you?
The plans of superstars range vastly from one star to the other. A few stars use entire body training programs, while some exercise a single major muscle group on a daily basis. Some celebrities work out every day for half an hour, while some go to a fitness center for hours per day. Some celebrities eat regular eating plans, limiting carbohydrates and alcohol; others eat during the day and eat many smaller meals.
One thing you won't deny that most of the celebrities that have effectively lost weight and look great have in common and that's dedication! Additionally, it helps that celebrities have money, time, and incentive to have the perfect figure. If you were provided huge amount of money to have a great body in a couple of months, you'd probably determine the way to do it - even if it would mean you needed to get up early, work out all day, or even dramatically restrict your diet plan.
So, what could you find out from a Hollywood workout? Celebrity physical exercises and diets may be able to help you get fit and slim, but they will require diligence and commitment like any other type of exercise program. For you to exercise effectively, however, you cannot just simply follow your favorite star's eating plan or training routine.
Alternatively, slowly incorporate healthy foods into your diet plan and use fat burning activities that you enjoy doing. And go from there! You don't need to imitate your chosen star to get the body that you have always dreamed of! Author Resource:- For more information on celebrities and their eating plans check out this celebrity updates site!
Labels: Do You Need To Try A Celebrities Eating Habits
Posted by admin at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Djembe Drums for Music Therapy
Ruth Williams
Hand-crafted African djembe drums are beautiful instruments with an attractive sound. Not only that, these drums are useful for therapy and healing. Rhythm is an essential part of the human experience, beginning with the sound of the mum's heartbeat while still in the womb. Drum therapy builds on that sensation to further encourage healing.
Music therapy with djembe drums can be used in many different institutional settings. For instance, school children of all ages enjoy a session of playing rhythm instruments. But the benefit goes beyond simple enjoyment. Making music has been found to be beneficial to a child's intellectual development as well as reducing stress levels, both facts which make drumming useful as therapy for children with disabilities like ADHD, mental retardation, or physical handicaps.
The djembe drum dates back about 700 years, where it was first crafted in the African country of Mali. The craftsman carves the drum from a single length of tree trunk and tops it with an animal skin head. The drum is designed to fit between the legs of the player and be drummed on with the hands. Musicians can learn traditional rhythms or play according to the way they feel.
Drum circles are used for many types of therapy. When used in a group, the sense of community aids the music in creating wellness. Drum circles have been found helpful for stroke victims, cancer sufferers, people trying to break addictions, and other people young and old who are facing challenges. Drums are used with Alzheimer's patients and it's believed that drumming can even help the immune system.
In a drum circle, the lead djembe drummer will usually lay down the rhythm for the circle, with other instruments following his lead. Other instruments used include rattles, shakers, bongo drums, rhythm sticks, and tambourines. Schools often purchase the instruments in classroom kits so that there will be something for everyone to play.
When choosing a djembe drum, it is important to think of the size of the individual who will be playing it. Heights of the drums range from 12 to 28 inches with the diameter of the head increasing proportionately. The drum should rest on the floor or chair when the player is seated. The head of the drum should be located 3 or 4 inches above the lap. Thus, the smallest children should be equipped with the shortest size of djembe drums.
For a great selection of fun childrens musical instruments, visit the Djembe Drum Shop where you can view and buy products online.
Labels: Djembe Drums for Music Therapy
Posted by admin at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Living the Reiki Principles, Just for Today
Diane Poppleton Brown
The Reiki Principles are fundamental to the practice and understanding of Reiki. It shouldn't be forgotten that Reiki was, and still is a powerful tool, not just for healing but also for personal and spiritual growth. Even though Reiki is non-denominational and is to be enjoyed by people of any faith, (or none), to get the most out of your Reiki experience, whether that is by giving or receiving Reiki, you should aim to live by the Reiki Principles. Reiki is a life choice, a spiritual journey in, and of, itself.
There are 5 Reiki Principles which are thought to have originated in the philosophy of the Meiji Emperor of Japan in the 1800's and adopted by Dr Mikao Usui the founding father of Reiki. There are different schools of Reiki but they are all derived from Mikao Usui's initial teachings, and have these principles (or versions that have similar meanings) at their core:
Just for today, do not anger.
