updated health tips and articles


Increase Your Energy

Live a healthy life would mean that we live with our good stamina. However, in our daily life, we sometimes feel our stamina get weakened. How does this happen? And what to do to rejuvenate and increase our stamina?

Firstly, recognize and avoid energy drainers in our daily life. Some of them are inner condition, poor self-esteem, bad relationship with other, and biochemical substances.

Then, by knowing things we are facing, we can begin to take control of ourself. Anxiety and depression, for instance, are two kind of energy's worst enemies we may focuse to handle . Take good information and advice to cope with them.

Eat good food, for optimal energy. We should ask ourselves why we eat. Some people eating food for some wrong reasons. And they end up in unhealthy condition. Healthy food would make a sense that we are eating for our good performance, it makes us feel and look good. If you try, it would no hard thing to find healthy foods in your own environment. We even can make tasty recipes by ourselves.

Exercise for energy. It would mean keeping the physical active lifestyle. You can enjoy it, choose the right activity you love. And just do it. Bring your willpower with you, and make it as regular activity. Just walk and jog.

About the therapy. Make your own green friends in your home. Home plants are good energizers, and nice-looking too. Besides, use color creatively to increase your energy level. You can learn how to make it in resources available. Don’t forget aromatherapy: it is really soothing and helping increasing our energy, make it as part of your daily routine.

And don't forget, begin from now. The above steps are simple things. We can make it from our home, cheerfully.


How Can I Keep From Getting Too Tired?

The simple and exciting thing about muscles and bones is that they are made for activity. A person may decide to walk or run, to swim or dance, to wok or rest as the need or desire demands. There are so many interesting things to be done in the world that most of us are eager to be ‘on the go.’ They begin enthusiastically on a new project and often annoyed at themselves when their bodies tire before their interest has lessened. They find that it is impossible for a person to do everything; hence choices must be made of activities that are most satisfactory. Each of us may practice playing tennis, playing golf, dancing, typing, or throwing a baseball. How soon do you tire? Have you lengthened the time before tiring?

There is an attitude among groups that it is ‘sissy’ to admit fatigue. Some people force themselves to keep up with their companions even when exhaustion is near. They do not realize that such extreme fatigue may cause permanent damage by lowering resistance to disease.

Many people having too short a period of rest at night find themselves so sleepy and tired in the morning that it is almost torture to drag themselves out of bed. Going to bed even one hour earlier the night before may help in preventing that early-morning misery.

You may discuss the following topics with experts or your friends: why do little children take naps? Is it a good idea to read after a person goes to bed? Is sleep before midnight better for a person than later sleep? Why is a tired person cranky?

An understanding of the many provisions within the body for producing and distributing energy and for maintaining all of these operations will help us to use them wisely. We can really see the function of rest and sleep for endurance and strength. The need for a balance between work and rest has long been recognized. Fatigue is a normal result of work. It is the body’s way of making sure that the individual will stop his activity and give muscles a chance to gather strength and energy for the next task.

It would be interesting to secure a pedometer and to have several family members wear it for a day or two to find out how far they walk during a workday. Let’s have a try.


Improve Mental Health

You can improve your mental health and well-being, everyday. Start now to save good mental health for the future, and remember it’s never too late to start it.

Exercise as daily routine. Physical activity is good for mental health. Gardening, taking a walk, using stairs instead of the lift, and bycicling rather than riding car. It means taking care of your body. Taking care of yourself physically can improve mental health. Be sure to eat nutritious meals, avoid cigarettes, drink much water, get sleep enough. What you eat and drink can affect how you feel and how you behave.

Keep the brain alive and broaden your horizons. Seek something new to learn. Learning will keep your mind and spirit alive and healthy. Create achange of pace or expand your interests. Explore a new hobby, plant a garden, plan a road - trip , try a new restaurant, take dance lessons, or learn to play an instrument or speak another language.

Relax and maintain a good balance in between work and life. Take breaks and enjoy yourself. Don’t mind to ask for help if you need. Try meditating, taking a walk in a natural outdoor, or reaching out spiritually through prayer. Quiet reflection, alone or in the company of others, can improve your state of mind, strengthen your sense of self and c o m m u n i t y, and give you time away from a hectic situation and you can collect your thoughts and reenergize yourself.

