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The Green Person

We know our planet is hot - how hot is still a question of some debate - although it seems we get closer each day to a consensus that something (or a whole lot of something's) must be done to reverse the effects of global warming.

Chances are if you're reading this column, you are one of those people who is either looking for more information on Living Green or you are a Green Person already.

The good news: There is no shortage of ways Joe Consumer can make changes in Living Green on the way to Being Green.

If you are just starting, here are some powerful adjustments almost anyone can make:

1. Use compact fluorescent lightbulbs (or, CFLs). The EPA says "If every American household changed five regular light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs, it would be like taking 8 million cars off the road." Look for the Energy Star logo; any average hardware store carries them.

2. Cut down on VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) by using gas grills over charcoal grilling. Gas BBQs produce about half as much CO2 as charcoal grills, and about 1/3 as much as electric grills.

3. This summer collect rainwater run-off with a simple rain barrel solution. Rainwater is chlorine free, can be used on plants and helps reduce polluted rain run-off in streams and rivers.

4. Plant a tree. Trees act like natural air filters. They absorb the carbon dioxide and release oxygen back into the air. The average person is responsible for emitting 94 pounds of CO2 every day. It takes at least four trees to offset the CO2 you personally generate in a month. Visit American Forests (americanforests.org) or The Conservation Fund (conservationfund.org), a non profit group in Arlington, VA for more. Both groups will plant a tree for you.

(And, for $57 the Conservation Fund will plant 11 trees for you - enough to neutralize 14 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere!)

The other half of the model Green Person requires a bigger commitment to Living Green/Being Green. Because they are "macro" choices they will have much bigger impacts on the cleaning up the environment, saving energy and remaining carbon neutral.

Big commitments might look like this:

1. Drive a fuel-efficient hybrid car
2. Build an energy efficient, sustainably built green home
3. Donate a percentage of your earnings to an environmentally responsible non-profit.

Living Green starts with a state of mind. The choices can be absurdly confusing, often eccentric and tend to the altruistic. The important thing is to put it in perspective.

At the same time, Living Green is NOT meant to be polarizing, it is NOT a superficial label and it is NOT an excuse to point fingers at people.

Green IS an excuse to take some new steps towards cleaning up the environment.

About the Author

Author's Bio: Matt Cohen is one of a new breed of environmental builders who heads Gaudet Log Homes, a green building log home company.


7 Step Guide to Creating a Life of Substance Abuse

While it is probable that no one consciously sets out to create a life of substance abuse, those who end up addicted to substances are choosing certain thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that will likely end up leading to some form of substance abuse - drugs, alcohol, nicotine, food, junk food, sugar, and/or caffeine. Since substance abuse is the result of these choices, if substance abuse is part of your life-style, why not do them consciously instead of unconsciously?

Substance abuse is the result of self-abandonment. Here are the seven major self-abandoning choices you can make to make sure you end up substance addicted:

1. Ignore Your Feelings

Your feelings are your inner guidance system, instantly letting you know when you are thinking or behaving in ways that are supporting your highest good and when you are not. Your painful feelings of anxiety, depression, hurt, anger, guilt, shame, emptiness, aloneness, and so on are your inner guidance system letting you know that you are very off course in your thinking. By ignoring them, you get to continue indulging yourself in thoughts and behaviors that are causing your pain. You will then turn to substances to numb out the pain, and can indulge yourself even more!

2. Judge Yourself

Every time you judge yourself as being stupid, a jerk, not good enough, a failure, bad, ugly, unworthy, and so on, you make yourself feel awful. Then, of course, you need to ignore the fact that you are the one making yourself feel awful! Once again, you now have a good reason to turn to substances to numb out the pain.

3. Lie to Yourself

Scaring yourself by telling yourself all the bad things that can happen to you is a sure way to create fear, anxiety, or depression. If you are not 100% certain that the bad things are going to happen, then you are lying to yourself by telling yourself that they are going to happen. Once again, you then have a really good reason to numb out your painful feelings with substances!

4. Give Yourself up

When you give yourself up, you are going along with what someone else wants you to do or believe rather than standing in your own truth. When you give yourself up, you are trying to control how someone else feels about you rather than taking responsibility for your own feelings. Since giving yourself up feels awful, and you certainly don't want to feel these awful feelings and know that you are the one causing them, be sure to numb out with substances.

5. Make Others Responsible for Your Feelings

Why take care of yourself and your own feelings when you can try to get someone else to do it for you? Maybe if you get needy enough, sad enough, pathetic enough, angry enough, blaming enough, or give yourself up enough, you can get someone else to do it for you. By trying to get someone else to take care of your feelings of worth and happiness, you are abandoning yourself and letting yourself know that you don�t think you are worth taking care of. The resulting feelings of shame and unworthiness need to be numbed out with your substance addictions!