Just for today, do not worry.
Just for today, honour you parents, teachers and elders.
Just for today, earn your living honestly.
Just for today, show gratitude to every living thing.
Just for today, do not anger:
We all feel angry sometimes, this principle is about understanding that anger can be transformative. It is not about suppressing anger, that would not only be destructive, but also counter productive, suppressed anger tends to surface again stronger and more powerful than before. Anger often hides other emotions like fear, so recognising what we are angry about is important, maybe we feel trapped, maybe we are afraid for ourselves or others safety, perhaps someone has hurt our feelings etc. Recognising what anger looks like in ourselves and thinking about what the anger means can be the first stage of using your anger positively. Turning our anger from an automatic negative response which we have little or no control over into a calm and deliberate constructive action takes practice and perseverance. It is not going to happen overnight but we can follow the 'just for today' rule and one day at a time change our thoughts and behaviour.
Just for today, do not worry:
Firstly, most of the things we worry about do NOT happen! Secondly, worrying doesn't help. Worrying shows a lack of trust, an assumption that things will not turn out as we had hoped or planned. This is not surprising, from an early age we are taught to compete with each other, and struggle to 'make ends meet' - this fosters a fundamental lack of trust in the world around us. Bizarrely enough, the act of worrying drains our body of the very energy it will need to deal with any trauma, incident or catastrophe. So take appropriate action to reduce your worry, then 'just for today', let it go. Worry is generally fear of repercussions of past events or fear of how things in the future might hurt us, so let go of the past, trust in the Universe to provide for the future and live 'just for today'.
Just for today, honour your parents, teachers and elders:
Kindness and respect for ourselves and others is the starting point for any spiritual journey. Accepting, embracing and learning that each person's path is theirs and theirs alone create's freedom and understanding. As children we are raised to 'look up to', listen, and respect our teachers, parents and / or elders, and sometimes as we grow we forget this simple rule. So 'just for today' listen and remember... it might be surprising what we learn.
Just for today, earn your living honestly:
The world of work is a huge part of our interaction with each other, working with integrity then, is imperative to allow us to be at peace with ourselves. Earning our living honestly can be defined as being honest with our employer and customers, 'an honest day's work for an honest day's pay' is a saying I heard often when growing up. But it can also mean being honest with ourselves about our own path. Is this the right job for me, is this where I want to be? The answers to these questions bare some reflection, but if the answer is 'yes', or even (maybe especially) if it is 'no', today, this is the job we have, so 'just for today', we will give it our all, be positive, and be as good as we can be. When it is time for a change, trust in the Universe to help us to follow our chosen path.
Just for today, show gratitude to every living thing:
In this commercial world that encourages us to want more and more, we often forget to give thanks for what we actually have. Taking the decision to change our life from being obsessed with 'please can I have' to 'thank-you for what I've got' - is a real revelation. An 'attitude of gratitude' is said by some to be essential for happiness, by others it is believed to be the path to all riches. For certain, living this one principle, just for today, goes a long way towards living them all. Life is a blessing, just for today, appreciate it, acknowledge it and say thanks for it.
The key to living the Reiki Principles is the first part of each statement: 'just for today'... today is now. Live responsibly now, yesterday has already gone and tomorrow is still to come, Dr Usui is telling us to live in the present, don't spend all your time looking back or wishing for a future that isn't here yet, embrace the present, and live life revelling in the wonderfulness of today.
If you are drawn to this article, and want to learn more about Reiki, or to book a session, visit Welcome to your Reiki Journey.
Labels: Just for Today, Living the Reiki Principles
Posted by admin at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Non-Ionizing Radiation
Matthew Eddington
Radiation today has become so mainstream that many do not even realize that there are several different classifications. Non-ionizing radiation is perhaps that most widely used today due to its exceptionally useful nature. Whether you realize it or not, this form of radiation can be found in virtually every home and office around the country. Microwave radiation, infrared radiation, and radio waves are probably the best known forms of non-ionizing radiation that are commonly used today, and can be found in tasks such as telecommunications, heating food, and broadcasting. Most professionals classify non-ionizing radiation into two sources: natural (from sunlight or lightning discharges) and man-made (scientific, medical, and household items).