Keep in touch with supportive peoples, friends and loved ones. Close relationships are good things for mental health. Take time with family members and friends, or seek out activities at which you can meet new people, such as a club, class or support group.

If possible, give yourself. Many people say that volunteering helps them to maintain good mental health. The best cure for sadness is activity. Do something, particularly for others. Volunteer your time and energy to help someone else. You’ll feel good about doing something to help someone in need—and it’s a gre a t way to meet new people who share your interests and compassion.

Make a plan. As they say, don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Just try. People who wake up in the morning and knowing what is planned for the day will feel good. Decide what tasks you need to complete for the week and make a plan for when and how to do them. If you are overscheduled, decide what can wait a week or two. If you don’t have much on the schedule, plan some activities you’ll look forward to.

Claim what you’re entitled to. Find out things you are entitled to and make sure you claim them. Use your voice to challenge unfair things whenever it happens. Value yourself. Treat yourself with kindness and respect, and avoid self-criticism. Keep in mind the qualities you like about yourself, your achievements and abilities. Take some time daily to relax and reflect positively.

Keep the Flame

Keeping the sexual flame alive between spouses is duty of both party. Sexual warmth must be kept stable and living. The decline of sexual desire will affect the harmony of a family.

Long time decline in sexual desire will causing some serious problems in family life. This fatally may end up in divorce, though, divorce is not exclusively caused by sexual satifasction. Another impact mencolok/ which is happened is marriage filled quarrell, misunderstanding, and restless daily life.

There are some thing to do: First, keep yourself healthy, physically and mentally. Watch your body, take care of it, love it. You, too, must pay attention to your psychological factors. Eliminate or reduce things that making trouble for you.

Second, build an open communication between spouse. This will help both of you talk freely every problem, including sexual activity. The fondation/basis of marital relationship is communication. (By the way, ethimologists say that word communication has thing to do with word communion.) For example, it may happens that in sexual intercourse, the wife never attain orgasm or worse, she experience vaginismus (a condition when vagina kerut/ everytime both of them will make sexual intercourse, and it was cancelled, because it caused pain). If a wife in this condition, she is encouraged to communicate her problem with her husband. Another example, when a husband begin to see her wife tidak peduli/ with her own performance/appearance, he will communicate this dengan halus/ to her wife.

A healthy family need warmth and openness, too. Hindari/ making assumption. Just talk to him/her. Try to express your opinion positively and politely. Be a good listener. Think twice before saying bad word/negative words. Seek/cari the best condition or place to talk about the problem. If it feel better, you may go out from home to talk something without emotional atmosphere.

Marital relationship need variation, too. Both of the partner need some fresh way to reduce the boredom. For instance, they may change usual sexual position with some new position never before. Beside sexual position, location/place is another important thing. For variation, husband and wife are encouraged not to do sexual intercourse only in bed. Try to seek new place that will create new sensation. So, it is important to jalani/ second honeymoon, third honeymoon, and so on.

Libidinal gangguan/trouble/problem must be awasi/ early. If the symptom going on and on without ample therapy, there will be erectile disfunction permanently. It is better for spouses that feel that there is sexual passion gangguan/disfunction to see the doctor/physician before thing worsen. []


Does Air Conditioning Influence Your Health?

Find out how you can have the advantages of air conditioning without the problems. Who would be without air conditioning. In hot, humid climates it is more than a modern facility – it is an important element in getting through those sweltering and sticky days. But, like most modern conveniences, air conditioning has its down-sides. Are they enough to make you rethink about having an air conditioner?

The problems related to air conditioners arise out of overuse. With the ease of fingertip control many people assume that the more they use their unit the better it will be. This, however, is not the case. Air conditioning aggravates the effects of arthritis and neuritis. It also causes trouble for those with sinus trouble, causing their heads to become blocked. In addition to these real reactions to an air conditioned environment there are many far more little reactions that can adversely affect a person’s health. Studies between those who have worked for prolonged periods in air conditioned offices and those who work outdoors, have repeatedly shown that the people exposed to air conditioning are more susceptible to colds, flu and other minor ailments. It has also been a fact that the body undergoes a certain amount of stress when it is forced to go from a boiling hot environment into an air conditioned one.