6. Turn to More Addictions, Not to Your Higher Power

In addition to turning to your substance addictions, but sure to turn to other addictions to numb out your feelings - TV, spending, gambling, sex, porno, Internet, work, anger, blame, and so on. By focusing outside yourself to fill the emptiness and avoid the pain, instead of opening to your Higher Power, you can now justify all your addictions!

7. Denial

Well, it's too late now, but you really don't want to read this article! To continue your substance addictions, you need to stay in denial that you are the one causing your pain. However, since you have already this article, you can certainly blot out your awareness with your favorite substance addiction!

About the Author

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" and "Healing Your Aloneness." She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process. Learn Inner Bonding now! Visit her website for a FREE Inner Bonding course: http://www.inner bonding.com or email her at margaret@innerbonding.com. Phone sessions available.


Health & Fitness with Homeopathy

Homeopathy is so rich in remedial agents that often its practitioners tend to rely on their drugs alone, and to disregard hygiene and other adjuvants to cure. Especially do they fail to work out diets in detail for their pa,tients. It is essential that they bother to do this for a number of reasons. In the first place, for the psycbological effect upon the patient. Patients want to feel that eiery scientific care is being given them, and that (he doctor takes flattering pains with them; and they need something to do, a caU to active co~operation on their part. Especially is this the last case when the actual remedy administration is in so pleasant, simple and sparse a form as Homeopathy prescribes. In the second place, without any drug of any kind, diet can do wonders for many types of cases as modern medicine so ably demonstrates.

Let us consider, for instance, the value without any drug, of strict diets in such diseases as: Diabetes, nephritis, high blood pressure, renal colic and the uric add diathesis, arthritis, gall-stones and jaundice, gastric and duodenal ulcer, mucous colitis, visceroptosis, constipation, obesity, and last, but by no means least, tuberculosis and cancer. Every Homeopathic physician must be grounded in the classical dietary treatments; must know w.hen to give a diabetic the Newburg high-fat diet; and the difference between diets for nephritics and nephtotics; must enforce purio-free diets on the chronic renal colics; must be conversant with the Lippe diet for ulcer; and the LaheyJordan diet for mucous colitis (with its cream of wheat and celery, whose roughage combined with the concomitant rest prescribed does such wonders in those obstinate cases). The physician must know how to influence acidity; strong urine, asthma and eczema by dietary means.

It is good training for us, and a helpful method of experimental control of our remedies, to start chronic patients who have some one of the above mentioned diagnoses, on diet and regimen plus Sac. lac. without any remedy, and see how far you can improve their condition .. Thus do we learn what scientific common sense will, and will not, do for us. Meanwhile you are getting closer to the patient's true similliml;i1J'l, and can give it in prepa-red ground, with startling and enlightening effect.

Diet can often replace the use of drugs-a valuable help for the .Homeopath. Take a patient who has been 'living' on soda bica-rbonate for years. Teach them that soda, chemically alkaline, produces acid, physiologically, in the stomach, and train them to substitute lemon juice and the citrous fruits in general, and watch. You will be amazed that so simple a means will work so well. Meanwhile the soda intoxication symptoms will pass off, and your case values will begin to be unravelled.

The physician must also at the onset remove articles of diet and diet habits of eating which hold the patient back from cure, and which cover the spoor on the trail to a 'totality', and therefore to subsequent healthful progress. He learns in this quest the idiosyncrasies to food on t.he part of the patient. These, as every Homeopath knows, are� of great help and import. In tnis connection there is a wise rule: Cbronic cases should not eat to excess that which they especially cra-ve, whereas acute patients may-and sbould-eat largely of what they crave, if the craving comes on with the illness. The most extraordinary lapses from classical procedure shmv admirable results when this rule is followed, But, be sure that it is a true craving, unusual, individualizing the patient's reaction to the (so-called) acute disease. The craving for and aversIons. to food in chronics will, of course, give you sound generals for your hierarchy of symptoms. If, in chronic cases the remedy is given, it will, little by little, enabIe the patient to assimilate that food which he craved, at the same time, quite reasonably, modifying the craving. For example, I have an Argentum nitricum patient who craved sugar and was ill from it, and who, under Arg. nit. no longer craves it, but can 'Cat it with impunity. Similarly, I have a Calcare!t child, who, after Calc., ceased craving chalk and indigestibles and can assimilate lime from the food. In conn::cdon with being made ill by specific articles of food several interesting points arise: Try at first to see whether it is a combination of foods which disagree, or the one given element of diet. A wise professor once told me that almost anyone could eat almost anythinr- if they ate it by itself. Next in the case of certain. acids, try giving cream cheese or cottage cheese with them.