Simply put, non-ionizing radiation refers (obviously) to any type of electromagnetic radiation that does not have enough energy to ionize molecules. Rather, the molecules only go through the excitation phase, where the radiation is sufficient enough only to increase the motion of the molecule. Ionization refers to the process by which a molecule is converted into an ion by adding or removing electrons.
The sources of non-ionizing radiation (NIR) originate and can be divided into two main areas: optical radiations and electromagnetic fields. Optical radiation is usually found around sources of visible light, characterized by high energy UV radiation and low energy IR radiation. Common sources of UV radiation are the sun, sun lamps, UV lasers, sterilization lamps, and discharge lamps, while sources of IR radiation come from extremely hot processes such and steel and glassmaking. Electromagnetic fields are most commonly seen in the form of microwaves, and can be found in telecommunications, mobile phones, the microwave in your home, and television sets. One of the most important uses of this form used medically is the common diagnostic use of MRI machines.
One of the greatest concerns that arise from discussions of radiation is the biological effects of exposure to the different forms. Since non-ionizing radiation does not ionize but rather only excites atoms, the greatest 'risk' associated with this form is often only a raised temperature of exposed items, since excess energy is often given off as heat. This same principle is used in microwaves to heat up food, and is the greatest example of how biological items are sensitive to heat. However, the amount of radiation that it would take to cause adverse health effects is so large it hasn't ever become a great issue. In fact in many business safety manuals the dangers from non-ionizing radiation falls into the 'acceptable' range.
The most important thing to do in any situation involving radiation is to exercise caution and follow the proper protocols. Through radiation gauges and other forms of radiation detection any risks associated with non-ionizing radiation can be eliminated or severely negated. Professional advice is crucial in any situation involving radiation, so be sure to seek it if you have any questions or concerns.
Many websites provide additional information on the topic of radiation exposure and safety. One such site worth visiting is
Matthew Eddington independently author's articles for, Inc. ( for search engine marketing. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those solely of the author, and not of any other person, company, or organization. No guarantee or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding the accuracy, fitness, or use of the content herein.
Labels: Non-Ionizing Radiation
Posted by admin at 1:23 AM 0 comments
How to Protect Against Radiation Exposure
Liz T. Jones
What is radiation? The kind of radiation that is used in medical procedures typically consists of x-rays, which are photons emitted from unstable atoms, and gamma rays, used in PET scans. In fact, naturally occurring photons and charged particles are all around all the time and even exist inside the human body. They come from space, from the atmosphere, the water and from the earth itself. One of the most concentrated earthbound sources is uranium. Nuclear medicine simply harnesses this natural phenomenon for use in diagnosis and treatment.
Side Effects
Women who are or may be pregnant or breastfeeding need to be especially careful. Fetuses are more susceptible to damage from radioactivity than adults. The use of an x-ray apron manufactured especially to block harmful radiation can minimize this risk. Males may also experience a lessening of their sperm production if exposed to enough radiation. This reduction could take years to return to normal. High doses could cause this reduction to be permanent. An x-ray apron can reduce this risk when used properly.
Besides fertility risks, radiation can cause cancer. Even though when properly used it can destroy cancer cells in the body, improper exposure can have the opposite effect.
Protective Lead Apron and Vest
The simplest solution in preventing undue exposure from radioactivity to patients, medical personnel and others who work with radioactive materials involves the proper use of lead aprons and vests. The vests can also come equipped with a thyroid collar to protect the thyroid glands in the neck. Since lead is an especially dense material, it can stop most charged particles, depending on the thickness used in the vests and aprons.
Other High-Risk Occupations
Besides medicine, the nuclear power industry, as well as manufacturing and development of isotopes used in nuclear medicine and research, are all areas where workers can be exposed to unacceptable doses of radiation. Uranium miners are at risk from excess exposure since uranium is the source of the radioactive isotopes used in nuclear medicine and nuclear power plants. Again, the proper wearing of an x-ray apron and/or lead vest can reduce to acceptable levels the dosage of radioactivity experienced by the wearer.