It is also obvious that those who spend an inordinate amount of time in an air conditioned environment are not able to readily face hot summer temperatures. As a result, severe heat waves are now taking a higher death toll. In addition to this many people have been made sick by extreme differences between outside and inside temperatures.

Air conditioners in cars also have their questions. Micro-organisms have been found within the units that may cause breathing problems. Air conditioning units can also circulate air-borne diseases. If the unit has cheap filters or is not properly maintained it will simply recirculate pollutants. Remember, cutting back on air conditioning is also a way to conserve energy.

Of course there are also positive sides to air conditioning. It creates a pleasant atmosphere inside, apart from what is going on outside. It may eliminate heat rash and help hay fever patients by removing pollens from the air. The removal of dirty and dry air is also realized by air conditioning.

The decision to use air conditioning is surely depend on several factors. Having considered the pros and cons, you may decide that the best choice is to use it, but do so sparingly, and not becoming reliant on it. Then, you’ll get the advantage while avoiding the harms of air conditioning.


Air and Our Nose

Good breath is conducted via nose, not via mouth. If we keep the mouth tightly closed, the breating will be carried out by the nose. Since long time ago, many people practiced cleansing nose. It is said, just as we wash our mouth every morning, the nose should also be cleaned. Clean water, cold or lukewarm, is the best agent for that purpose. It was taken in a cup or in the palm of the hand and drawn up through the nostrils. It is possible to draw the water up through one nostril, the other remaining closed, and expel it through the other by opening it and closing the former. The process was carried out gently so as to avoid discomfort. In order to cleanse the back portion of the nose known as nasopharynx, sometimes the water was brought out by mouth or even swallowed.

Naturally, we must see that the air that we breathe in is fresh. Ancient people said that it is good to cultivate the habit of sleeping in the open under the stars. The fear of catching a chill can be dismissed from the mind. Cold can be kept out by plenty of covering, where this covering does not extend beyond the neck. If cold is felt on the head, it can be covered with a separate piece of cloth. In the process, the opening of the respiratory passage – the nose –would never be covered up.

The day clothes were changed for loose night clothes before retiring. As a matter of fact, no clothes are necessary at night when one sleeps covered with a sheet. It is recommended by some cultures to avoid tight-fitting clothes even during the day.

The atmospheric air around us is not always pure, neither is it the same in every country. The choice of the country does not always lie in our hands but the choice of a suitable house in a suitable location does rest with us to some extent. The general rule is to live in location which is not too congested and ensure that the house being well-lighted and well-ventilated.

Source: Key to Health


Air and The Art of Breathing

No one can live without air as one can without water for a few days and without food much longer. Therefore, nature has surrounded us with air on all sides so that we can get it without any effort.

We take in air through the nose into our lungs. The lungs act as a sort of bellows. The atmospheric air which we breathe in has a life-giving substance – a gas known as oxygen. The air that we breathe out contains poisonous gases. These can kill us if they are not immediately allowed to spread out and get diluted by the atmospheric air. Hence the necessity of proper ventilation.

The air comes into close contact with blood in the lungs and purifies it. Many people do not know the art of breathing. This defect prevents an adequate purification of their blood. Some people breathe through the mouth instead of through the nose. This is a bad habit. Nature has so designed the nose that it acts as a sort of filter for the ingoing air and also warms it. In mouth breathers the atmospheric air reaches the lungs without the preliminary filtration or warming.

It follows therefore that those who do not know how to breathe should take breathing exercises. They are as easy to learn as they are useful. I do not wish to go into a discussion of the various asanas or postures. I do not mean to say that these are not important of useful. But I do wish to emphasize that a well-regulated life is as important as the advantage of studying and practising elaborate postures or exercises. Any comfortable posture that ensures breathing through the nose and free chest expansion is good for our purpose.


How Should Alternative Medicine Be Defined

There is still no strict definition on what alternative medicine really is. But presently, it borders on the broadness of description covered by what we know of as conventional or orthodox medicine. However, to define alternative medicine as we believe it to be, it may be a knowledge that is considered as unaccepted, untested and unscientific. All these were true if we are to look some years back. But since alternative medicine has been studied in the later years, employed by numberless institutions (such as spas and the likes) and accepted by many as cure to their ailments (even those that may be resolved through conventional medicine), this definition for alternative medicine may already be considered as obsolete.