For instance, those with whom strawherries disagree, can often take stnnvbcrrics if cream cheese is eaten at the same time; and similarly with tomatoes. T.his also applies to shellfish in some paticncs. Beware the combinations of acids and sugars, starches with meat, III people with delicate di{~estions. Buttermilk will often so alter the colon's 110ra and fauna tbat putrefaction is regulated and much elll be digested which hitherto did not agree. A famous German Homeopath, Dr. Schlegel the elder, told me that if everyone would drink buttermilk die race would profit enormously, and if they would add honey (formic acid) and radishes (which are anti-uric-acid) even mor7 trouble ,would be saved. Remember' that onions help keep blood pressure down (the excitable Italians with their garlic and onions rarely ha�ve hypertension.)

In idiosyncrasies of preference rather than actual agRravations, ingenuity will save much trouble. Your child or patient who will not take milk may enjoy it if vichy or seltzer be added, or if milk and cream are mixed balE' and half with ginger ale or sarsaparilla. Or the difference between hot and cold milk may change the dislike.

Those needing iron who claim cabbage gives them gas can often take raw cabbage with sour cream dressing. Spinach pureed with egg chopped on it will tcmpt the anti-green child. Cider and raw apples are marvelous for thinning the arthritic patient. Brown sugar, molasses, maple syrup and honey will not haim him as other sweets will. These hints may seem feminine and trivial, but I assure you, they work. I hope the discussion of this paper will provoke much more lore in this line.

There is another sphere where diet aids materially in cleansing the system. We have mentioned buttermilk and lemon juice. White of egg, with lemon or orange juice makes a detoxifying liver wash for the bilious. The egg album~n forms albuminates with t.he poisons wbich accumulate in the liver. Tea made from red clover blossoms and drunk, two quarts daily, helps the cancer patients and appears to cleanse the system. (An old German ad;u.t1allt).

So far we have not even mentioned the i1l1ponant relationship between certain foods and the best action of our remedies. But surely you all know these symbioses and antagonisms. For example, Aconite and acids do not agree, coffee antidotes the action of Nux vomica. These relationships are legion and can be found in Clarke's Dictionary of Materia Medica and in many other of our classics, under the separate remedies.

In Certain theoretical problems of enormous interest to me come up under this subject. For instance, we use articles of food as remedies. What reaction, if any, may these have on patients sensitive to them, even in the crude, comestible form? And vice versa, can we aid the suitable remedy by giving its crude counterpart as a food simultaneouslv? Furthermore, should we not make and prove the whole range of vegetables, fruits and nutriti~e articles, so that WhfO we find a p~tient with an idiosyncrasy to something we can compare his case with the proving of the offending food and. see whether it may not fit and aid? These foods should be proven on tho~e with a sensitivity to them. For instance, I should prove egg-plant, our friend, Dr. Roberts, has proved tomato, and a patient of mine, who is violently ill from even a d~sh of red pepper lurking in the soup-though he has plenty in his disposition-would make an admirable prover of Capsicum.

These last considerations are offered to you as 'articles of diet'. Think them over, .digest� them, and give the society a valuable and full discussion �of this too often neglected phase of concomitant Homeopathy.

About the Author

An article writer on homeopathic treatments and remedies. For more articles related to Homeopathy which is an alternative medicine visit this Homeopathy store


A Copper Deficiency Can Lead To Several Health Problems

Copper is an essential trace mineral that can impair the ability of white blood cells to fight infection with even the slightest deficiency. Copper is necessary for the proper absorption of iron in the body. It is found primarily in foods that contain iron. If the body does not get a sufficient amount of copper, hemoglobin production decreases, causing copper-deficiency anemia to potentially result.

There are a variety of enzyme reactions that require copper. Copper is essential as a cross-linking agent for elastin and collagen. It is also a catalyst for protein reactions and is also needed for oxygen transport. Copper is used for the metabolism of essential fatty acids. Copper deficiency can result in a variety of symptoms. Among these symptoms are diarrhea, inefficient utilization of iron and protein, and stunted growth. The development of nerve, bone, and lung tissue can be impaired in babies and the structure of these body parts may also be altered.

Because the body is unable to manufacture copper, it must be obtained through the diet. Too much copper produces a condition known as copper toxicity or copper overload. In order for the body to work properly, it is essential that it has a proper balance of copper and zinc. An imbalance can lead to thyroid problems. Additionally, low copper levels can contribute to mental and emotional problems. For example, copper deficiency may be a factor in anorexia nervosa.

Although the FDA has never published a Recommended Daily Allowance for copper, the National Research Council recommends that adults get from 1.5 to 3.0 mg per day, while children obtain 1.5 to 2.5 milligrams and infants less than six months old obtain 0.4 to 0.6 milligrams. For most people, a normal healthy diet will provide the correct amount of copper.