X-ray aprons and lead vests are essential tools for people who are exposed to radiation as an occupational hazard, such as nuclear medicine, mining and nuclear power plants in particular. The lead absorbs the harmful particles, therefore preventing harm to its wearer.
Author writes about a variety of topics. If you would like to learn more about lead apron, visit
Labels: How to Protect Against Radiation Exposure
Posted by admin at 1:18 AM 0 comments
Lessons Learned on the Healthy Feeding of Your Family
Kathryn Griffin
I went to the grocery store today, determined to be a label sleuth, and bring home healthier food for my family. I have to say, it was a lesson in near-futility. In my quest to limit foods with unpronounceable ingredients and/or high fructose corn syrup, corn or soy as a primary ingredient I made sure to wear my glasses so I could read the fine print. What I learned from this experience is...unless we plan to completely stop eating, there is just no way to entirely cut these things from our diet. I was forced to put a lid on my "all or nothing" mentality, and vow simply to choose items with the least amount of unpronounceable or unhealthy ingredients.
Generic vs. Name Brand?
I did learn something fairly interesting; I was shopping at our local grocery store, and, after comparing labels diligently on peanut butter and mayonnaise, found that the store brand of both items contained substantially less of the "bad" stuff than my old standbys, Jif and Hellman's. Sad, but true. Those particular generics were also significantly cheaper, but I can't give the final thumbs up until I've tasted them. I'm wondering if all the stuff we "shouldn't" be eating is what makes things taste good! Anyhow, I've shifted my expectations a bit, and am now going to simply read labels and try to make the best choices available while edging away from highly processed anything.
Fructose vs. Sucrose
I'm kicking around the idea of making a personal commitment to completely do away with high fructose corn syrup in my own diet for a whole month, but haven't quit waffling about it. I'm sure everybody's seen the commercials (sponsored by the corn industry, of course) where one person says they don't want to eat the popsicle because it contains high fructose corn syrup, and the other one claims it's identical to "real" sugar-this is not strictly the truth. Food and beverage manufacturers began the switch to HFCS in the 1970's after discovering processed fructose was not only cheaper to make, but nearly 20 times cheaper than table sugar. This switch has drastically changed the way Americans eat, and today the number one source of calories in the U.S. is high fructose corn syrup. Half the participants in a study group were given soft drinks containing HFCS showed greatly elevated levels of triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Health Concerns
Even though HFCS is chemically similar to table sugar (sucrose) the difference occurs in the way HFCS is processed, causing it to metabolize to fat in your body much more quickly than any other sugar. Because most HFCS is consumed in liquid form, the negative metabolic effects are magnified. High fructose corn syrup has been definitively linked to diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome. When you consider the large percentage of America's population who are overweight, you have to wonder if the HFCS products have something to do with that. The more vocal critics of HFCS argue it contributes to weight gain by affecting the normal appetite functions and that it may be a source of mercury, a known neurotoxin, while proponents continue to tout its safety.
The Jury is Still Out
As a further insult, the corn from which HFCS are made is most all genetically modified, which, of course, brings its own set of health concerns. Sodas are the primary source of HFCS; since I'm not much of a soda drinker, that's not a big concession for me, however lots of other products contain this potentially harmful stuff as well. (bread, cereal, breakfast bars, lunch meats, yogurt and soup, to name a few) Consider this quote from Mike Adams, and you, like me, will likely be filled with dismay.
"Diabetes is caused by the consumption of soft drinks, high fructose corn syrup, refined white sugars, refined white flour, processed grains, processed carbohydrates and other processed foods. Subsequently, if you teach people to stop eating these foods, you in essence destroy the diabetes industry. And yes, it is a hugely profitable industry, just like the cancer industry." Mike Adams,The Seven Laws of Nutrition
Kathryn Griffin is a partner in J.T. Liberty Solar and has written extensively on solar as well as environmental and sustainability issues. If you'd like further information on turning your home into a model of self-sufficiency, check out If you are interested in reading about how to survive the coming hard times, take a look at
Labels: Lessons Learned on the Healthy Feeding of Your Family
Posted by admin at 8:23 PM 0 comments
The Top 10 Foods to Keep You Young
Lynn Maison
The basics of a perfect anti-aging diet would include lots of fresh fruits and veggies, solid amounts of whole grains and fiber, and oily fish 2 to 3 times a week. Cutting back on fat and sugar-laden foods is an important step in keeping you looking and feeling both healthy and young. Besides these basics, though, there are other foods you should be considering to help maximize your anti-aging strategies. Here are the top 10 foods to help keep you young.