On other terms, alternative medicines are practices that may be considered false that sometime go to the extent of quackery. However, this definition is much abused by several authorities that have their own systems of beliefs and other things to support to. Still others would define it as practices that may not be tested, refuse to undergo tests and may continuously fail tests. On other peoples' view, this may be too unfair for those practicing the knowledge that comprise alternative medicine and too sweeping a statement since many have gained healing by means of alternative medicine.

This debate on the authenticity of alternative medicine is further made complicated by the number of practices that are labeled as alternative medicine, which has some truths in them. In actuality, alternative medicine covers procedures involving metaphysical principles, spiritual and religious underpinnings, new sets of healing approaches and non-European medicine practices. These are enough reasons why alternative medicine is much harder to accept in the West rather than in the East where most these practices originated. In addition to these, many proponents of alternative medicine contradict and many individual belief systems may reject others.

Furthermore, critics of alternative medicine may further define it as therapy, treatment and diagnosis that may be performed legally by unlicensed practitioners. Yet, a number of doctors and physicians find good uses of alternative medicine when combined with the conventional medicine when they are trying to hit the balance.

But there are more logical and unbiased definitions that are accepted by most. Many of which deal only on the safety and affectivity of the alternative medicine without the protection on economic interests, political views and turf protection. One such definition is that alternative medicine is a field of healing, therapy and diagnosis that are not based on controlled studies.

There are however some therapies that were once covered by alternative medicine that are now accepted within the medical community since they passed approval over their affectivity. On the opposite, there were medical practices that are now disregarded within the medical circles since there are no profound evidences that prove their efficiency in healing.

In reality, the term alternative medicine is quite misleading. Both critics and advocates of the said practices support this view. Some support the idea that Western medical practices are the alternative medicines since they were preceded by ancient practices, which is somewhat true. Others would claim that the term "alternative medicine" was only devised by advocates of conventional medicine to discredit the natural methods of healing.

Detractors on alternative medicine claim that it is not worth as being accepted by the medical circles since it lacks components that may be used to support its efficiency. Yet many assert that once alternative medicine is fully tested, then there would be great rooms for wide acceptance.

Source: ArticleKarma.com


Bad Breath: Not Always Sign of Illness

Lick your own wrist, wait until it dries, then smell the area. Or, sniff your own breath in front of a mirror. Just as the eyes may be windows into the soul, our breath may hint to our health too. If your breath is not sweet breath, but a stink, something may be wrong. Sometimes bad breath can have an impact on our social and professional life too.

Many people think that bad breath comes from the stomach or intestines. This rarely happens. In fact, bad breath may indicate conditions from periodontal, kidney, respiratory or liver disease to diabetes, lips tissue disease or injury. However, the most common problem associated with bad breath is periodontal disease. Just think how your breath would smell if you didn't brush your teeth for a week or after having a canned tuna. Not all cases of bad breath indicate a health problem. Food smells that are repulsive can be harmless. There are sometimes medical causes too, such as dry mouth, throat or tummy problems, for instance.

However, with good dental care, you can prevent pain or infection that, in some cases, can spread to other organs. Learn how to clean the teeth and mouth effectively. You can improve your oral hygiene by regular brushing and flossing, regular dental checkups, and the use of mouthwash is good too. In other case, you may need a professional treatment for a serious disorder that could jeopardize your health, such as kidney or liver disease. Depending on the underlying cause, many alternative therapeutic remedies can be used. Most bad breath can be treated successfully with good oral hygiene and or medical care by professionals. Just consult them and things will be okay.


Is Inflexibility Making You Sick? How to get more flexible

Author: Nancy Rishworth

Copyright (c) 2008 Nancy Rishworth

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? All too often, we don't pay attention to our bodies. We give it food that's convenient to us, but not so great for the system, insufficient exercise, and a steady diet of stress. We tune out symptoms that are intended to alert us to problems and we allow ourselves to get run down and sick.