Copper deficiency is most likely to occur in babies who are fed only cow’s milk, persons suffering from a malabsoprtion syndrome known as sprue, persons suffering from kidney disease, and those who chronically take mega-doses of zinc. Long-term use of oral contraceptives can upset the balance of copper in the body. This can cause either excessively high or excessively low copper levels. Copper levels can be determined through a blood test, urine samples, and hair analysis. The basis for a nutritional program to balance body chemistry is determining mineral levels and ratios.

The following nutrients are helpful in combating copper deficiency. The dosages recommended are for adults unless otherwise specified. For a child between the ages of twelve and seventeen, the dosage should be reduced to three-quarters the recommended amount, while one-half the recommended amount should be used for a child between six and twelve. A child under the age of six should use one-quarter the recommended amount.

Copper should be taken in dosages of 5 mg daily for a month, and then reduced to 3 mg daily. This helps to restore copper in the body. It is recommended that a copper amino acid chelate is used. 30 mg of zinc should be taken daily, as it is needed to balance with copper. This amount should not be exceeded and a zinc chelate form should be used. Iron should be taken as directed by a physician, as copper deficiency may cause anemia. Be sure to use a chelate form and do not take iron unless anemia is diagnosed. Additionally, a multivitamin and mineral complex should be taken as directed on the label since all nutrients are necessary in balance.

In conclusion, copper is a wonderful mineral that can help one with immunity and much more. Remember that copper should only be taken in low dosages of 1 to 3 milligrams per day. Copper can be found at your local or internet health food store.

*Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Copper is not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.

About the Author

More information on copper supplements is available at VitaNet ®, LLC Health Food Store. http://vitanetonline.com/


Stop Underarm Sweating easily - Great Tips to help you

Looking for ways to stop underarm sweating? You have come to the right place as reading through this will make sure that you will find the best methods that will help you. Underarm sweating is something that causes plenty of anxiety among us as this gets revealed to others through stains and the bad body odor that is emitted from you. It is very embarrassing to hear remarks like improper hygiene and all that. This is not the reason you are sweating like this though.

If you want to learn to stop underarm sweating, you need to learn why it is caused. There can be several reasons pertaining to why you have such a problem. It could be because of the stress that you are taking. Excess stress is one of the main reasons for you to start sweating uncontrollably. The solution rests with the fact that you need to relax yourself. You can even use methods of Yoga to stop underarm sweating.

Another important reason why you develop such habits of sweating is because of the diet that you take. You can stop underarm sweating if you reduce the amount of caffeine and alcohol that you consume. You need to even cut down on the usage of spices.

The clothes that you use can also help you stop underarm sweating. Use of cotton clothes will make sure that there is a larger circulation of air when compared to synthetic materials. Also light colored clothes will absorb less sunlight and thus will not make you sweat more. Dark colors on the other hand absorb more sunlight and this can be a reason to get you sweating more.

Use of such natural preventive methods will provide you with the best methods to stop underarm sweating. You can be sure that this will not have any side effects on you and will get rid of the root cause rather than just the symptoms.

About the Author:

There are several online resources from which you can get the right tips to stop underarm sweating naturally. One such reliable resource can be found at Preventsweating. Make sure you refer this and use the right remedies.

Printed From: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/stop-underarm-sweating-easily-great-tips-to-help-you-925419.html


Enrich your Health in just one Step

Many people believe that in order to improve your health you have to make many drastic changes in your life; however, that is not always true. Simple things, such as making physical activity a part of your daily life, can make a huge difference in your overall wellbeing. In this article I will reveal a single step which can help you feel better and live longer.

One of the factors which influence our overall health is our diet. If you want to lead a long and healthy life then a healthy diet has to be a part of your daily lifestyle. One of the easiest ways to improve your diet is to switch to 100 % whole grain bread. Many of us are currently consuming bread made from refined grains. By consuming this bread, we are missing out on numerous health benefits. Switching from refined grains to whole grains benefits your body in many different ways. It can help lengthen your life span, lose weight, and reduce your risk of developing life threatening diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. So be sure to switch to whole grain bread. With every whole grain sandwich you make. You are providing your body with 4 grams of fiber, various minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals. So don’t hesitate and make the switch.

Switching to whole grains can also help you lose weight. Aside from the best diet pills and various herbal remedies, a healthy nutrition is the best approach towards weight loss. So be sure to improve your eating habits in every possible way.

About the Author:

Tucker Moore enjoys writing articles relating to diet, health, fitness and nutrition. Her skills include unearthing the natural medicinal and weight loss benefits of natural supplements, diet pills, and herbal remedies.

Printed From: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/enrich-your-health-in-just-one-step-926237.html