Although most people think avocado is a vegetable, it's actually a fruit loaded with monounsaturated fats, which the body needs to combat high cholesterol in the bloodstream. Avocados also are a great source of Vitamin E, which helps minimize visible signs of aging, and have tons of potassium, which helps lower blood pressure, lessens water retention, and can even help with muscle cramping.
Any sort of dark berry -- think blueberries, blackberries, or even black grapes -- are loaded with phytochemicals. These flavonoids act as heavy duty antioxidants that help the body fight off free radicals that can cause visible aging on the skin.
Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables, like cabbage, kale, turnips, cauliflower, and radishes help your body vanquish toxins, and have even been shown to minimize the risk of some cancers. You do need to cook these vegetables lightly and for as short a time as possible -- long amounts of cooking or boiling will destroy the healthy enzymes they offer. Try steaming them or eating them raw in a salad for maximum impact.
While garlic may or may not help you fight off Dracula, researchers have found that eating just a single clove of garlic daily can help you stave off both heart disease and some cancers. In fact, one study showed that post-menopausal women between 55 and 69 had a whopping 50% less chance of being diagnosed with colon cancer when they added garlic to their daily diets. Studies have also shown that garlic can help maintain or lower cholesterol levels, and can even thin blood more efficiently than a daily dose of low-strength aspirin. Great news for people with a history of heart disease or heart attacks in their family!
Ginger has been used for centuries as a digestive aid in many cultures, and can also help relieve arthritic aches and pains. After all, it's hard to feel your anti-aging diet is really working if your bones still creak!
Although nuts are high-calorie, high-fat foods, they also contain rich amounts of minerals -- particularly walnuts, which can help provide everything from zinc, potassium, iron, and more to your daily diet. Think of walnuts as nature's supplements, and incorporate them into your diet by sprinkling them on salads or cereals. Nuts can also act as a digestive aid and help shore up your immune system, as well as help lower high cholesterol levels.
Soy products, especially fermented soy products, are an excellent choice for menopausal or post-menopausal dietary plans, since they maintain a woman's estrogen levels and can ease hot flashes. Soy consumption has also been linked to lower rates of heart disease, Alzheimer's, and even osteoporosis and brittle bone syndrome.
Whole Meal Pasta and Rice
Complex carbs like whole grain pasta and rice help you feel full and stay active throughout the day, as well as deliver solid boosts of fiber and iron to aid your digestive system. Look to add brown rice in particular to your daily routine, since it offers a good amount of B vitamins that can boost energy.
This low-calorie, high-water fruit contains loads of vitamins A, B, and C -- plus the seeds offer minerals like zinc and selenium, which is a known free-radical fighter. Add chunks of watermelon to your smoothies, or mix with feta cheese for a light vegetarian salad.
There's no doubt that a full 8 glasses of water daily will go a long way to maintain your body's health and vitality. Minimize your consumption of sugar and fat-laden drinks, tea, or coffee, and instead reach for low-fat or skim milk, flavored water, or fresh juice as additional liquid replacements. You can also add more H2O to your diet by eating high-water fruits and veggies like cucumbers, melons, lettuce, or tomatoes.
HGHAdvanced is the leading HGH releaser. Click here to get your HGHAdvanced discount coupon now.
Labels: The Top 10 Foods to Keep You Young
Posted by admin at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Slim Down With Tasty and Healthy Asian Recipes
Kristina Dizon
Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do, because of the simple fact that there are too much delicious foods around, it's impossible to avoid them. The proliferation of fast food restaurants all over the country made dieting more difficult, because most of the dishes served at the said restaurants are overflowing with fats and cholesterol - both do not only contribute to weight, but also may bring chronic diseases for people who consume too much of them.