If you'd like to start taking better care of yourself and feel better, the answer may be as simple as learning how to increase flexibility.

We tend to underestimate the importance of flexibility in our lives. We assume that flexibility is required to do ballet, yoga, even martial arts - but not essential to our functioning. Actually, being flexible has the following benefits:

- Increases blood flow - blood flow gives you greater endurance, more strength and healthy bones and joints.

- Release tension - flexibility alleviates stress, results in improved postures and helps reduce muscle soreness and fatigue.

- Improved coordination - flexibility improves balance and coordination.

- Improves range of motion - flexibility makes it easier to move those joints and keep them healthy.

You can easily learn how to be more flexible by incorporating a series of stretches into your routine. These stretches make it possible for the connective tissues around muscles to lengthen, giving you greater flexibility and strength.

If you'd like to learn how to improve flexibility quickly, you may want to focus on strengthening the core muscles. This muscle group is made up of your lower back, abdomen and buttock muscles. Stretching and flexibility exercises for the core group will improve your posture, give you greater strength and reduce the incidence of back strain. This is one of the most overlooked group of muscles, and one that will immediately benefit from a flexibility program.

One of the best aspects of learning how to increase flexibility is that it doesn't require expensive gym memberships, bulky equipment, or even huge time commitments. With a few exercises, performed on a regular basis, you can gradually add flexibility. You will develop stronger muscles and increased range of motion, simply by doing easy exercises in your home a few nights a week.

You'll be amazed at how easy it is to gain flexibility, and what a huge difference it makes to your physical well being. A regular plan of flexibility exercises and strength training will result in greater stamina, less injuries and general aches and pains, even an improved immune system. Isn't it remarkable how flexible and adaptable your body can be?


Nancy Rishworth, grew up dancing and became a qualified Aerobics and Fitness & Personal Trainer. She is also a qualified Naturopath having studied various healing modalities through healthy eating, herbal remedies, vitamins, massage & exercise. Her Flexibilty Plus Workout Program improves flexibility, strength and overall health. For nutritional info and other core strength and cardio exercise tips and guidelines go to www.FlexibilityPlus.com



I am of opinion that health is one of important aspects of happiness. Without healthy condition, many things are unenjoyable. Although happiness and health are two different thing, we cannot deny that there is close relationship between them.

The quest of them are universal one. Everyone need them. Everyone loves happiness. Everyone want to be healthy. Everyone would like to experience an excellent healthy life. But do really they do what they want? And if they are willing to practice healthy life, what things to do?

Many things we are able to do. It is an apt view that the person who has a sincere and authentic aspiration to improve her/his health, herself/himself and way of life can bring this about through his own efforts, in many ways. Provided he is given some information and guidance as to what he needs to know and where to start in this self-improvement plan.

One simple thing to start is knowledge of the importance of correct thinking, how the mind influences the way we feel. This awareness will lead us to achieve inner strength, to survive adversities and improve our health in simple way so that we can enjoy fuller life.

Interesting to note that recent scientifical findings affirms long-age traditions, that human mind is fundamental thing. It is asserted that we all have greater mind-power than we may realize. Everything within reason is humanly possible. There is much that we can do to correct and improve our condition.

By proving it ourselves, we take real steps to the reality that we possess mind powers—that by mastering our mind we can do things we want it to do. It can be tremendous weapon at our command, enabling us to manage everyday situations wisely, to run a healthy life. It is an old and proven philosophy that to live healthy you must think healthy, that to live right you must think right.


Emergency Kit for Disaster

Is it important to have emergency planning for a disaster? Surely, we need remember that disasters can strike anytime. Disaster can take many situations: wildfires, flash floods, earthquakes,drought, river flooding, including man-made hazards like chemical accidents or even terrorism.

As a reality, if a major disaster strikes a community, it may take government agencies a few days to get into individual neighborhoods to offer services. So, you need to be prepared to help yourself. The need for preparedness should start at home. Following a disaster, we can use our assets to protect lives and property and to get the situation contained as quickly as possible. And the best way to do that is to put a kit together and have a personal safety plan in place. Put together a disaster supply kit designed to sustain you for a minimum of 72 hours (3 days). Your kit should be placed in a single, accessible location so you can find your supplies and use them if you need them.