If you are one of those people who are having struggles on shedding some pounds of or those who need to lose weight but doesn't want to starve while doing it (like with most diets), then the Asian diet might just be the one for you. Unlike other popular diets around, with the Asian diet, people will have access to a balanced and very healthful diet. Healthy Asian recipes are one of the reasons why most people living in the Asian region have lived long lives. The said diet has caught the attention of diet experts because chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and cancer, are not as widespread in Asia, like the way it is in the United States and other western nations.
The explanation why the talked about diet is healthy and great for the body is mainly because it's low in cholesterol. Below are some of the food groups that composed the Asian diet.
Grains - Grains are good sources of dietary fiber, they lower the risk of heart disease, as well as they help reduce cholesterol. They are consumed daily through the forms of rice, corn, bread, and noodles.
Vegetables - Vegetables are also eaten in huge quantities in the traditional Asian diet. Vegetables are rich with phytonutrients that serves as the body's protection from various diseases, especially cancer. Some of the vegetables that are usually included in the diet are dark leafy vegetables, cabbages, bean sprouts, carrots, and scallions.
Fruits - Most of the meals eaten by people living in the Asian region always include fruits. They serve as desserts after meals. Mangoes, papayas, bananas, and pineapples, are some of the fruits often consumed, which are sources of fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals. Fruits are also enjoyed in the form of juices and shakes that are very popular during hot seasons.
Tea - Just like fresh fruits, teas are also part of every meal in the Asian diet, particularly in the regions of Japan, Korea, and China. The fact that teas are good for the body is something that cannot be denied, since experts have confirmed that they contain high levels of antioxidants, namely flavonoids, catechins, and polyphenols. Antioxidants are the ones that fight against free radicals that bring harm to the body in the forms of diseases. Also, drinking tea everyday, particularly green tea, can facilitate weight loss.
With the daily consumption of healthy Asian recipes, combined with Asian Fitness and Exercise, you are sure to lose weight, and also get in good physical shape. The perfect diet has been designed through the form of Asian Diet, Nutrition and Fitness. If you want to learn more about them, and get ideas for Healthy Asian Recipes, just click here.
Labels: Slim Down With Tasty and Healthy Asian Recipes
Posted by admin at 1:27 AM 0 comments
As Healthy As You Can Be: Three Easy Steps You Can Take Now
Deborah Kukal, PhD
Having a medical condition can make us feel powerless. Our body is not doing what it should, and it may be doing stuff it shouldn't. We get frustrated when no one can fix the problem. And underneath it all, it's scary.
We can't totally control our body, that's for sure. But more and more, research is discovering ways that we can have a strong and powerful impact-for better or for worse-on our own health. Even when we have very real diseases and disorders. A recent study of women with breast cancer found that those with lower levels of physical stress hormones had less pain, less fatigue and less depression.
Now you may say "But it would be stressful to have breast cancer!" And of course you'd be right. But all the women had the cancer...yet not all the women had the same levels of physical stress hormones. How we manage our stress can make a difference in the physical cascades of biochemicals washing through our bodies. And that can mean lower levels of negative stress effects like pain, depression and fatigue--even when we have real stress to deal with.
What can you do to wash away the negative stress biochemicals, keep them at a manageable level and prevent stress damage to the brain and body? Here are three easy steps that are shown over and over in research to have a positive, healing impact, reduce stress, decrease pain, improve mood, and just make life happier!
1. Join a group. Whether it's the church you love, the study group you have grown so close to, or the extended family you enjoy so often, the experience of belonging to a group is powerful. Individuals who belong to a group where they feel supported and accepted show positive physical effects, and the research shows positive impact even when we have other not-so-healthy habits!
2. Practice Meditation/Guided Imagery. The research is clear-whether you call it meditation, guided imagery or deep relaxation, it's good for your brain and your body! Don't know how? You can use guided imagery recordings to help relieve pain, and to support you in new, healthy habits. We added Alpha Harmonics to our recordings, to help you relax even more deeply and richly. Your body will have less negative impact from stress, and all the positive effects of reduced inflammation, reduced pain, and increased healing. And it's fun, too!
3. Get some hugs. Our bodies need to be touched-our skin is hungry for touch. Touch comforts, releases well-being biochemicals and can even help us live longer. Touch reduces stress biochemicals, with all the negative physical effects they bring. And hugs can comfort our caregivers as much as they comfort us!