That kits should include basics of survival: water, foods, warmth tools, flashlights, first aid kit, and hygiene products. Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation; Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food; Flashlight and extra batteries, and battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert; First aid kit; Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation; and don’t forget whistle to signal for help; dust mask, to filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place; wrench, can opener and pliers.

Additional Items: Prescription medications and glasses; Infant formula and diapers; Pet food and extra water; Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records in a waterproof, portable container; Cash or traveler's checks and change; Emergency reference material such as a first aid book or information; Sleeping bag or warm blanket; Change of clothing including a long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy shoes; Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper – bleach can be used as a disinfectant for water; Fire Extinguisher; Matches in a waterproof container; Feminine supplies; Mess kits, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, paper towels; Paper and pencil; Books, games, puzzles or other activities for kids.

If you need to buy some items, use calendar to organize so you just add things at a time to your kit as you make regular trips to stores. You don’t have to buy everything all at once. Over time you’ll have a full supply kit on hand. The supply calendar includes weekly steps for households to take to develop personalized safety plans, such as simulation and drill practice, taking a first aid/CPR class from the local Red Cross, and establishing an out-of-town contact to call.

By preparing our own emergency kits, we can be more composed in facing the possible disaster, and if it come, we can relieve and reduce the effects.

10 Reasons Why Dancing Is Good For You

There are so many reasons why dancing is good for you, it's hard to know where to begin. It's great fun and good for the body as well as the mind. Besides being a good form of exercise and having a truly positive impact on our health, a recent study actually showed that it also makes us smarter (something to do with remembering the dance steps, thus exercising the brain).

So, why is it good for you to dance? Here are the top 10 reasons:

1) Great way to exercise and stay fit

Dance is a great way to stay in shape. If you don't like the gym, dancing can bring fun back into the exercise.

2) Burn calories and lose weight

Dancing is all about moving your body and moving your body is a great way to burn calories. How many will you burn depends on how vigorously you dance. In an one-hour session you can burn from 250 to 400 calories. Yes, losing weight can be fun and enjoyable.

3) Improved health

Dance can effectively promote good health by improving cardiovascular fitness, strengthening the muscles, increasing circulation, decreasing blood pressure, lowering the risk of coronary heart disease, reducing stress, and many other positive benefits.

4) Greater Coordination

Great for improving control over your body, timing and coordination skills. You will learn how to move with grace and poise.

5) Good for bones and joints

Dance is a weight-bearing activity, meaning it's great for your bones. Weight-bearing exercises has been proven to increase bone density and help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

6) Build confidence

Dance builds confidence by giving you a sense of success and achievement when you master it.

7) Great way to meet new people

Dancing provides a natural icebreaker and is a great way to meet new people and make new friends.

8) Lifts your mood

Any exercise can raise your spirits by raising the endorphins or so called feel good chemicals. This can lighten your mood and reduce the risk of depression.

9) Good for your Mind

Dancing will keep your mind active. It will improve circulation to the brain and help stimulate the memory by remembering all the steps. Great mental exercise.

10) Improved overall well-being

Dance has an outstanding positive effect on both physical and psychological well-being.

There you have it - 10 reasons why you should dance. There are, of course, many more benefits of dancing, but we have to stop somewhere.

Source: Alexander Holt


ADHD and Additives in Food

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently reported that food additives and/or sodium benzoate (commonly used as preservative in soft drinks) may indeed increase hyperactive behavior in children. However, this should not lead parents to think that simply taking these substances out of food will prevent all hyperactive symptoms. Many other influences are at work but this additive at least is one we can avoid.

So if there are particular types of food that affect your child’s behavior, you can try eliminate that food, than see if there is difference for a period. We may think about limiting food with additives and sodium benzoate. After all, your child need healthy and balanced diet. Too restraining diet is not good, however. For the best result, consult with doctor before trying drastic diet.

One thing to note: diet and nutritional changes is one of several options to incorporate into an ADHD treatment strategy. There are other way: medication, coaching, exercises or aerobic, are options that are popular methods prescribed by ADHD therapists. These are the most frequently dispensed remedies, and you can always do things you find best.