So take the power and control that's available to you. You can help your body be as healthy as you can be now. And you will feel happier, stronger, and more in control. It's how you're made!
Discover new ways to transform your brain, renew your spirit and delight your mind and body. Dr. Kukal's guided imagery for health will support your healthy habits, nourish your healing and enhance your life.
Try a free guided imagery at
Deborah Kukal, PhD, ABPP is a licensed health psychologist who has been using guided imagery in a hospital setting for more than 15 years. She has engaged patients from virtually every walk of life in the successful and rewarding practice of health focused meditation.
Labels: As Healthy As You Can Be: Three Easy Steps You Can Take Now
Posted by admin at 1:26 AM 0 comments
The Life Span Today
Warren Haynie
The CDC or Center for Disease Control in U.S. has revealed a new report about the total life span of a man. According to the department, it is estimated that around 1.5 years has been added in the life of today's baby than that of 10 years ago.
According to the new report delivered by this department is that an average woman has a longer life expectancy than a man which is now tremendously getting reduced. 2002 status shows that this gap is of 5.4 years which was 7.8 years in 1979.
The main top causes of death are now cured with the latest inventions in the field of medicine due to which the death rate decreased causing the life span of man to increase.
The report states that the death rates are constantly decreasing because of the fewer deaths in the recent years. The death rate is falling for the last continuous eight years and it is almost half the rate which was 60 years before.
The diseases causing deaths like cancer has been reduced to 2 percent in 2007 while heart diseases dropped by 5 percent. These two were the major death causing diseases in U.S. however there is a tremendous decrease in HIV deaths which in almost 10 years have reduced to 10 percent.
The CDC report is surely promising for the coming years to come but this report is compared with the other countries of the world, it would be surprising to find out that U.S. is far lagging behind that 30 countries.
World Health Organization in 2007 has given the report of the country securing the first position in the life expectancy is Japan with an average of 83 years of a new born baby.
Having a healthy good life is a must for all. Since America is a top most country which spends numerous money on health and still they don't even land in top 20's. What they need to focus is to make good eating habits with a quality diet to improve the life span of U.S. people.
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Labels: The Life Span Today
Posted by admin at 1:25 AM 1 comments
Increasing the Red Blood Cells in the Body
Robert Shorn
The iron supplements are for increasing the red blood cells in the body. They are not really for very healthy people but generally used for restoration when a person is in poor health or is undergoing a serious medical condition. In which case the body may require the red blood cells to be increased very fast, so iron rich diet is recommended but one can also take iron supplements.
You need to see a medical practitioner to prescribe the right dosage for the iron supplements that will not cause more issues to your body.
Again one is encouraged to have a good exercise routine that will help you to improve your health. It really pays off to let your body be accustomed to regular exercises.
The body will try to resist at first but it will eventually adjust to the routine as the human body is made to conform to the new ways you subject it to. It will also be able to compensate wherever there it is experiencing any shortage. So within a very short time you will find that your breathing is quite normal.
Going to higher altitudes might mean that less oxygen is in the air, but the body will still be able to manufacture a lot more red blood cells since the body needs more of them up there. Then when you notice some tiredness, it only means that your body is trying to cope with the scanty air up on the mountain.
If you think your body needs more red blood cells, what you can do initially is to take the natural diet that is rich in iron. Then you could see a doctor to prescribe the iron supplements if the doctor thinks you need them. Iron rich foods are things like fish, other foods and beverages too. Remember fish is also a good diet for the human brain.
Your plate should always have a variety of foods, demonstrated by the different colors in the plate. It means eating only one or two types of food constantly will lead to problems for the body as they will eventually affect the correct flow of blood. These in turn will contribute to the electrical charges or PH balance in the body. This state of affairs can be corrected when you see the doctor to prescribe something to take care of the acidity in the body. Most doctors today are aware of the wonder natural drink called the wheatgrass juice.
It is the richest chlorophyll and alkalinity remedy which the body needs to increase the production of red blood cells. It also acts as a body cleanser because it removes toxic impurities. It is the latest wonder in the world of science.
Labels: Increasing the Red Blood Cells in the Body
Posted by admin at 1:24 AM 0 comments